Arctic Wanderers And More

February 02, 2014  •  1 Comment

You have probably heard about the Snowy Owl irruption in the eastern US this winter.  There have been sightings of these snowy white birds in Presque Isle State Park in Erie, PA which isn't really unusual in winter.  More sightings occurred in areas just one hour north of me.  Recently, there was a sighting about five miles from my home.  I haven't been able to find one yet.  I guess I still have some time before they begin heading north, so I'll keep looking.

Another bird of the high Arctic is the Snow Bunting.  In my quest of the Snowy Owl I did find a small flock of Snow Buntings.  The one in the photo below posed nicely on the rocks lining the frozen shore of Pymatuning lake.

Snow BuntingSnow Bunting

Snow Bunting


Snow Bunting at home in its snowy environment.

Snow BuntingSnow Bunting

Snow Bunting


This Black-capped Chickadee, and several more, spent a lot of time picking seed from the cones of this Eastern Hemlock, Pennsylvania's state tree.

Black-capped ChickadeeBlack-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee


They hang upside down to pull the seeds out.

Black-capped ChickadeeBlack-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee


This was one of two deer that exited the dense woods.  Six more stayed well hidden.  As we enter into the middle of winter, food is becoming harder and harder to find.  This deer was digging in the snow under a crabapple tree. 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer


The Long-tailed Duck, formerly known as Oldsquaw, breeds in the Arctic and winters along both coasts of North America.  Generally, I will only find them in Pennsylvania during migration.  The Long-tailed Duck is one of the deepest diving ducks, and can dive as deep as 200 feet in search of food.  This is my first photograph of this species of duck found in one of the few unfrozen areas of the lake at Pymatuning State Park.

Long-tailed DuckLong-tailed Duck

Long-tailed Duck


I found Canada Geese, numbering in the hundreds, resting in the fields...  

Canada GeeseCanada Geese

 Canada Geese

and in shallow water on top of the frozen lake.

Canada GeeseCanada Geese

Canada Geese


The Snow Buntings spent a lot of time picking seeds off the dried grasses just off the lake shore. 

Snow BuntingSnow Bunting

Snow Bunting


It's funny how some animals like this frigid, snowy, winter weather.  It's February 2nd, Punxsutawney Phil predicted another six weeks of winter, and I am ready for spring.

Thanks for looking and come back soon,



Willard C. Hill(non-registered)
Excellent images, Dan. I am impressed with the variety of species you captured and the quality of the images.
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