Songbirds That Breed In Pennsylvania

June 05, 2014  •  2 Comments

This blog post, the last of three, are photos made this April and May of songbirds that are common breeders anywhere in Pennsylvania.   

The American Redstart breeds from southeastern Alaska east to central Manitoba, Quebec, and Newfoundland, and south to northern California, Colorado, Oklahoma, northern Louisiana, and South Carolina. Winters in California, Texas, and Florida, and in tropics.

American RedstartAmerican RedstartMale

American Redstart


The Common Yellowthroat breeds from Alaska, Ontario, and Newfoundland south throughout United States. Winters in southern states and in tropics.

Common YellowthroatCommon YellowthroatMale

Common Yellowthroat


The Indigo Bunting breeds from southeastern Saskatchewan east to New Brunswick, and south to central Arizona, central Texas, Gulf Coast, and northern Florida. Winters in southern Florida and in tropics.

Indigo BuntingIndigo BuntingMale

Indigo Bunting


The Red-eyed Vireo breeds from British Columbia, Ontario, and Gulf of Saint Lawrence south to Oregon, Colorado, Gulf Coast, and Florida. Winters in tropics.


Red-eyed VireoRed-eyed Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo


The Scarlet Tanager breeds from extreme southeastern Canada to east-central United States. Winters in tropics.

Scarlet TanagerScarlet TanagerMale

Scarlet Tanager


The Yellow Warbler breeds from Alaska east across Canada to Newfoundland and south to southern California, northern Oklahoma, and northern Georgia; local in southern Florida. Winters in tropics.

Yellow WarblerYellow WarblerMale

Yellow Warbler


The Baltimore Oriole breeds from Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia south through Dakotas south to eastern Texas, Louisiana, and Virginia. Winters in Florida and southern Atlantic coast.

Baltimore OrioleBaltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole


This won't be the last songbird images I post this year but this wraps up the songbird images made during the 2014 April/May migration.

Thanks for looking,


Julie G(non-registered)
Dan, you certainly have some gorgeous songbirds breeding in Pennsylvania! Each photograph more beautiful than the last. We have similar birds in our area. Resplendent images!
Willard Hill(non-registered)
Beautiful photos as always, Dan.
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