My Warblers of Spring, 2017

July 19, 2017  •  4 Comments

I hope you have enjoyed the recent short blog posts highlighting some of the rare or seldom seem warblers in the western Pennsylvania region.  It was a great, but tiring, spring season.  Juggling work and home life, I managed to get out to photograph warblers on weekend mornings and evenings and a few vacation days here and there during the month of May.

I realize many readers have never seen some of these birds and that is a benefit of what I do.  If you are able, I hope these photos encourage you to get out in nature and enjoy yourself.  There is no happier moment than when you are out in nature, worries and concerns set aside, watching these little beauties decorate your world from the ground to the tree tops.

Sadly, many of these birds you are about to see are falling victim to human "progress".  Urban development, among other things, are causing habitat loss in their breeding grounds.  Breeding habitat is very specific for our songbirds.  They can't simply go to the next standing tree or shrub!  Steps of conservation are being taken but will it be enough?  We, as shepherds of this land, need to be more concerned with the results of our actions in regards to wildlife.

I hope you enjoy the photos of the 28 species of warbler I photographed this spring.  I thought I had 29 species until I found out about the reclassification of the Yellow-breasted Chat.  I included him in the end of this blog for ol times sake.

Maybe these photos will encourage you to make plans to learn more about these little beauties and become more active in their future.

American Redstart  
American RedstartAmerican RedstartMale American RedstartAmerican RedstartMale


Black-and-white Warbler

Black-and-white WarblerBlack-and-white WarblerMale Black-and-white WarblerBlack-and-white Warbler


Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue WarblerBlack-throated Blue WarblerMale


Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green WarblerBlack-throated Green WarblerMale Black-throated Green WarblerBlack-throated Green WarblerMale


Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian WarblerBlackburnian WarblerMale Blackburnian WarblerBlackburnian WarblerMale


Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged WarblerBlue-winged WarblerMale Blue-winged WarblerBlue-winged WarblerMale


Canada Warbler

Canada WarblerCanada WarblerMale Canada WarblerCanada WarblerMale


Cape May Warbler

Cape May WarblerCape May WarblerMale


Cerulean Warbler

Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided WarblerChestnut-sided WarblerMale Chestnut-sided WarblerChestnut-sided WarblerMale


Common Yellowthroat

Common YellowthroatCommon YellowthroatMale Common YellowthroatCommon Yellowthroat


Golden-winged Warbler

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Hooded Warbler

Hooded WarblerHooded Warbler Hooded WarblerHooded Warbler


Kentucky Warbler

Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerMale


Louisiana Waterthrush

Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush


Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale


Mourning Warbler

Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale


Nashville Warbler

Nashville WarblerNashville Warbler


Northern Parula

Northern ParulaNorthern Parula Northern ParulaNorthern Parula



OvenbirdOvenbird OvenbirdOvenbird


Palm Warbler

Palm WarblerPalm Warbler  


Pine Warbler

Pine WarblerPine WarblerMale Pine WarblerPine WarblerMale


Prairie Warbler

Prairie WarblerPrairie WarblerMale Prairie WarblerPrairie WarblerMale


Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary WarblerMale Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


Worm-eating Warbler

Worm-eating WarblerWorm-eating Warbler Worm-eating WarblerWorm-eating Warbler


Yellow Warbler

Yellow WarblerYellow WarblerMale Yellow WarblerYellow WarblerFemale


Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped WarblerYellow-rumped WarblerMale Yellow-rumped WarblerYellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-throated  Warbler

Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler


Yellow-breasted Chat

Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores) Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores)


Thanks for looking,



Great collection of photos! Thanks for sharing them.
Coy Hill(non-registered)
Frankly I don't see how you can capture a collection like this. I spend quite a bit of time outdoors each day and am fairly observant but I haven't even seen many of these species let along capture beautiful photographs! Awesome work my friend!
Donna Mohney(non-registered)
Great series of photos, Dan! You are so right about the loss of habitat- we all need to do what little we can to help protect what we have left!
Your picture are so beautifil. I dream to see many warbler here in Québec, Canada. Congratulations for your nice work.
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