Pennsylvania Elk Rut Is Underway

September 15, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Late September and early October in Pennsylvania Elk country is viewed in many ways.  Thick fog blanketing the hills reducing visibility less than 50 yards.  Color creeping into the maple trees, Golden Rod blooming in the fields, and frost on the morning grass.  September 23rd is the first day of autumn and soon to come are the sights and sounds that are very familiar to everyone in the northeast.  Nothing imprints the mind, or in my case, the lens, as the rut of the elk.

If you've never heard the bugle of a bull during the rut, you are in for a chilling and thrilling experience.  It's like the snort of a hidden White-tailed Deer, the startling drumming of the Ruffed Grouse, or even the rattle of a nearby Rattlesnake, it's something you will never forget.

PA Elk (Sept 2014)PA Elk (Sept 2014)


The rut season lasts about a month; give or take a couple weeks.  During the summer, the bulls are together in bachelor groups.  However, during the rut they are no longer friends.  During this time, a large, mature bull will hold a haram of up to 30 elk cows.  Sometimes a young spike will be allowed in the group.  The bulls will be challenged from time to time and the biggest and baddest usually get to keep their harem.  The rut is a hard time for the bulls.  They are paying so much attention trying to keep their females together, they forget to eat.  They lose a lot of weight.

PA Elk (Sept 2014)PA Elk (Sept 2014)


For us, the elk bugle is a special sound during the rut.  Their bellies quiver as their call echoes through the hills, communicating their dominance.

PA Elk (Sept 2014)PA Elk (Sept 2014)


After the rut, the bulls, who spent the summer in bachelor groups, will group up again to refuel and prepare for the upcoming winter.

This week, I'll be in Elk country photographing these majestic animals in various settings seen during the rut.  Check back soon and often as I will be sharing my experiences through my photo blog.  I hope you enjoy.



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