Spring Wildlife of Pennsylvania

May 09, 2017  •  2 Comments

Each year during April and May I don't get enough sleep, I don't do as much around the yard, and I do a lot of traveling.  Why? It's because spring is here and wildlife photo opportunities are abundant. 

Most of my blogs have a theme or a story to tell but occasionally I just want to share some photos that shouldn't be missed.  I want to use this blog entry to share a variety of April and May wildlife photos.

This Eastern Gray Squirrel was peering at me from the safety of a tall walnut tree.

Eastern Gray SquirrelEastern Gray Squirrel


This was the first Eastern Towhee I saw this spring.  He was singing a lot.

Eastern TowheeEastern TowheeMale


We do have Common Loon in our surrounding lakes during the spring migration.

Common LoonCommon Loon


Common Loon are difficult to photograph without a blind.  If you get too close they dive underwater.  With the ability to stay under water over a minute in normal conditions, who knows how far away it will be when it surfaces. Common LoonCommon Loon


The Red-winged Blackbird is the harbinger of spring in western Pennsylvania.  Sounding off while displaying their "coat of arms" is a common springtime occurrence.

Red-winged BlackbirdRed-winged Blackbird


The Tree Swallow is commonly seen flying swiftly a couple feet above the water's surface searching for insects.  It's nice when they can be found sitting on a nice perch.

Tree SwallowTree Swallow


I love the colors of a Blue-winged Teal in flight.

Blue-winged TealBlue-winged TealDrake


I had several male Blue-winged Teal swimming around me on this day.

Blue-winged TealBlue-winged TealDrake


I had fun trying to capture them in flight.

Blue-winged TealBlue-winged TealDrake


The Northern Shoveler has a long, spoon-shaped bill which has comblike projections along its edges to filter out food from the water.

Northern ShovelerNorthern Shoveler


I have to admit that identifying sandpipers and sparrows is not my best skill.  This next photo is of a Pectoral Sandpiper.  It was the first time I ever photographed one so, in birder's terms, I got another "lifer".

Pectoral SandpiperPectoral Sandpiper


One identification mark of the Greater Yellowlegs is its long, upturned bill.

Greater YellowlegsGreater Yellowlegs


It hasn't been long since this guy dropped his antlers.  Before long, they will begin to grow again.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerYoung Buck


I photographed this female House Sparrow in my backyard Redbud tree.  It adopted one of my bluebird nesting boxes.

House SparrowHouse SparrowFemale


Blue Jay in a Redbud tree.  I love the contrast of colors. Blue JayBlue Jay


I know of a Red Fox den but during the infrequent times I could get there, I was only treated with a visit by the vixen.

Red FoxRed FoxVixen


She laid in her spot for about 20 minutes before getting up and probably wondering why I'm still here.

Red FoxRed FoxVixen


After moving further back into the dense brush, she sat, gazing into the distance.

Red FoxRed FoxVixen


The Blue-gray Gnatcatcher is a beautiful springtime songbird returning to nest in Pennsylvania.

Blue-gray GnatcatcherBlue-gray Gnatcatcher


Carolina Wren, one of the first birds I hear chirping before the sun comes up.

Carolina WrenCarolina Wren


I love the sweet song of an Eastern Meadowlark.  This was a special treat finding several in a field of Dandelion.

Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark


Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark


They are tough to capture in flight.

Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark


The Northern Mockingbird is one of the best mimics in Pennsylvania.

Northern MockingbirdNorthern Mockingbird


This female Northern Flicker came by for a visit.  A male looks similar but he has a black Mustache under the eyes.

Northern FlickerNorthern FlickerFemale


American Goldfinch takes a break to sing. American GoldfinchAmerican Goldfinch


The secretive Virginia Rail usually stays hidden in dense vegetation of freshwater marshes. Virginia RailVirginia Rail


In order to flee predators, the Virginia Rail can swim under water, propelling itself with its wings. Virginia RailVirginia Rail


Thanks for looking,



Don epstein(non-registered)
Nicely presented. Nice variety of familiar birds and animals. Got a lot of pleasure out of this and your previous blogs
Awesome photos, Dan
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