Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography: Blog https://www.dangomola.com/blog en-us (C)Dan Gomola [email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Wed, 05 Feb 2025 07:06:00 GMT Wed, 05 Feb 2025 07:06:00 GMT https://www.dangomola.com/img/s/v-12/u261418170-o942152798-50.jpg Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography: Blog https://www.dangomola.com/blog 120 86 McConnells Mill Heritage Festival PA Magazine Article https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/11/mcconnells-mill-heritage-festival-pa-magazine-article HDRHDR


Hello again.  I have one more article I'd like to share with you. 

I had an article published in the September/October 2022 issue of Pennsylvania Magazine.  In the article, I wanted to share with readers the amazing story of the creation of Slippery Rock Gorge and McConnells Mill in Lawrence County, PA.  Along with the history of the gorge, I included a mention of one of the BEST country festivals, with a Hallmark Movie feel, in Western Pennsylvania.

Occasionally, I get the cover of the magazine and that is what happened on the September/October 2022 magazine.  The cover is the first picture displayed once you click the link below.

McConnells Mill Heritage Festival


If you're not a subscriber of Pennsylvania Magazine, you should check it out sometime.  The following is taken from their website.

Pennsylvania Magazine Website

Welcome to the website of an old-fashioned print publication.

We started publishing this magazine way back in 1981, and we continue to find topics of interest to our readers, including history, people, places and events that make living here such a wonderful experience.

We also have photo contests, an annual scavenger hunt, location contest in each issue, a calendar of events, and spectacular photography.

We come out with a new edition every two months and mail them to our subscribers and place them at newsstands throughout the state. When you subscribe, you ensure that you’ll receive a copy of each edition.

There’s so much to see and do and know about our Keystone State. We thank those who have already joined us in our endeavor and invite those who haven’t yet to come along for the ride.

It’s always a Beautiful Day in PA!

Get a free sample at get your free sample 


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Abraham Lincoln Civil War Covered Bridge Grist Mill Heritage Days Festival Heritage Festival Lawrence County McConnells Mill Slippery Rock Gorge https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/11/mcconnells-mill-heritage-festival-pa-magazine-article Thu, 21 Nov 2024 04:57:25 GMT
Prothonotary Warbler - Striking Gold - Pennsylvania Magazine Article https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/11/prothonotary-warbler---striking-gold---pennsylvania-magazine-article Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler



Hello everyone.  In May 2024, I had another article published in "Pennsylvania Magazine".  This one was about the Prothonotary Warbler and conservation efforts in Pennsylvania's wetlands.  It includes interesting interviews with people involved in making sure this precious little bird thrives in Pennsylvania. 

Check it out and let me know what you think.  Click on the link below.

Striking Gold


If you're not a subscriber of Pennsylvania Magazine, you should check it out sometime.  The following is taken from their website.

Pennsylvania Magazine Website

Welcome to the website of an old-fashioned print publication.

We started publishing this magazine way back in 1981, and we continue to find topics of interest to our readers, including history, people, places and events that make living here such a wonderful experience.

We also have photo contests, an annual scavenger hunt, location contest in each issue, a calendar of events, and spectacular photography.

We come out with a new edition every two months and mail them to our subscribers and place them at newsstands throughout the state. When you subscribe, you ensure that you’ll receive a copy of each edition.

There’s so much to see and do and know about our Keystone State. We thank those who have already joined us in our endeavor and invite those who haven’t yet to come along for the ride.

It’s always a Beautiful Day in PA!

Get a free sample at get your free sample 


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Conneaut Marsh Crawford County Jamie Hill Pennsylvania Game Commission Pennsylvania Magazine PGC Prothonotary Warbler Purple Martin Conservation Association Troyer's Birds' Paradise https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/11/prothonotary-warbler---striking-gold---pennsylvania-magazine-article Sun, 10 Nov 2024 04:41:40 GMT
Living With Nature and Wildlife Brings Peace and Tranquility https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/10/living-with-nature-and-wildlife-brings-peace-and-tranquility Fill 2025 with peace and tranquility with a Wildlife and Nature themed calendar.

My 2025 Wildlife and Nature Calendar is assembled and ready to be printed. Now I just need to know how many to print.

This calendar is the best yet.

** I upgraded from 110 pound Matte paper to 120 pound Glossy paper to make the photos POP!

** I designed my own grid again to include a second photo related to the primary photo.

** Once again, I added fun facts about the subjects.

The best thing is I'm keeping the price at $18. That's the same as last year. Postage remains an issue but I'm willing to meet at a mutually convenient location or have a meetup if I get a few orders from the same area. See the calendar and information on how to order in the photo.

These will make great gifts. If you want to order, text or call me @ 724-355-8901 or email [email protected].


Fill free to share this post to all of your nature loving friends.


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) 2025 Calendar landscape photography Wildlife https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/10/living-with-nature-and-wildlife-brings-peace-and-tranquility Tue, 01 Oct 2024 22:56:09 GMT
White-tailed Deer: Spring thru Fall 2023 https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/1/white-tailed-deer-spring-thru-fall-2023 I have grown quite fond of photographing our larger mammals like Elk, Black Bear, and White-tailed Deer. They all present a different challenge but catching behavioral photos and video of White-tailed Deer is rewarding simply because of their skittish nature. Here is a 7 minute video of some White-tailed Deer encounters I had in 2023.

The video could have been a lot longer but I didn't include everything in order to keep it short.

White-tailed Deer 2023


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) White-tailed Deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2024/1/white-tailed-deer-spring-thru-fall-2023 Sun, 28 Jan 2024 21:44:59 GMT
2023 Pennsylvania Elk Journey to the Rut https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/10/2023-pennsylvania-elk-journey-to-the-rut Throughout the year, I try to spend time observing our Pennsylvania Elk herd.  This year, I was able to document bull elk during several phases of antler growth right up to using them as weapons during the rut.  I put it all together in a video presentation called "Pennsylvania Elk, A Photographic and Cinematic Journey to the Rut".

It is 17 minutes long so grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and get a glimpse into the life of a bull elk.

Thank you for watching.

Pennsylvania Elk, A Photographic and Cinematic Journey to the Rut

[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Elk Benezette Elk Rut https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/10/2023-pennsylvania-elk-journey-to-the-rut Mon, 23 Oct 2023 20:48:59 GMT
Cades Cove 2023, Black Bear https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/7/cades-cove-2023-black-bear When I go to Cades Cove, Black Bear are my favorite subject to photograph.  Pennsylvania Black Bear are quite a bit more afraid of people and the Cades Cove Black Bear are more acclimated to people.  The result is bears who aren't afraid of me!  They are still quite wild but at least they aren't ducking into the thick woods when seen.

That's what this photo essay is about.  Black Bears I encountered during a late April 2023 visit.  I hope you enjoy the photos, videos, and the stories behind them all.

You can't see it in this photo but this 2-3 year old was chewing on a section of leg bone that looked like it could have come from a deer.  When he looked up, I grabbed a few photos.

Black BearBlack Bear


This is the same bear after he stood up, turned around, and laid back down.

Black BearBlack Bear


During most of my hikes through the woods, I was accompanied by my travel partner Jake Dingel.  Many times we split up and met at a predefined rendezvous point.  Shortly after meeting at one of our locations, we spotted this bear walking down the hillside towards us.  He stopped to eat along the way. 

Black BearBlack Bear


There is quite a story behind this sow.  She and her three cubs hung out in the vicinity of the southern side of Sparks Lane and the Cades Cove Loop Road.  We happened to be driving when a Park Ranger stepped out in front of us and stopped traffic.  They closed Sparks Lane and any forward access to the loop road until she and her cubs crossed.  Since we were first in line, we pulled over and grabbed our gear.

Black BearBlack Bear


After a few minutes she allowed her cubs to follow.

Black BearBlack Bear


The family crisscrossed the road a couple times.  The Mom spent time eating the vegetation growing along the road while the cubs chased each other and climbed trees, putting on a nice show.

Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear

Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


We were told by the Park Ranger that people have been harassing this bear family by not leaving them alone.  It was getting to the point they were going to begin handing out fines.  The fines can be in the thousands of dollars.  Jake and I decided not to be a part of the problem and did not seek to photograph this family in the following days.  By the end of the week, a local bear expert told us there were a couple people placed in handcuffs and charged with harassment.

Even though some people during the week got lucky and saw this family feeding in the fields, this was the last photo I made during my one-time encounter.

Black BearBlack Bear


There is an alternative route out of Cades Cove if you want to take a break from the traffic. Rich Mountain Road is a one-way, 7-mile journey on a twisting gravel road that leads north out of Cades Cove and ends in the town of Townsend. The road winds through quiet forest with steep slopes on both sides.  We only saw one bear on this 7-mile road.  It was sitting on the low side of the road so we stopped and watched from a distance for a while.

Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


When we leave the road and hike the woods, streams, or meadow edges, we are watching for bear sign.  Usually we find bear droppings but this was a good sign bear were near.

Black BearBlack Bear


I think this is the same bear that was chewing on the bone the day before.  Today, eating grass was on his mind.

Black BearBlack Bear


We came across this sow and her three cubs in a dense section of the woods.  It was difficult to get a clean shot.  This is the sow standing up to eat leaves.

Black BearBlack Bear


She sat next to a tree and one of her cubs came running over.  I was hoping she would nurse them because she happened to sit in the only spot that I had a fairly clear view.  She didn't feed her cubs at this time.

Black BearBlack Bear


This two year old was seen a few days in a row in places within 100 yards of each other.  It must like that territory.

Black BearBlack Bear


This is a large male (boar) that we found far out in a field.  We took a few photos and moved on.

Black BearBlack Bear


Black Bears are omnivorous, meaning they will eat a variety of things, including both plants and meat. Their diet includes roots, berries, meat, fish, insects, larvae, grass, and other succulent plants.  This bear was high in a White Oak tree eating the spring flowers.  It's amazing how comfortable a Black Bear is high in trees.  Nothing bothers them even if the tree sways a lot.  Watch this short video to the end so you don't miss a little bear acrobatics.

Black Bear in White Oak


This image was made as the bear climbed the weak tree close to the end of the video.

Black BearBlack Bear


Once it climbed down at the end of the video, it continued to eat plants on the ground.

Black BearBlack Bear


There weren't as many sows with cubs in Cades Cove this year.  One of the reasons was the presence of at least two very large boars living in Cades Cove. 

Females give birth to cubs in January and the cubs stay with the mother for about 18 months.  She chases them off on their own just in time for mating season, which begins about June.  Unfortunately, females want to breed every two years but males want to breed every year.  Females won't mate if they have first year cubs.  So, male bears try to kill the cubs.  If they are successful, the female may mate.  No wonder male bears don't help raise cubs!

This is one of the large males I spoke about.  We found him grazing in a raspberry vine field.  Since it was April, the grass was still short and the vines haven't leafed out yet.  We wouldn't have this view two months later.

Black BearBlack Bear


He stopped eating grass long enough to look up at me.

Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


Other than the first couple days, the week was cloudy, cool, and wet.  It showered non-stop one day towards the end of our week.  It was nice because fewer people came into the park allowing us to drive around a little without getting stuck in "bear jams".  We found this bear laying on a thick branch about 30-40 feet off the ground.  I made several photos and video of this bear.  You will see more of him in the next video.

Black BearBlack Bear


Black BearBlack Bear


This bear was difficult to spot at first.  It was in a thick part of the forest and it decided to sleep on a log.  Luck was on our side because it chose the only open area to lay down.

Black BearBlack Bear


It did wake up and look around a few times but laid its head back down.  After about 30 minutes, it woke up and walked away.

Black BearBlack Bear


We found this bear high in a White Oak tree on a rainy day.  It slept a lot and when awake, it was very active grooming itself.  We hoped we would get good photos and video when it finally came down so we waited in the rain about five hours.  It eventually came down and disappeared into the forest.  It was still a great way to spend five hours.

Black BearBlack Bear


This video contains clips of the three previous Black Bears you viewed.

Black Bears in Trees


This is an example of a sow with yearlings.  They are nearing 16 months old and, at that time, were about two months away from being set free on their own.  This sow had three yearlings with her and they had a lot of cinnamon color in their coat.  They didn't give great photo opportunities but I got a couple shots.

This is one of the yearlings.

Black BearBlack Bear


This is another of that yearling.

Black BearBlack Bear


This is the sow with her three yearlings in front of her.  How awesome would it have been if they all looked at me at the same time?  That is why we keep going back. Maybe next time I come across a sow with cubs or yearlings, they will give me a nice pose.

Black BearBlack Bear


Our last day in the Smokies brought us some sun, clouds, rain, and a rare event that I will never forget.  A large male Black Bear found a dead Wild Hog that was nearly as large as he was. He sat with the hog all day. Wild Hogs are a nuisance in the Smoky Mountains so they are culled by the Park Service or whomever they hire. I don't know the full story.

Anyway, I thought this would be a great opportunity to see some confrontations as other bear or Coyote try to steal a nibble.  I sat on a hillside for nearly nine hours hoping to catch a once in a lifetime confrontation.  It didn't really happen the way I would have scripted it but when was the last time wildlife ever followed a script.  

I put this 5 minute video together showing the events of the day.

Black Bear with Wild Hog


That wraps up this photo essay on the Black Bears I found this year in the Great Smoky Mountains.  I hope you enjoyed it.  It's the next best thing to being there.

Until next time,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Black Bear Black Bear Photography Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains Great Smoky Mountains National Park Tennessee https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/7/cades-cove-2023-black-bear Mon, 10 Jul 2023 00:55:22 GMT
Cades Cove 2023, Nature and Wildlife https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/7/cades-cove-2023-nature-and-wildlife In April 2023, I spent a week in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee on a photography trip with friends.  What a pleasure it is it wake up at 5AM and head to Cades Cove and not returning to the cabin until after the sun sets in the evening.  Sure beats work!!!  During these kind of trips, I enjoy landscape photography along with wildlife photography.  This photo essay focuses on some of the scenic landscape of Cades Cove, some Black Bear, and mostly all other wildlife we encountered during the day.  Of course, Black Bear is my favorite subject so I'm saving those stories, photos, and video for a separate essay.

The Carolina Wren is not an unfamiliar bird to me.  We have them in Pennsylvania too.  I was standing along a small creek next to a field when I saw these two and more flitting around anywhere from the ground to the treetops.    They kept coming down to a specific log sticking up from the tall grass so I set my tripod at a low angle and waited.  Eventually, my patience paid off.

Carolina WrenCarolina Wren


I like to spend a lot of time off the roads in Cades Cove.  Anyone who has been there know the people on the loop road can test your patience so I prefer to park, grab my backpack and gear, and head into the woods.  Doing so allows me to find my subjects and photograph them away from all the hustle and bustle.  One of the critters I found was this Eastern Gray Squirrel chomping on a nut.

Eastern Gray SquirrelEastern Gray Squirrel


The grasslands along Hyatt Lane wake up every spring with singing grassland birds.  One of the most recognizable songs comes from the Eastern Meadowlark.

Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark

Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark


Who doesn't love our largest woodpecker, the Pileated Woodpecker.  You probably know them best by their drumming that echoes through our forests but most of the time you'll find them on the ground or tearing apart a rotting stump. 

Pileated WoodpeckerPileated Woodpeckerfemale


We saw this female in the same spot a couple days in a row.

Pileated WoodpeckerPileated Woodpeckerfemale


Pileated WoodpeckerPileated Woodpeckerfemale


After photographing a Wild Turkey gobbler in this area, this doe and I crossed paths. 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


There are a lot of Wild Turkey in Cades Cove.  It's a lot of fun once you find a strutting gobbler.  This image was made on an extremely foggy morning.  Can you see a part of the mountains in the background?

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


Finding them in the fields is nice but I especially like the woodland photos.

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


When you see them in the sunlight, you notice their Coat of Many Colors.  Yes, that was a Dolly Parton reference.  Hey, it was in the smokies!

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


There are white domestic turkeys but the naturally occurring white turkeys are commonly called smoke-phase birds.

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


The gobbler up front is staying close to the lone hen in the back.

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


We're going to end this photo essay with a 10 minute video containing clips of landscape and wildlife (including some Black Bear) from Cades Cove. 


Thanks for viewing and I hope you enjoyed this photo essay.  If you would like more from this visit, please check out my other essay displaying the landscape of Cades Cove.  Click the link to view "Cades Cove 2023, Scenic Splendor".

Coming soon: Cades Cove 2023: Black Bear

[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Black Bear Cades Cove Carolina Wren Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Meadowlark Great Smoky Mountains Great Smoky Mountains National Park Pileated Woodpecker Tennessee White-tailed Deer Wild Turkey Wildlife Photography https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/7/cades-cove-2023-nature-and-wildlife Fri, 07 Jul 2023 00:32:19 GMT
Cades Cove 2023, Scenic Splendor https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/7/cades-cove-2023-scenic-splendor Visiting the Great Smoky Mountains in late April is a welcome jump into Spring for this Pennsylvanian.  The leaves are 3-4 weeks ahead of us and usually the temperatures are 20 degrees higher.  On this April 2023 trip, we were given cooler temperatures, cloudy skies, and many periods of rain.  No worries though, we made the best of it.

From Cades Cove, there is a road called Rich Mountain Road that leads into Townsend.  It is a one-way dirt road that winds up and down surrounding mountains with several switchbacks.  This is one of the views down into Cades Cove.  The church you can see in the photo is the Missionary Baptist Church which sits along the Cades Cove Loop Road across from the Rich Mountain Road entrance.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNPView from Rich Mountain road


Morning sunrises in Cades Cove are especially beautiful after a night of dampness when the fog settles in the valleys.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Soon, the sun will burn off the fog and clear the view.  But hopefully not too fast!

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Of all the time I've spent in Cades Cove over the last six years, I finally stopped for a photo of the Carter Shields cabin. There are always people streaming in and out but not on this dark morning.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNPCarter Shields cabin


This home was built in 1879 by Leason Gregg, the Gregg-Cable House was the first frame built house in Cades Cove. This, however, is not it's original location. It was originally located on Forge Creek Road, and Gregg operated a general store on the first floor. Becky Cable would later use the home as a boarding house. Following her death in 1940 at the age of 94, the house was moved to the Cable Mill area, where you can see it today next to the visitors center in Cades Cove.

So, it's not a rustic log cabin or anything really very interesting to look at. I'm telling you about it because it (at least the exterior) was used in the 1970 movie "A Walk In The Spring Rain" staring Ingrid Bergman, Anthony Quinn, and Fritz Weaver. It is a love story about a couple, the Merediths, who move to an isolated farm. Mrs. Meredith and their neighbor, Will Cade, become friends and anticipate becoming lovers. There are a lot of scenes shot in Cades Cove at locations which are still recognizable 53 years later.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNPGregg-Cable House


The Cable Grist Mill mill flume is located next to the Gregg-Cable House at the Cable Mill Complex.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


The Smoky Mountains are one of the largest rainforests in the world. On early mornings or rainy days, the millions of native plants and trees give off vapors causing the "smoky" appearance.

So, when in the Smokies... you need to photograph the "smoke"! Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


The mountains are shaping the clouds because they force the air to move over or around them.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Many people would be sad if they went on vacation and were gifted clouds and rain.  Not me!

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Another view from along the Cades Cove Loop Road.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Over 1,500 Black Bear call the Smoky Mountains home and several can be found in Cades Cove.  In fact, that is why many people go to Cades Cove.  It's funny to me to see people photographing a Black Bear, 300 yards away, in a field with their cell phones and the bear turns out to be a small speck in the photo.  They share it on social media claiming "I saw a Black Bear in Cades Cove".

This photo is the opposite.  It is not a photo of a bear in the Smokies, it is a photo of the Smokies with a bear in it.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


The next six photos were made on a rainy morning while walking along Hyatt Lane in Cades Cove.  Again, I couldn't resist the "smoke".

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


After a day of off and on rain, the thick, dark clouds began to move away allowing the setting sun to shine down.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


That's a wrap on this photographic trip into the Cades Cove landscape.  Look for my other two blogs created from photos, videos, and stories from this April trip to the Smokies.  You'll get to see one solely on my Black Bear encounters including some once-in-a-lifetime video and the other is about other wildlife encounters and a wrap-up video you don't want to miss.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) cades cove great smoky mountains great smoky mountains national park tennessee https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/7/cades-cove-2023-scenic-splendor Tue, 04 Jul 2023 14:55:11 GMT
Woody Woodpecker Starts A Family https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/6/woody-woodpecker-starts-a-family Cartoonist Walter Lantz used our largest woodpecker, the Pileated Woodpecker, as a model for his most famous creation, Woody Woodpecker.  In real life, the Pileated Woodpecker can be seen and heard throughout our Pennsylvania forests.

I've photographed Pileated Woodpeckers several times over the years but I never found a nest cavity to photograph.  I didn't really find this one either but I did visit it twice in May and captured video of the adults feeding the chicks.  I put some of my clips together to share with you.  I hope you enjoy!

Pileated Woodpecker Nest


Thank you for viewing,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Pileated Woodpecker https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/6/woody-woodpecker-starts-a-family Sat, 03 Jun 2023 01:59:03 GMT
An Early Evening Encounter With Short-eared Owls https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/3/an-early-evening-encounter-with-short-eared-owls On February 25, Elena and I spent a great day at MK Goddard and Pymatuning State Parks.  On our way home we passed through an area that, up until two years ago, was a great place to photograph Short-eared Owls.

Short-eared Owls are merely visitors during our Western Pennsylvania winter months.  If you search my blogs for "Short-eared Owl", you will find a couple blogs I wrote about them.  I even had an article published in Pennsylvania Magazine a few years ago.

We arrived at 5:05 PM and was surprised to find two "shorties" already flying around.  Why were we surprised?  Normally, they don't hit the fields to hunt until right before dusk.  On this day, we had them for almost an hour before sunset.

That's enough from me... I'll let this 6 minute video tell the story!

Short-eared Owl


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Owl Short-eared https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/3/an-early-evening-encounter-with-short-eared-owls Wed, 08 Mar 2023 00:20:36 GMT
My Experiences During The White-tailed Deer Rut 2022 https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/1/my-experiences-during-the-white-tailed-deer-rut-2022 Deer are part of the family Cervidae.  The two main groups of deer are the Cervinae and Capreolinae.  In Pennsylvania, we have representatives in both groups.  Cervinae includes Elk and the Capreolinae, includes the White-tailed Deer.  Capreolinae includes the moose and while we don't have moose in Pennsylvania, it isn't a very far drive north to find one.  What's my point of telling you all of that?  If you follow the Cervidae family of mammals, you will see this head position a lot.  Typically, they are sniffing or tasting the air to detect something.  In this case, he was curious about me.  Was I friend or foe! 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This photo was shot from the cover of my SUV.  I was driving home from Venango County after an unsuccessful Bobcat hunt and I saw two bucks grazing in a field.  I quickly pulled over and even though it was almost too dark to make a photo, I did it anyway.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This is the second buck of the two mentioned above.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


It was September 3rd when I saw my first velvet-free buck of the season.  He was backlit by the setting sun in a field of Goldenrod presenting a difficult exposure but I managed to bring out the details while preventing a silhouette.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


After I finish photographing the Elk rut I focus my attention to White-tailed Deer.  I usually begin to see activity in late October.  These two young bucks weren't pushing very hard.  It was just a little sparring to kick off the rutting season.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


It's a good thing the grasses aren't too thick.  

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer

I saw this doe while driving in one of my favorite spots.  I stopped the vehicle to watch her for awhile.  When I find a lone doe during the rut, it's likely a buck is hidden somewhere nearby.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer

I only waited a few minutes before I saw movement on a downslope of a bank.  I saw it was a nice buck but the woods was very thick and I had to wait until he presented himself.  This view was brief.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Bucks lick branches to deposit their scent to let other bucks, and doe, aware of their presence.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here we go again!  The head position I mentioned at the beginning of this blog.  This is known to most people as a "Lip Curl".  The real name is "Flehman Response".  I've talked about this in previous blog posts so I'm going to be brief here.  Here is a concise description I found on the internet.  "What is happening is the deer is transferring air containing pheromones and other scents to the vomeronasal organ (VNO), an olfactory-chemosensory organ located between the roof of the mouth and the palate, animals can gather chemical "messages"."

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


From a distance, sometimes a buck's rack doesn't look as big as it really is but then I see them up close through my camera lens.  Then I'm pretty happy to see this.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I found this smaller, 8-point buck prancing through the woods.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I mentioned earlier that if I see a lone doe, I'll stop to watch her because a buck might be nearby.  A total of five doe entered a field I was set up in and they were wandering through grazing on vegetation.  They were grazing from one end of the field to the other when...

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer

this guy came out of the woods.  This is another rutting behavior known to many as "bird dogging".  The buck will be running with its nose straight to the ground following a doe.  Notice his tongue?  He is licking his nose to help gather scents over his oflactory sensors. 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Sometimes I'm set up to watch open areas but the deer go where they want.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This was one of the best days I had during the 2022 rut.  It was a cold morning, deep into the rut, when I came upon two nice bucks (8-point and 10-point) trailing a couple doe.  None of them were moving much.  The does fed on leaves and ground vegetation while the bucks stood like statues guarding their potential mate.

The deer and I were located on the shady side of a large hill when the 10-point stepped into the early morning sun wrapping around the hillside.  The vapors created by his heavy breathing shot out of his nostrils with each breath.  The low, morning sunshine lit it up allowing me to create this amazing image.  I also shot video that you will be able to watch later in the blog.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is another view of the previous buck while he stood in the shadow of the hillside.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Although not as dramatic, you can see the vapors in this image as well.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Eventually, the two bucks paths converged in the pines.  I was waiting, actually hoping, for a dominance fight.  Instead, the 8-point began biting at the neck of the 10-point.  The larger of the two seemed annoyed. 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I did not know what was going to happen and since fight photos seldom show the strength of the animals, I decided to switch to video.  This video contains the vapors and the bucks in the pines encounter.

White-tailed Deer


These two images were made from frames in the video.  Although they weren't pushing hard, you can see how dangerous the antlers are.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer

After the heated exchange, the two bucks split up and focused on the doe again.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


He's munching on some of the last green vegetation on the forest floor.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is one last photo before all the deer walked up the hill and out of sight.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Within a week of the last series of photos we had a day of snow squalls.  After seeing a couple inches accumulate I decided to head out after work.  Because I didn't have a lot of time before darkness fell, Elena and I stayed fairly local and "hunted" from the vehicle.  I happened to see two doe laying down during a snow squall.  This one was the easiest to see.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


It's been a few years since I found a buck this wide.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Of course, I probably wouldn't have these photos of him if he weren't on the scent of a doe.  While walking one way...

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


he suddenly stopped and shifted his attention in the other direction.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is a closeup of another buck with snow accumulating on his body and antlers.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is a video I put together of the "snow day" deer.

White-tailed Deer


Another White-tailed Deer rut season is in the books.  I hope you enjoyed the photos, videos, and my commentary about each photo.  

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Rut White-tailed Deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2023/1/my-experiences-during-the-white-tailed-deer-rut-2022 Mon, 02 Jan 2023 22:51:44 GMT
My Experiences During The Pennsylvania Elk Rut 2022 https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2022/12/my-experiences-during-the-pennsylvania-elk-rut-2022 The elk mating season, known as "the rut", begins in September each year.  Normally, I make a few day trips and one or two overnight trips to Benezette to photograph the elk.  This year I didn't get up there as often as I would have liked.

Each year it is getting harder and harder to find elk in the same places we found them in previous years.  I do not have a real solid reason as to why.  A lot of speculation is in the air though.  One place that has been very reliable is the Elk Country Visitors Center so Elena and I did spend one evening there.

The elk are really spreading out.  I've seen photos of nice bulls and rut action in areas 45 minutes or more from Benezette. 

I was stubborn this year.  I stayed in the Benezette area hoping to have a breakthrough but that didn't really work out for me.  Next year, if signs indicate the elk are once again in those other places, I will be there also.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the images made this year in Benezette, PA. 

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


While I do try for images of the perfect pose in perfect light, I enjoy capturing photos and video of wildlife behavior too.  This is classic rut behavior of a bull elk flicking his tongue.  Many people I encounter in "busy" Benezette don't fully understand rut behavior.  I hear giggles when a bull follows a cow while flicking his tongue. Facebook posts of bull elk sticking their tongue out will always encourage comments like "He's sticking his tongue out at you". I'll tell you now that isn't the case. Tongue flicking is part of a bull elk's behavior during the rut as he tests a cow to see if she is ready to mate. If she's not ready, she'll lower her head and swing it side to side as she walks away. If she is ready... she just stands there and, well, you know! More giggles!

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


This photo shows the difference in size between a bull elk and a cow elk.  According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission's biologist Wildlife Notes, there is a huge size difference between males and females.  They say, "a mature male elk, called a bull, stands 50 to 60 inches at the shoulder and weighs 600 to 1,000 pounds. Females, or cows, weigh 500 to 600 pounds."

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't like photographing wildlife in bright sun.  When there is no other choice, I make the best of it.  This bull was displaying between two herds of cows providing a lot of opportunity for photos.  But oh that sun!

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


Sunset is a time when a clear sky creates dramatic lighting.  He was standing on a ridge watching over a small haram of cows.

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


On another evening in Benezette, Elena and I were watching a few bulls and some cows in a valley where the setting sun disappeared behind the surrounding mountains long before actual sunset. 

This bull is performing the flehman response while displaying a headpiece he gathered while performing another rut behavior.  Bulls scrap the ground with their feet, rake the ground with their antlers, urinate on themselves and the ground, then lie down and wallow in it.  All to attract females.  Sometimes raking the ground picks up vegetation which is also thought to be a way to assert their dominance to both males and females.

The flehman response is when an elk curls his upper lip to expose their vomeronasal organ (located in their palate) that is used to detect estrus in cow urine.  In turn, it lets the bulls know when it’s time to go courting.

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


Awesome Benezette bull standing in a field of fall wildflowers.

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


This bull is not in the middle of a bugle. Bulls tend to get exhausted during the rut and he's showing it with this big yawn. I think he made me yawn when I was watching him!
PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


Their winter coats are growing in and the calves lost their spots but that doesn't stop a mom from being a mom.

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)


Here's another photo of a cow and her calf.

PA Elk (Sep, 2022)PA Elk (Sep, 2022)

Here's a short video displaying some of the rut behavior I explained earlier.  You will also get to see mom caring for her calf as pictured above.

American Elk


That's all I have to share from the 2022 elk rut.  I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Elk Benezette Rut https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2022/12/my-experiences-during-the-pennsylvania-elk-rut-2022 Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:30:00 GMT
Great Smoky Mountains 2022 https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2022/7/great-smoky-mountains-2022 This past June Elena and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Elena wanted to take a trip somewhere so she made her list, checked it twice, and picked The Great Smoky Mountains. Of course, I wasn't going to disagree with that choice.

We rented a cabin in Townsend, TN and had a great 5 days in the mountains during the first week of May. I put together this video of video clips and most of my photos of the various wildlife and scenery we saw.

I hope you enjoy the sights and sounds.


Thanks for watching,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Black Bear Blue Grosbeak Cades Cove Eastern Meadowlark Great Smoky Mountains National Park Northern Parula Wild Turkey Yellow-breasted Chat https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2022/7/great-smoky-mountains-2022 Sat, 16 Jul 2022 03:43:00 GMT
Sometimes, I Like To Shoot Video https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2022/6/sometimes-i-like-to-shoot-video Here's something a little different for you.  Other than a short description, I decided to present a few of my early 2022 wildlife encounters with video.  I still make a lot of photos and although I'm not an expert videographer, I'm developing an interest in wildlife and nature video too.  It'll take you about 25 minutes to view this entire post so I hope you have time and enjoy. 

In early March, some holes began to open in the ice on Lake Wilhelm at MK Goddard State Park attracting gulls and eagles looking for fish (dead or alive).  It is one of the enjoyable activities to watch after a long winter.  The following video is a collection of clips made one evening in early March.

Bald Eagle


Also in March, Elena and I were driving down a dirt road along a creek one afternoon looking for Screech Owls, I saw something orange colored in a distant dead stump. I was hoping for a red morph Eastern Screech Owl. As we got closer, I realized it was a Red Squirrel chewing on a bone.

Red Squirrel


Great Blue Herons nest together in large colony's known as a rookery. I've written blogs about their nesting habits in past blogs so I'll skip the details here.  If you follow my blogs, you also know that Great Horned Owls are the first birds to nest in the new year in Pennsylvania.  The Great Horned Owl doesn't build it's own nest.  They uses cavities in trees or simply hijacks a nest built by another large bird such as hawks and even herons. 

This year, we had that happen in a local rookery.  Although the Great Horned Owl is a predator to the Great Blue Heron, they had to live together for about six weeks until the owlets were large enough to fledge.  I photographed this living arrangement in 2013 too, at this very same rookery.

Below is a video collection of events captured from March through May at this year's Great Blue Heron rookery.

Great Blue Heron


One of my favorite springtime activities is photographing the pups at a Red Fox den.  Red Fox dens can turn up just about anywhere so I rely on people who know me, to contact me if they see one.  I'll visit the dens and set up inside a photo blind while the fox kits are asleep in the den and wait for them to come out.

This April, with permission of landowners, I was lucky to be able to photograph and video two Red Fox dens.

One den was on a mound about 15 yards inside a woods line. I didn't witness a lot of playtime that Red Fox kits are known for because their favorite play area was on the opposite side of the mound. I did get some really nice photos and video from two evenings there.

I spent one evening at a second area that wasn't an actual den. The den was several yards away from large, round hay bales that attracted the kits.

This video is a collection of clips while I watched those dens. Enjoy!

Red Fox


I hope you enjoyed these videos.



[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Bald Eagle Great Blue Heron Great Horned Owl Red Fox Red Squirrel https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2022/6/sometimes-i-like-to-shoot-video Thu, 23 Jun 2022 01:35:47 GMT
For the Love of Whitetails https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/12/for-the-love-of-whitetails


We reached that time of the year again when I reflect back on many of my White-tailed Deer encounters from spring fawns to the fall mating season.  I hope you enjoy the photos.

This first photo is the only photo in this blog made outside of Pennsylvania.  I have several photos of doe but I really liked the background of this White-tailed Deer in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


A little different view of a couple fawns going in to nurse from their momma.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Mid-Summer evenings are a good time to check on the antler growth of this year's big bucks. 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed Deer fawns are at the top of my list of favorite wildlife babies.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This evening was the last time I ever saw this August buck.  I wish I could have photographed him after his antlers stopped growing and the velvet was shed.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The remaining photos were made during the rut.  I began actively photographing the rut in mid-October and stopped in late November.  I found this guy on my first day.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I may carry a Canon instead of a gun but to photograph the rut, sometimes I need to possess the same skills as a hunter.  I was actually hidden fairly well while watching a spike buck and a couple doe when out of nowhere this 10-point buck exploded onto the scene and chased one of the doe.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


It was near darkness when I saw this buck.  I was driving and happened to see him off the road about 50 yards.  He stood still for the longest time and kept staring into this thicket.  My guess is a doe was in there but she never showed herself in the 15 minutes that I watched.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This 10-point was standing on a ridge with an open field behind him so it was a perfect setting for a silhouette.  Normally, he would turn and run but lucky for me he was guarding a receptive doe in the valley below him.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This is the same buck as the last photo but from the other side.  He was still locked down on the doe feeding over the bank in front of him. White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This buck exited the woods and walked cautiously into a clearing.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Testosterone is like a shot of steroids for a buck whose neck can double in size well before the rut even begins.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This is the same buck as the last photo just after entering some thicker woods.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


A buck could stay tight to his receptive doe for 24-48 hours or longer, breeding her regularly.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


There was a buck on a doe in the woods intersected by a powerline clearing.  I followed on the powerline but stayed behind them hoping they would cross at some point.  Eventually the doe began to run across the opening and up the wooded hillside.  A minute later the buck walked out into the opening. 

When a deer becomes alert, it will stop and stomp its foot on the ground.  The proper term for this action is to stamp its foot.  Boys and girls both do it.  They curl up their leg and forcefully slam their hoof on the ground.  They typically stand there and do it several times until it identifies the unknown source of danger.

My buck stamped about three times before following the doe. 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


As I walked the powerline back to my vehicle, I passed a large opening on my right that had a lot of high grass, Multiflora Rose, and other shrubby vegetation.  There were about five doe standing in this opening and browsing around for food.  A couple of the doe, like the one in the photo below, looked like they could be one of this year's fawns but the white spots have faded into the growth of their winter coat.  I was slowly walking past them when this nice buck came out of the woods and took command of the clearing.  With his head down, he sniffed the path of each doe and I assume none were in heat because he kept moving through the other side of the clearing and disappeared into the woods.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Bucks can find out a lot by licking and smelling branches.  It's how they communicate with each other.  What females or rival males have been there first?  After tasting they will rub their own pre-orbital gland to let the next buck know that he's been there.  It's the whitetail's very own dating website.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This guy had a little limp but it didn't look like a serious injury.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I made this photo on the last day I went out to photograph rut activity.  He's not the biggest buck I've seen this year but I liked the golden backlighting of the setting November Sun.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I hope you enjoyed reliving my White-tailed Deer experiences.  I know it can't replace actually being there but I hope my photos and text take you away for a minute.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) white-tailed deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/12/for-the-love-of-whitetails Thu, 16 Dec 2021 23:22:15 GMT
Owl Encounters of Early 2021 https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/11/owl-encounters-of-early-2021 Throughout my childhood I was always interested in wildlife and trying to photograph them.  When I was about 8 years old, I began to tote around my first camera, a 110 Instamatic.  Later, I had a Polaroid and a Super 8 Movie Camera.  I remember my mom telling me, "Now don't break it"!  I took photos of every animal I could sneak up on.  I didn't know back then what I know now about wildlife photography techniques.  My opportunities back then were all luck and no skill.

My father and I used to take evening drives into the country.  He worked on the railroad and was out of town a lot so when he was home, we disappeared in the evening for a few hours.  Mom thought we were crazy.  She just didn't understand!  One evening, as we drove the rut filled country roads through the farms and forest of Jefferson County in Pennsylvania, we saw two large objects sitting on a limb hovering high over the road.  As we got closer we made out two full grown Barn Owls sitting side-by-side.  It was amazing.  My first ever owl.  In those days, I didn't even dream about seeing an owl.  I thought nobody sees owls except zookeepers and National Geographic photographers.

Years have passed and owl sightings were still few and far between.  Heck, even when you are looking for them they are scarce.  Once I learned the habitat of various species of owls, they can be found a little easier.  In this photo essay, I'd like to share some owl photos I made during the winter and spring of 2021 right here in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio.

These first two photos are Eastern Screech Owls.  The one on the left is a red morph and the one of the right is a gray morph.  The gray variation is more common than the red in the eastern United States.  Although they look large in these photos, they are only 6-9 inches long.

Eastern Screech OwlEastern Screech Owl Eastern Screech OwlEastern Screech Owl

The Great Horned Owl is the most common owl in the United States.  They are a fierce predator that can take down animals larger than they are.  They are night hunters but you can find them roosting during the day in evergreens such as the Eastern Hemlock.

Great Horned OwlGreat Horned Owl


This is a Great Horned Owl owlet peeking out of its nest.  They grow fast but this one is still a few weeks from fledging.

Great Horned OwlGreat Horned OwlPresque Isle SP, Erie, PA


Here are two Great Horned Owl owlets perched above their nest from which they are nearly ready to fledge.

Great Horned OwlGreat Horned OwlOwlets - Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Oak Harbor, Ohio


Until April 2021, the Long-eared Owl has eluded me.  On a visit to Ottawa County Ohio, I was finally able to photograph not one, but two Long-eared Owls.  They were hidden in a dense row of wild shrubs along a canal.  I can't take credit for finding them.  Well, I kinda can.  There were a few birders and photographers watching one of the owls when I arrived.  They told me they were watching a Long-eared Owl so I parked and set up my gear.  As we watched, they told me there were two there yesterday but one must have left.  I searched up and down the canal for nearly an hour and finally spotted the second owl.

Long-eared OwlLong-eared Owl Long-eared OwlLong-eared Owl

The Snowy Owl is an owl all birders and avian photographers wish to see during the winter.  Sometimes we see them in large numbers (called an irruption) and sometimes we are lucky to find only a couple.  Irruptions in the lower 48 are caused by a lack of food in their breeding grounds up north.  By the time they reach Pennsylvania, they are starving and need to be left alone to find food.  Because of their apparent lack of fear of humans, people tend to get too close and put the birds in danger.  When I'm lucky enough to find one, my camera gear allows me to stay very far away and still make a good photograph.  

This Snowy Owl was sitting on the frozen, snow covered Pymatuning Lake.

Snowy OwlSnowy Owl


Every once in a while, she would take off, fly a couple wide circles, and land in nearly the same spot on the ice.

Snowy OwlSnowy Owl


The last owl I want to share with you is the Short-eared Owl.  While they breed in Canada and Alaska and spend winters in the United States and the northern half of Mexico, there is a band across America where they may be seen all year.  We look for them mainly in the winter and begin to lose them in March and April.  They usually begin to fly and hunt the fields minutes before sunset, leaving very little time with light for photography.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


In the dead of winter, they sometimes make an earlier appearance in good light.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


They fly in circles close to the ground while searching the fields for voles.  When they spot something to eat, they drop to the ground fast to catch it.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


I caught this Short-eared Owl dropping into the snowy field.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


The owl sat on the ground for a long time and lowered it's body when other owls flew by.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


It's actions were a good indication it had caught something.  I had my lens focused on it as it took off with its catch.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


Short-eared Owls in flight are very difficult to track.  I try to keep my lens on them and in focus because I never know when two or more owls will meet mid-air and fight.  This image isn't exactly as shot.  The upper owl was higher in the frame creating a lot of empty space in the center of the image.  To make it more appealing to the eye, I moved the upper owl down to tighten up the space in between.  As long as it's not being sold or entered in a contest, artistic freedom is OK.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


Here is another image of a dive for food.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


He stuck the landing during a snow squall.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


Here are a couple flying photos.

Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


Short-eared OwlShort-eared Owl


I wrote a photo essay about the Short-eared Owl in March 2017.  It was also published in Pennsylvania Magazine.  You can view the original photo essay, "Floppy Wingbeats of the Short-eared Owl", by clicking the link.

Thank you once again for viewing my photo essay.  I hope you enjoyed it.


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Eastern Screech Owl Great Horned Owl Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Snowy Owl https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/11/owl-encounters-of-early-2021 Wed, 17 Nov 2021 01:39:37 GMT
Pennsylvania Magazine - Meet the Missus https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/11/pennsylvania-magazine---meet-the-missus Over the last five years I've had several photos and four or five articles published in Pennsylvania Magazine.  Earlier this year, I wrote a follow up to a couple popular photo essays on this website which are called "Meet the Mrs".   The new article, "Meet the Missus" and the similar photo essays on this website, discuss the plumage differences between males and females of some of our Pennsylvania birds. 

My photo of a male and female Eastern Towhee was selected for the cover of the May/June 2021 issue and the article, "Meet the Missus", was presented on pages 32 through 37 of the same issue.

I decided to use the proof pages sent to me by the editor to create this photo essay.  There were a couple minor changes made between this proof and the final copy but nothing significant.

If you didn't see the magazine, you can see my article here.  Enjoy!








Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Bobolink Eastern Towhee Indigo Bunting Pennsylvania Magazine Rose-breasted Grosbeak Scarlet Tanager Wood Duck https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/11/pennsylvania-magazine---meet-the-missus Fri, 12 Nov 2021 01:01:54 GMT
2021 Elk Pre-Rut and Rut Encounters https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/10/2021-elk-pre-rut-and-rut-encounters Once our calendar rolls into August I begin to think about the upcoming elk rut in north central PA.  At that time of year, you may notice that several of the elk are losing their velvet that covered their antlers since they began to grow in the spring.  Once the velvet stops growing, the velvet will begin to dry up and crack and the elk will start to rub it off using branches and tree trunks.  The antlers will harden completely in time for the breeding season.

In mid-August, Elena and I usually make a trip to the mountains around Benezette to look for male bachelor groups.  I always hope to capture an elk in the middle of the short period it takes to rub their velvet off revealing the blood stained white bone.

Not long after arriving on this day, we found three bull elk laying in an opening of the forest.  This one has not begun to shed his velvet yet.

PA Elk (Aug, 2021)PA Elk (Aug, 2021)


On this day, Elena and I took our two Shelties along for the ride and because of them, we got to photograph a large male Black Bear. Here's the story:

About 7:30 PM, we stopped at the "Cross on the Hill" along Mt. Zion Road to admire the scenery and let the dogs stretch their legs.  After spending about 15 minutes, the pups were panting so we made the short walk back to the SUV to give them a drink.  Once we got there, I told Elena that while she prepared their water dish, I would run them around the mowed grassy area on the hillside to give them exercise.  I got to the top of the hill, looked at the cross, and there was a large Black Bear standing at the cross.  Would've been nice to have a camera in hand! I ran back to the car, grabbed my camera, and went back up the hill.  He was walking along the woods not paying any attention to me.  If we would have stayed at the cross two minutes longer, he would have walked right up on us.  Next, we got into the SUV and drove up the road a couple hundred yards hoping to see him again.  There is a house about 200 yards up the road and the bear was under an apple tree eating apples.


Black BearBlack BearMale in Benezette


He looks like an old boy with a lot of battle scars.  

Black BearBlack BearMale in Benezette

After about 10 minutes, the bear stared at the tree and had an idea. He climbed the tree. Once at the top, he began to shake the tree making several apples fall to the ground.

Black BearBlack BearMale in Benezette climbed an apple tree


He climbed back down and ate more apples before walking back into the woods.

If it weren't for our two Shelties, we may not have been in the area and would have missed the bear. Plus, if they didn't need a drink, the bear would have walked right up on us and probably turned and ran, again, missing a photo opportunity.

Maybe we should take them on our adventures more often!

Black BearBlack BearMale in Benezette


After our encounter with the Black Bear, we continued to look for elk.  We finally found a large bachelor group that were feeding in a field about 50 yards away and blocked by several trees and shrubs in between.  We parked our SUV and waited until a couple of them came toward the road where they found an apple tree growing near somebody's camp. 

You can see the velvet beginning to split and fall off his antler.

PA Elk (Aug, 2021)PA Elk (Aug, 2021)


This bull had a really nice rack.  Hopefully we will see him again in the action of the rut.

PA Elk (Aug, 2021)PA Elk (Aug, 2021)


This bull was nearly rubbed clean with the exception of the velvet hanging on at the burr.  If they can reach it, the male elk will eat their own velvet as it is rich in protein.

PA Elk (Aug, 2021)PA Elk (Aug, 2021)


Not to be confused with a fight for dominance, sparring is a way for bulls to test their strength against peers in a casual setting. 

PA Elk (Aug, 2021)PA Elk (Aug, 2021)


Down along the woods line, there was a bull elk polishing his antlers on an Eastern White Pine.  During the rut, you may see bull elk with dark antlers and white tips.  Elk rub small trees and bushes and the sap turns their antlers various shades of brown.  The sap from pine trees is believed to cause the darkest stain. 

It was darker outside than it looks in the video.  You can hear noises of the evening woodlands and even a whinny of an Eastern Screech Owl twice.  Click on the video to begin.
American Elk


We got one more look at a different bull before it got too dark to photograph.

PA Elk (Aug, 2021)PA Elk (Aug, 2021)


The calendar flipped a month into September and photographing the Elk rut was not looking good for me. High heat in the first half of September and then a busy work schedule the third week of September kept me at home.  This was turning out to be an off year, the elk just weren't around Benezette unless you went to the Visitors Center, and I couldn't make time to explore other locations.  

On Tuesday, September 28th, Elena and I finally got to spend a day in Elk County.  After scouting the normal hot spots in the Benezette area and not seeing any elk, we ended up at the Visitor's Center where we saw two bulls and about 15 cows. After the bigger bull chased the smaller bull out of the field, I photographed him looking into the setting sun.

PA Elk (Sep, 2021)PA Elk (Sep, 2021)


During the second week of October we finally got to do an overnight trip to Elk County.  Although the heart of the rut is over and the opportunity to photograph a fight for dominance has most likely diminished, we hoped we would still see some herding of cows and hear some bugling.  On the afternoon we arrived, we found a large herd of 27 cow and calves and two bulls.  The biggest bull, pictured below, kept the smaller satellite bull at bay most of the night. 

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


He walked around his herd looking for females in heat.  He sniffed them as he walked past and sniffed the ground where they had laid.  He also licked and sniffed her hind quarters as he followed.  I have written about their mating behaviors more extensively in previous elk related blogs so I won't go into detail here.  Bottom line, they are all ways to determine if the cow is ready to be bred.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)










When his attempts to get close to a cow were rejected, he stopped pursuit and bugled.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


While the bull runs around the field chasing cows, the rest of the herd continues to eat.  Here is one of this year's calves as it looked toward me.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


It was getting dark when our dominant bull found a cow that was in estrus and followed her closely for about 20 minutes.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


In those 20 minutes, he attempted to mount her several times.  She was receptive but he would slide off her back and she would walk away.  PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


Finally, he was able to complete the act.  I don't know if you've ever seen it in person but it happens quickly.  When it ends with the bull jumping off the ground, you know he completed the act.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


The next morning, Elena and I went to the same location we were at the previous evening.  It was 7:00 and it was light enough to see the shapes of the elk in the field.  As soon as I got my gear assembled, the elk disappeared into the woods.  They headed toward the Bennett Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek so we went there to watch for them to cross. They traveled too far downstream so we didn't see them cross.

During the day, we had a great time exploring the back country where the elk are wild.  Saw a nice herd of three bulls and several cows and calves. Of course, they hustled into the dark forest for safety.

I did manage a photo of this cow eating the fruit of some bushes growing near the road.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


Our plan for the evening was to first check out the creek because if they did cross in the morning, they would have to cross back to get to the food plot.  It was 4:15 in the afternoon so we thought we'd have a good hour to wait for the elk to arrive, we were surprised to find a large herd already standing in Bennett Branch.  In the following photo, the dominant bull is pushing the last two of 27 cows and calves into the water.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


They stood in the water about 20 minutes after we arrived.  Here is a cow Elk and her calf during the crossing.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


This is the younger and smaller satellite bull that travels with the herd.  The dominant bull has been very protective of his haram and does not allow him to join.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


After about 20 minutes the bull continued to move them out of the stream and into the field and food plots.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


Once in the food plot, nourishment was the main objective of the cows and calves.  As for the bull, it was status quo.  No wonder they lose so much weight and sleep during the rut.

PA Elk (Oct, 2021)PA Elk (Oct, 2021)


That's it for our late 2021 Elk County adventures.  I hope you enjoyed the experiences I shared.

Until next time,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Elk Benezette Black Bear Pennsylvania Wilds https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/10/2021-elk-pre-rut-and-rut-encounters Sun, 24 Oct 2021 23:44:41 GMT
Great Smoky Mountains: My Cades Cove Experience (2021) - Part Three https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/great-smoky-mountains-my-cades-cove-experience-2021---part-three Thank you for returning for part three of this three part series of My Cades Cove Experience.  If you missed part one or part two, I suggest you catch up before reading this one.  Click the links below to get caught up.

My Cades Cove Experience Part One

My Cades Cove Experience Part Two

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thursday morning the four of us hiked back to the area we previously saw a sow with four cubs.  She hasn't been at this location for a couple days so we thought we'd take a chance.  Also, this was Luke's last day and he was only staying in Cades Cove until noon so we were hoping for some good activity early.

Luckily, we did find some other photographers that found the bear family we hoped for.  Demonstrating the similarities of all the bear families we found this week, she and her cubs were laying behind a large tree in a dense area of the woods.  You could not see her or the cubs from where we had to stand.  We just hoped she would go to the green meadow when she became active.

We waited quite awhile for her to stir.  Finally, she walked out of the thicket, down the hill, and stood by a tree near the meadow.

Black BearBlack Bear


The four cubs, not quite as fast as mom, followed her. 

Black BearBlack Bear


Once again, I think chewing on broken limbs is the number one national pastime of Black Bear cubs.

Black BearBlack Bear


It's difficult to climb a tree when someone is behind you tugging on your foot.

Black BearBlack Bear


As the cubs played, mom roamed through the meadow eating grass.  Occasionally, she looked up to check on them.  If she couldn't see one, she quickly moved toward them to make sure they were ok.

Black BearBlack Bear


While three cubs continued to play, one cub climbed up a tree, sat on a branch, tangled its legs in other branches, and fell asleep.

Black BearBlack Bear


Before she took the cubs and headed back into the woods, I captured this short video.

Black Bear
Another day was in the books.  The bright sun and high heat were affecting our success.  The bears were becoming less active and more difficult to find.


Friday, April 30, 2021

We had some rain overnight so I was looking forward to getting into Cades Cove this morning.  Capturing landscape images to showcase the fog was on my mind.  A slight breeze and the rising sun can cause quick change in the weather conditions.  I was slow to react to a few opportunities that would have made great photos but still ended up with a couple good ones.

The next three images were made this morning along Sparks Lane.  I managed to catch a little of the "smoke" rising from behind the tree line and a thin line of ground fog that was evaporating quickly.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


After making the last image, I looked to my right and saw this scene.  The ground fog burned off very quickly and the glow of the rising sun added vibrance to the background making it look like an October scene instead of April.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Here is a shot directly down Sparks Lane.


Within minutes, the sun was above the distant mountains.  I looked back to the left and made this image.  At first, I didn't think I was going to like it because of the extreme differences in brightness.  After post-processing, it is one of my favorites and will probably end up being a large, glossy, metal print on our wall soon.


I'd like to say our last day there was a fantastic photography day but it wasn't.  The sun was so bright, making everything shiny, it took the wind out of our sails when compared to the first few days.

I made this one last Black Bear photo before leaving the park around noon.  Tom and I had one more stop in mind and then we'd wrap up this trip.

Black BearBlack Bear


Laurel Creek runs along the Laurel Creek Road, the only paved access into Cades Cove.  There is one spot with a nice cascade and we passed it every day.  On the way back to Townsend, Tom and I spent about 45 minutes making images there.


It was only mid-afternoon but we decided to call it quits.  Like I mentioned before, the weather wasn't on our side and it would be hard to beat the experiences we had during the week. 

On our first day in Tennessee, a guy we met in passing told us to try the food at Smokin' Joe's BBQ in Townsend.  So, for our last night in the smokies, Jake, Tom, and I decided to try it out.  The food was pretty good but the Black Raspberry Cobbler hit the spot.

Saturday, May 1, 2021
The day has arrived to drive back home.  It was a great week and I accomplished more than I imagined.  

If you made it all the way to the end of this journey, thank you.  I appreciate your interest.

Until next time,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Black Bear Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park Sparks Lane Townsend https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/great-smoky-mountains-my-cades-cove-experience-2021---part-three Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:39:44 GMT
Great Smoky Mountains: My Cades Cove Experience (2021) - Part Two https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/great-smoky-mountains-my-cades-cove-experience-2021---part-two

Thank you for returning for part two of this three part series of My Cades Cove Experience.  If you missed part one, I suggest you read My Cades Cove Experience Part One before continuing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tuesday morning the sun rose in a cloudless sky and we could feel the heat building.  Tom and I decided to head back into the valley we were in the previous evening to look for the sow with four cubs from last night.  I dropped Tom off about 1/4 mile away from where I was entering the forest.  He was going to take a different route into the valley and we would meet up where we were the night before.

I reached the meadow in the valley and didn't see Tom.  Not long afterwards, he called to me to come his way.  He found the sow and four cubs.  They were laying down behind a log halfway up the next mountainside and appeared to have bedded there all night.  There were a few other photographers there as well. 

As the sow began to stir, she rested her head on the log.

Black BearBlack Bear


The cubs were active but stayed out of site.  Finally, a cub that was snuggled up against mom decided to come out. Black BearBlack Bear

It wasn't long after we got there the sow got up and began to walk down the hill to the same place we saw her last night.   She fed on leaves and grasses along the way.

Black BearBlack Bear


That's when the cubs decided they should follow mom and began to show themselves.  I was hoping mom would have stayed on the hill longer because the logs would have made a great playground to photograph the cubs.

Black BearBlack Bear
Two of her cubs were staying close as they meandered down the hill.

Black BearBlack Bear


Once they got to the bottom of the hill, mom ended up in the same cluttered spot as the night before.  Meanwhile, the cubs played in the trees. Black BearBlack Bear

One thing I learned about bear cubs is they are chewers.  I think any broken limb in their path is an attention getter.

Black BearBlack Bear


Low and behold, the sow ventured into an open meadow between the hillside and the dry creek bed.  At least I got a clean look at her before she continued into more brambles. Black BearBlack Bear

She eventually called her cubs and all five disappeared into a wall of greenery.  We waited for a while but gave up on seeing them again this morning.  Besides, the sun was high and hot.  Time to get out of the woods.

We made it back to the vehicle and then we saw our first "Bear Jam".  A bear jam is created when there is a bear in view from the road and everyone stops to take photos or they just sit there, in the middle of the road, and hold up traffic.  People are not supposed to stop in the middle of the road and hold up traffic but, let's face it, a lot of people don't care about the people behind them.  I get it, most people don't get to see wildlife as often as a wildlife photographer does.  It is still frustrating to be sitting when we should be moving.  Tom said I taught him some new words that week.  He was kidding of course.  He already knew them all.

Anyway, Cades Cove is a free destination.  You do not need to have a park pass to enter so there are usually a lot of people on the roads and exploring historical attractions.  Bear Jams are to be expected so that is why I like to spend most of my time in the woods, away from everyone.


The Bear Jam in the previous photo was caused by this bear.  She was a mom of four and the whole family was laying behind a fallen tree about 50 yards off Hyatt Lane/Cades Cove Loop Road.  It was nearly lunchtime and we were going to go back to Townsend to get out of the heat and eat lunch when we passed this bear.

Tom and I get a long very well on the trips we take.  I think this is the first time ever that I wanted to do one thing and he wanted to do another.  I wanted to stop and watch this bear for a while and he reluctantly agreed.  I'll tell you right now I should have listened to him.  Jake and Luke showed up and we sat along Hyatt Lane for about five hours with only light snacks to eat and because we planned to go to town for lunch, we didn't have much to drink either.  After sitting and sweating under umbrellas the entire afternoon, the bears moved.  Thank you, I thought.  This finally payed off.  Nope, the whole family headed up into the woods and the possible photographic opportunity was gone.

Black BearBlack Bear


While we were all facing toward the bear during our five hour standoff, this was the scene behind us.  There is beauty in all directions in the smokies.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


We all had enough for the day.  We headed into town for dinner at Trailhead Steak and Trout House and then evening downtime.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

When we returned to Cades Cove the next morning, I didn't know it was going to be my best photography day in Tennessee.

We began by driving the complete 11 mile loop before more people came.  Not far past the trailhead to Abrams Falls there was a yearling sitting under a Black Walnut tree eating walnuts.  I don't know how many of you have ever held a walnut, in the shell, in your hand but they are extremely hard.  We cannot break them open without a tool.  This bear was siting there crunching on them like a little kid chewing up a cinnamon jawbreaker.  I don't know how in the world there could still be walnuts laying on the ground from last fall.  We have four mature Black Walnut trees on our property and the squirrels clean them up off the ground in the fall quicker than I can decide if I should pick them up.  Apparently, Cades Cove doesn't have enough squirrels.

Black BearBlack Bear


You can see the power in his jaws as he crushes the walnut shells.

Black BearBlack BearBlack Bear chewing last year's Black Walnuts.


Tom and I spoke with a lady who told us she saw a bear with three cubs crossing the road last evening.  I knew exactly where she saw them so I asked what direction they were going.  With that information, I knew of a spot I was at two years ago with a sow and her cubs.  Since that spot was in the same territory as where she saw them last evening, Tom and I decided to follow that hunch. 

We hiked into the woods on a trail before going off trail and down over a steep hillside riddled with fallen trees.  There she was at the bottom.  She was laying up against a tree on the opposite hillside and her cubs were all sleeping around her.  There were a few other photographers already there.  We were beginning to know all of them by now.

We all picked a seat on a log or the ground and waited.  Eventually, momma got up and walked into a clearing and began to eat. 

Black BearBlack Bear
Her three cubs slowly got active and joined her.  They were so comical fighting each other, climbing trees, biting sticks, and simply playing.

Black BearBlack Bear
Black BearBlack Bear

Someday, that stick will be no match for its jaws.

Black BearBlack Bear


There were a few of us that actually laughed out loud at some of the antics of the cubs.  I think it would have been easier to climb up the right side of the broken branch but it chose the left side.  Gravity won in this decision.

Black BearBlack Bear
Black BearBlack Bear

I think the sibling is saying "Get off of my log!"

Black BearBlack Bear


They don't let a good shove keep them down.

Black BearBlack Bear


Little bear snarls.

Black BearBlack Bear


This little cub took on a big tree and climbed up out of the shadows and into the sunshine above the flowering Dogwood tree. Black BearBlack Bear

Meanwhile, back on the ground... Take a look at those claws.

Black BearBlack Bear


Always exploring!

Black BearBlack Bear


Yikes!  This little cub stuck its nose in the wrong place. 

Black BearBlack Bear


This was the last photo I made before momma and the cubs headed up the hillside to the same spot they were when we arrived.  They all laid down on the opposite side of a large tree.  Since we thought we had a couple hours before they became active again, Tom and I decided to go into Townsend for lunch and hopefully see Jake and Luke to tell them about our find.  We ate lunch at the Townsend Pancake House before heading back to Cades Cove.  We never got the chance to speak with the other guys.

We hiked to the same spot that we spent the morning and the bears were already active.  Tom and I were the only two people there.  The bears were all ours!

Black BearBlack Bear
Momma was walking around eating while one of her cubs kept trying to nurse.  She'd paw at it to stop.  Then, the cub jumped up onto her back.  I couldn't believe it.  I've heard they do that but never saw it and certainly didn't think it would happen when I could photograph it.

Black BearBlack Bear


Moments later mom gave in to the hungry cub and she laid down.  The other two cubs came running.  She rolled onto her back and allowed the cubs to nurse.  This is the first time I ever saw this happen and it was very special.

Black BearBlack Bear


Here is a short video of the cubs nursing.  I tried two different views hoping for less obstacles but neither angle stood out as the best.

Black Bear


Mom stared into the forest as if she was thinking "I am home".

Black BearBlack Bear


After eating, this little family had a lot of energy.  They tore at this decaying log as if they were looking for grubs; just like momma does.  Black BearBlack Bear


When one gets in the path of the other, a rumble begins.

Black BearBlack Bear


Sometimes together and sometimes apart, they all kept themselves busy.

Black BearBlack Bear


Here is a four minute video of the cubs which shows they are learning to search for food.  But it also shows they are still babies.  

Black Bear


At times, it was tough to get a nice photo of the sow because she usually had her head down feeding on grasses.  She'd look up occasionally to see where her cubs are.  That's when I was able to capture this portrait.

Black BearBlack Bear
We were in a ravine so it began getting dark a lot earlier than up the hill.  When the activity began to slow down, the sow took the cubs to where they were bedding down during the day.  Tom and I decided to hike out to the vehicle and go watch the Pileated Woodpecker nest the rest of the evening.  When we got there, the male was tending the nest.  He kept looking out as if he was watching for the female to come back.

Pileated WoodpeckerPileated WoodpeckerMale
That was our last stop for the day.  Off to Townsend and a good night's sleep to get ready for day 5.

Thank you for reading part two of my story.

If you would like to go directly to part three, click this link for My Cades Cove Experience Part Three.


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) black bear cades cove great smoky mountains national park pileated woodpecker townsend https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/great-smoky-mountains-my-cades-cove-experience-2021---part-two Wed, 23 Jun 2021 22:35:53 GMT
Great Smoky Mountains: My Cades Cove Experience (2021) - Part One https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/great-smoky-mountains-my-cades-cove-experience-2021---part-one

I'm sure the fine people of Eastern Tennessee wouldn't want many people to read this three part photo essay.  Why?  Because at the end, many of you nature lovers are going to want to jump into your car and drive to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  First and most obvious, the scenery is beautiful.  Second, the wildlife is plentiful.  Personally, I was there to photograph Black Bear but I did share my attention with other subjects as well.  

I hope to share my experience in a way that takes you there with me. 

On Saturday, April 24th, Tom Dorsey and I departed for a 9+ hour drive to Townsend, TN.  Once there, we were joined by another Pennsylvania photographer, Jake Dingel, and a friend from Colorado, Luke Seaward.  Join us, in this three part photo essay, for a week in the Smokies, specifically, Cades Cove. 

Cades Cove is a broad, vegetation rich, valley surrounded by mountains and is one of the most popular destinations in the Great Smoky Mountains.  After about a 25 minute drive from the town of Townsend, you enter an 11 mile loop in Cades Cove.   Before 7 o' clock each morning, we began our time in Cades Cove at the entrance noted by the "START" sign on the map below.


The 11 mile, paved, one-way, loop road in Cades Cove is bisected by two gravel roads; Sparks Lane and Hyatt Lane.  If you are searching for a place to photograph grassland birds and birds of prey in Cades Cove, these two roads are at the top of the list.  Each morning, we drove around the loop and crossroads before the crowds began to show up.  Then, we parked and hiked into the forest in search of Black Bear.

Sunday, April 25, 2021
A lot of the wildlife in Cades Cove are acclimated to people and may not seem to be bothered by our presence.  However, we need to be smart enough to respect they are wild animals and maintain a safe distance.  Take this American Crow for instance.  As we drove along Sparks Lane, this crow followed our vehicle down the road, flew past us,  and waited for us to approach.  It did this several times.  Probably hoping for a handout.

American CrowAmerican Crow
We did a lot of walking on and off trail in the forest.  One thing I noticed is there are a lot of dead and fallen trees.  Of course, those trees serve their purpose too.  Pileated Woodpeckers seem to like them for all the insects that call the decaying tree home.

Pileated WoodpeckerPileated WoodpeckerMale

This is a scene along Hyatt Lane.  Historically, I don't make a lot of landscape images.  I'd like to change that.  Improvement can only come with practice so I planned to get a lot of practice this week.  Normally, I would have skipped making this image but the clouds made the scene more interesting.  Of course, in order to show depth and size of the mountains, I needed to include something in the foreground.  Since there weren't any trees along this portion of the road, this row of fence posts had to do.  All my landscape photos were made this week by applying a technique called "Focus Bracketing".  The image is actually several images with various focus points combined in Photoshop.  The final result is an image that is in focus throughout the scene.  Very similar to how our eyes see it.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


There are a lot of Wild Turkey in Cades Cove.  Lucky for us, their courting season was beginning.  We saw several strutting Gobblers all week but on this day, Tom and I spent about 45 minutes with this guy who was strutting around like he was the boss.  Guess what!  He was! 

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


Caught in mid-gobble.
Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


One item I wish we had with us was walkie talkies.  There is no cell phone reception in Cades Cove so we didn't have any means to communicate with Jake and Luke in the other vehicle.  If we would see anything interesting, we had to wait until we crossed paths to share what we found.

Case in point, it was still before noon on this Sunday when a lady from Alabama shared the location of a Pileated Woodpecker nesting cavity.  I knew Jake would like to see that and Luke doesn't have Pileated Woodpeckers in Colorado so he would definitely be interested.  Finally, right around lunchtime, they met up with Tom and I as we exited the woods after a fruitless search for bear.  We shared the nest location which happened to be close by.

This is the female Pileated Woodpecker looking out of the cavity they recently built.

Pileated WoodpeckerPileated WoodpeckerMale

The woodpecker nest was near the Primitive Baptist Church that was built in 1887.  From within the unpainted walls of the structure came the smooth gospel sounds of what sounded like a violin.

This piqued my interest so I entered the church.  Inside, I found Charlie Closz playing a bowed psaltery.  He asked if I had any requests and I said "Anything as long as it isn't The Doors".  He said "You won't hear The Doors in here."

I wish I had shot video of him playing but other people were coming and going and making a lot of noise.

Charlie is also a Civil War reenactor.

Charlie CloszCharlie Closz


Since the guys were all together, we decided to follow some tips of bear locations.  Tom and I explored one location in the morning but didn't go all the way into the valley.  We all decided to go there and take it to the next level.  We walked through the forest, past where Tom and I turned around earlier in the day, and ended up near a meadow with lush grasses.  Finally, we saw our first bear.  It was a female, called a sow, with three cubs.  For as large as a Black Bear is, I'm telling you they can hide very well.  This one was laying down in a dense thicket with her three cubs and was nearly impossible to see.

Now that we are onto the subject of bear,  I need to make something very clear for the remainder of this photo essay.  We were not too close.  Approaching or disturbing a bear from within 50 yards is illegal in the park and we obeyed the rule as best as possible.  Bears tend to wander as they eat so if one narrowed the distance, we picked up our equipment and backed away.

I was photographing with a Canon R5 45mp camera.  Attached to that camera was a Canon 600 EF II lens.  That lens is equivalent to a 12x binocular and if you add in the camera's 45mp sensor, it creates images that can be cropped significantly.  

After sitting on a log for what felt like hours, the sow, still hidden in the dense thicket, got up and walked down the hill into a small clearing to eat. Not long after, her three cubs followed.  Black Bears are omnivorous, meaning they will eat a variety of things, including both plants and meat. Their diet includes roots, berries, meat, fish, insects, larvae, grass, and other succulent plants.  This is a brief moment when she looked up from eating grass.

Black BearBlack Bear


While mom ate grass in the meadow, one of her little cubs showed off its climbing skills.  Maybe to get a better look at us.

Black BearBlack Bear


The cubs were playing a lot but not out in the open as we hoped.  The grass was nearly taller than they were.  In the next photo, mom paused a minute to scratch her back on a tree.  You can see one of her cubs in the grass behind her.

Black BearBlack Bear


Then it was time to continue eating.

Black BearBlack Bear


Darkness was falling and we were trying to decide the best way out of there and back to our vehicles.  Once again, momma grabbed a hold of a tree and began shifting her body up and down.  She must have had a really itchy back.  She gave us one last show before taking her cubs and heading into the forest.

Black BearBlack Bear


I can honestly say, I've done this before.  I'm sure I don't look as good doing it though.

Black BearBlack Bear


Before disappearing into the thicket, mom climbed about 10 feet up a tree and placed some deep scratch marks in the bark.  It was a dead tree and I think she was looking for grubs or other larvae.  The bark didn't peel off easily and she climbed down.  You can see her marks in the photo below.

Black BearBlack Bear

With mom and the cubs back up in the thicker woods, we were able to retrace our path back to the vehicles.  That wraps up our first day in Cades Cove.  We had a great bear encounter and everything else we saw this week would be a bonus.  


Monday, April 26, 2021

Each morning, during our first loop around the cove, we watched as the rising sun burned off the fog that formed overnight.  This scene is on the second half of the loop where the Cades Cove Loop Road and Hyatt Lane meet.  Just about every day we saw groups of people photographing this large oak tree.  I really liked this scene because of the glow of the sun lighting up the fog.

The banner photo at the start of this essay is a cropped version of this image.

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


It was very noisy in and around the woods in Cades Cove.  The songbirds were loving life and letting everyone know.  The "Squeaky Wheel" sound of the Black-and-white Warbler is unmistakable.

Black-and-white WarblerBlack-and-white Warbler


Other noise makers were Ovenbirds, woodpeckers, Hooded Warblers and chatty little squirrels like this Eastern Gray Squirrel.

Eastern Gray SquirrelEastern Gray Squirrel


We decided to spend some time this morning photographing some of the historical structures in the park.

First up is the John Oliver Cabin.  It is the first historical structure on the loop.  The following text was written by local experts at SmokyMountains.com. I couldn't have said it better.

"John and Lucretia Oliver, the original owners of the cabin, were the first permanent white settlers in Cades Cove. When they moved to Cades Cove in the 1820s, the only road into the cove was a primitive trail and there was not a working grist mill.

In the absence of a grist mill, the Olivers had to beat corn into cornmeal using only a mortar and pestle. During the early years, Lucretia feared she would starve to death.

Now, the Oliver cabin is one of the most visited historical structures in the National Park. The cabin is held together by gravity and notched corners – it does not need pegs or nails to hold it together.

Although the National Park Service eventually took control of the structure, it was one of the last historical structures to be vacated. The cabin remained in the Oliver family for over 100 years!"


Next stop is the Dan Lawson Place.  It is located on the second half of the loop where Cades Cove Loop Road meets Hyatt Lane. Here is more information directly from SmokyMountains.com.

"The Dan Lawson Place, which was originally constructed in 1856, is a transitional piece of architecture – the home features both sawn lumber and hewn logs. In addition, the pioneer cabin featured a modern chimney made out of bricks.

The property where the cabin is built was originally owned by Peter Cable, Dan’s father-in-law. Due to the quality of the carpentry and workmanship, most historians believe that Peter Cable helped Dan build the homestead. The property had a corn crib and smokehouse on site as well.

Over the years, Lawson expanded both his land holdings and his residence. By the time of his death, the cabin had been expanded to have a large porch and an additional second story. Lawson’s land eventually stretched from ridge to ridge!

One interesting fact about this cabin – it functioned as a post office for Cades Cove! The large, covered porch was used as a post office that Dan ran from his house."

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Further down the road is the Tipton Place.  The following text from SmokyMountains.com talks about the homestead and other structures on the property.  My photograph below does not include the home.

"The Tipton Place homestead was initially settled by Revolutionary War Veteran William “Fighting Billy” Tipton in the 1820s. He was able to procure the land under the Tennessee Land Grant program.

The two-story cabin that remains on the property was initially constructed by Fighting Billy’s relative and Civil War Veteran Colonel Hamp Tipton. He built the large cabin in the early 1870s.

The homestead was complete with a large, two-story cabin, double-pen corn crib, old-fashioned bee gums, blacksmith shop, and a cantilever barn.

The cantilever barn was built in 1968 and is a replica of the original. This type of barn, which was common in the 1800s, allowed a wagon to pull through and unload hay or feed for the livestock. In addition, the two pen design with the large, overhanging eaves provided protection for animals and equipment.

In addition to the land this homestead is on, Fighting Billy was able to secure multiple other land grants and was a dominant land speculator in Cades Cove. After taking ownership of the land, he then convinced friends and acquaintances to purchase the land from him at a handsome profit."

Cades Cove, GSMNPCades Cove, GSMNP


Okay, back to our search for wildlife.  We spent a lot of time walking but sometimes we'd just stop and enjoy whatever came around us.  I saw a couple Blue-gray Gnatcatchers flitting around the trees so I watched them for several minutes before one sat down to pull nesting material from plants.

Blue-gray GnatcatcherBlue-gray Gnatcatcher
The weather was turning a lot warmer today and the forecast for the next two days was 87 degrees and sunny.  Not necessarily what we wanted.  I would have taken rain over 87 and sunny any day.  

Tom and I left Cades Cove for a few hours to have lunch at Apple Valley Mountain Village in Townsend.  It's a nice tourist attraction with a General Store, Coffee House, and Cafe.  We definitely enjoyed kicking back for lunch and beating the heat.

About 4:00 we met up with Jake and Luke back in Cades Cove.  We decided to go back to where we were the night before and look for the sow with three cubs.   We didn't find them.  So, we all split up in the valley and watched all around us.  

I saw a lone yearling come off the opposite hillside but he didn't stick around long.

Eventually, we saw a really big sow with four cubs.  She was feeding near a huge oak tree in a field of saplings and raspberry vines and other vegetation in the 3 to 5 foot high range.  Now, if I were a bear cub, I would want to climb that tree.  It was huge with a wide spread of thick limbs.  To the bear cubs, the oak tree wasn't as attractive as an old dried up creek bed.  They spent most of the evening crawling around in the creek bed and we barely saw them.  Mom was moving around while eating and sometimes she would go into openings but all the vegetation made it too difficult to make any photos without obstruction.  I only kept two photos from that evening.  The next photo is one of them.  I only used it here to show the obstructions we had to deal with.

Black BearBlack Bear


After spending a couple hours watching this family, mom gathered up the four little ones and headed into thick stands of saplings and bushes.  She probably wanted to feed the cubs and bed down for the night.  

The end of the day was upon us once again.  By the time we got back to our vehicles and drove back to Townsend, it was nearly 9:00.

Thank you for reading part one of my story.

If you would like to go directly to part two, click this link for My Cades Cove Experience Part Two.


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Crow Black Bear Black-and-white Warbler bowed psaltery Cades Cove Eastern Gray Squirrel Great Smoky Mountains National Park Pileated Woodpecker Townsend Wild Turkey https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/great-smoky-mountains-my-cades-cove-experience-2021---part-one Tue, 22 Jun 2021 20:38:16 GMT
Sandhill Crane: New Life in a Western Pennsylvania Wetland https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/sandhill-crane-new-life-in-a-western-pennsylvania-wetland Living in Pennsylvania has many benefits related to wildlife photography.  There are a lot of opportunities if you are willing to put in the time and effort to locate them.  One rare find is the nest of a Sandhill Crane.  

Until recent years, Sandhill Crane were seldom found in Western Pennsylvania.  Today, I often see flocks of 2 to 30 all year round.  I watch wetlands in the springtime in hopes of finding an active nest but our swamps and marshes are rather dense and not easy to navigate so, to prevent endangering wildlife, I choose not to disturb those areas.

In June, evidence of breeding Sandhill Cranes are seen as they navigate sprouting corn fields with their young, called a colt.

Sandhill Crane and ColtSandhill Crane and Colt


The Sandhill Crane exhibits extravagant dancing behavior, including bowing, jumping, running, stick or grass tossing and wing-flapping.  While this behavior is a form of courtship, it is also performed by cranes of all ages, even outside of the breeding season.  Sandhill Cranes mate for life so this behavior is thought to strengthen the pair's bond.  On a few occasions, I have been fortunate to witness them performing. 

Sandhill CraneMating Dance


This year, we were fortunate to find a nesting Sandhill Crane in an area that could be photographed from a distance of 100 yards, to avoid disturbing any animals.  The remaining photos and videos were made during events that occurred at this nest site this year.

Below is the female Sandhill Crane we found on her nest incubating eggs.

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane


It was a special treat for me when she stood to roll her eggs.

Sandhill CraneSandhill CraneAt nest


Before she could lay back down, she became concerned about a Canada Goose that was swimming near the nest.  She walked toward the foraging goose trying to keep it a safe distance from her eggs.  She even chased it when her warnings were ignored.

Sandhill CraneSandhill CraneChasing Canada Goose away from nest


After leaving the nest three or four times to warn the goose, she began to walk out into the swamp, away from the nest.  As I watched, I began talking to myself saying "Where are you going mama?  That goose is still here".

I got my answer in less than a minute.  I didn't realize it at the time but the male Sandhill Crane was only a short distance away.  He came in screaming mad and chased the goose.

Sandhill CraneSandhill CraneChasing Canada Goose away from nest


At one point the crane had a mouthful of goose feathers as he bit at its back.  I was so caught up in the action, I forgot to press record to catch it all on video. 

Sandhill CraneSandhill CraneChasing Canada Goose away from nest


Once the goose was far enough away, the male returned to the nest and the pair vocalized for quite some time.

Sandhill CraneSandhill CraneAt nest


I recorded the next few minutes of activity.  I wish I knew what they were saying to each other.  It's all Greek to me!

Sandhill CraneInteraction right after chasing a Canada Goose from near the nest


I wasn't sure when these two eggs were laid but I knew, with a 28-30 day incubation period, they would hatch in early May.  There are several concerns for marsh or swamp nesting birds.  Three that come to mind are: Would a predator destroy the eggs?  Will heavy spring rains flood the nest?  Would the eggs be viable?    

My photography friend, Jake Dingel, and I checked on the nest at different times hoping for good news.  It was on a rainy Saturday morning when I received a phone call from Jake to let me know the eggs hatched.  I quickly gathered my gear and Elena and I made the trip to the nest. 

After setting up, we waited.  Between rain showers, I saw some movement from under mom's wing and finally a little colt popped out.

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane


I planned to stay in the area all day because, once the eggs hatch, the young colts leave the nest within 24 hours and follow their parents into the marsh.  I didn't want to miss their first venture into the "real world".

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane


In this video, mom is walking around the nest probing for food as the little ones explore. Toward the end, you will notice the rain began to fall once again.  In order to protect her young, she lays down and the nestlings run for cover under her wing.

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane female at nest with two colts. Rain begins and colts go under mom's wings.


After the rain stopped, mama began to lure the colts off the nest. 

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane


She managed to get one of them to follow her but the other one was a little more hesitant.

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane


The parents and one colt were deeper in the swamp, about 25 yards away.  The male called, trying to coax the lone nestling to follow.  The nestling called back several times but, despite the adult's encouragement, it stayed on the nest alone. 

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane


This video shows the adult cranes and one of the colts out in the marsh, occasionally calling for the other colt to follow.  Mom took time to feed the colt while dad paced back and forth waiting.

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane parents with one fledgling


Finally, the second colt stepped off the nest, into the water, and began its first journey into the marsh.  While stumbling over the smallest of branches and weeds, it met up with dad.  You can see it in the lower right of the frame in the next photo.

Sandhill CraneSandhill Crane
This pair of colts will stay with the parents for the next 9 or 10 months.  They will become independent about the same time the next breeding season begins. 

As of this writing, I have returned a few times to look for the growing colts but have not seen them yet.  I'll keep looking and hoping to find this small family before the corn and field grass become too high.

Until next time,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Sandhill Crane https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/6/sandhill-crane-new-life-in-a-western-pennsylvania-wetland Wed, 02 Jun 2021 20:44:38 GMT
White-tailed Deer Favorites of 2020 https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/1/white-tailed-deer-favorites-of-2020 During the winter, I like to share by summer and fall White-tailed Deer photos.  Here is a small collection of my 2020 favorites chosen from my White-tailed Deer gallery.  

I found this doe and her fawn feeding in a field in early June.  I stayed far away so they could eat and not be afraid.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


By August, the first year fawns have lost their "baby face".  Their spots will fade somewhat but will remain until their winter coat grows in. 
White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Also in August, a buck's antlers are beginning to take shape.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This photo was made in early September.  You can see how much the fawn's coat is changing.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


In late August and early September, I am grateful to have a farm location that I have permission to set up in a blind to catch deer leaving the woods to feed in a soy bean field.  They love soy bean leaves.  I was shocked to see this beauty step out.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


"Hey ladies, my eyes are down here!"

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Oh, I was really blessed this year.  I had two monster bucks in the same area.  When I told the landowner, he said "Don't worry, they will be gone by the time hunting season starts."  To tell you the truth, I only saw them in that spot one more time.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The falling leaves of October signify the mating season is near.  I find it to be the best time to photograph a buck in the wild.  If they are on the scent of a doe or guarding a doe, they usually don't run as soon as they see you.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Of course, that doesn't mean they will stand there forever either.  They are still a wild animal so camera settings need to be accurate all the time.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I saw this same buck last year and he was a nine point.  This year he gained a point.  I can't always tell if I saw a buck before, but this guy's rack is unique in its width and short tines so there aren't many like him.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here are a couple doe I found bedded down in the early afternoon sun.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This is definitely one of the nicest eight point bucks I found this year.  He was tough to photograph.  He was guarding a doe that was laying down between us.  He was wary of me and stayed up the hill in the thicker stand of trees.  He made one appearance and I got the shot.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer

I photographed this White-tailed Deer on the crest of a hill with the brightness of a cloudy sunset behind him. In addition to the silhouette, I like the detail of all the long hairs on the deer's face.
These "Deer Whiskers" are also known as vibrissae. These long hairs are located around a white-tailed deer’s mouth , nose, and eyes as seen in the close-up. Vibrissae are thought to provide a sense of touch, to help animals feel the presence of objects close to the mouth, nose, or eyes. These hairs seem to be common on animals that are somewhat nocturnal.
Vibrissae’s greatest importance to animals with an acute sense of smell may be to determine air movement. Perhaps they are used to “feel the air,” indicating from which direction a scent is coming, whether it’s that of a dangerous predator or a valuable food source.
White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is a typical example of how a buck guards his doe.  She goes about her business laying down, eating, or on the move.  Meanwhile, he follows her wherever she goes.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


On November 5th, the rut was going strong in western Pennsylvania. I watched a buck follow a doe into thick woods on the side of a slope. The buck was paying attention to the doe but stopped briefly to look at me and I captured this moment when she tried to get his attention. After a few photos they went deeper into the woods and disappeared. 

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I watched a ten point follow a doe into an opening near the woods.  She laid down and so did he.  I'm sure you can see her.  Can you find him?

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The buck will walk just about anywhere for a doe while relying on natural instinct to keep him hidden from danger.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


After a doe walks through an area, the buck will lick either the doe or the ground where she urinated or defecated and inhales for several seconds, sometimes curling his top lip. The Jacob's gland enables him to detect the doe's scent that indicates if she is close or in estrous.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This is the last photo I'll share in the photo essay.  I find many deer like to walk along a ridge which provides a challenge to photograph.  The bright sky sometimes washes out the background.  I was able to recover this one nicely.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Thanks for checking out this photo essay.  If you want to see photos that I left out, you can check them out and more in my White-tailed Deer gallery

Take care and Happy New Year.


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) White-tailed Deer White-tailed Deer Rut https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2021/1/white-tailed-deer-favorites-of-2020 Fri, 01 Jan 2021 20:55:15 GMT
Big Bulls and Hot Cows in Elk Country https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/11/big-bulls-and-hot-cows-in-elk-country It's that time of year again.  I'd like to show you some of the photos I made during the elk rut season this year.  This year was a very different year in good and bad ways. 

Starting with the bad, the COVID-19 pandemic affected my visits to Elk County, Pennsylvania to photograph these great creatures during their mating season.  I didn't want to stay in a hotel and ate at very few restaurants.  I practiced social distancing with the people I spent time with and kept my distance from strangers.  It was more tiring than past years because of the extra travel but it was still a great season.

Now for the good.  The weather this year was as good as it gets for September.  Unlike the past couple years, the temperatures were closer to normal for a Pennsylvania September.  It was downright cold and frosty on some mornings.  The cool weather makes it better for photography because the elk tend to stay in the open longer in the morning and come out of the woods a little earlier in the afternoon.  Both providing better photo opportunities.

Let's get started with the photos...

The bull in this photo is an iconic bull people refer to as "Tippy".  Tippy got his nickname because of the way he carries his rack.  He always tilts it to the side as if one side was heavier than the other.  Until this year, Tippy has always been one of the dominant bulls that visitors enjoyed watching in the fields behind the Elk Country Visitor Center.  This year, he spent most of his time in the valley in fields along the Bennett Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek.  The iconic Tippy is getting old and has injuries but he is still a player when defending a harem (herd of females and calves).

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


Myself, and other photographers, were puzzled as to why Tippy was spending time in the valley.  As the days toward October continued, we discovered many more elk were in the valley and very few, if any, were visiting food plots in higher locations.  Our conclusion to this mystery was availability of food.  After a very hot, dry summer in which the food plots and other vegetation didn't grow as well in higher locations, the valley was green and lush.

Okay, let's continue with the photos.  A common practice during the rut is for the bulls to scrape the ground and urinate on themselves.  This is an attractant to the females (elk cows).

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


When a larger, stronger, more dominant bull elk is in control of his haram, there isn't much the young males can do except watch and learn.  Someday, they will have large racks and gather female elk into their own harem.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


People who watch White-tailed Deer in the fall will notice this familiar pose where they stretch their neck, curl their upper lip, and stand still only slightly moving their necks from side to side for 10, 20 seconds or longer. People will say, "It's lip curling!" Elk exhibit the same behavior. Why do they do that?

It's referred to as the Flehman Response, derived from the German verb "to curl". The animal has an extremely sensitive vomeronasal organ in the roof of their mouth and when air is sucked across it, they can detect individual scents like pheromones in a cow's urine to determine if they are ready to be breed. Of course, if no female is around they are probably smelling you.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


This bull is checking for the cow's receptiveness to be bred.  Her behavior indicates that she is not ready.  Perhaps she may be too young and not had her first estrus cycle yet.  He seems to understand her communication and is not aggressively pursuing her.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


Several elk cow are in estrus and the bull elk can sense that.  When more than one bull is in the area, a fight for dominance can break out.  Most of the time one of the bulls will realize they are not the stronger bull and break away from the fight but sometimes these fights end in death by goring.

Notice the mud that covers much of the body of these two bulls.  Bulls will find a hole filled with water and mud.  They also urinate in it, crawl in, and roll around like a dog on a dead groundhog.  He makes sure to get the smell under his chin and on his mane.  All this to attract the ladies.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


This big fella is a 10X11 (number of points on each side of his rack).  People refer to him as "The King" because of his ability to gather a herd and even steal cow elk from harems organized by other bulls, without confrontation.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


Bull Elk are very busy watching over their harem.  They lose weight and sleep trying to keep their harem together and ward off other bulls.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


This bull was busy raking his antlers through the weeds.  Rubbing their head in trees and other vegetation is a way to assert their dominance.  Sometimes, they emerge from the rub with a decoration on their antlers.

Notice the color of his antlers.  When the velvet is rubbed off in late August and early September the bone is white, the color of the tips in this photo.  They achieve the dark coloration by rubbing their rack in small trees, weeds, and evergreens.  The sap, acting as a dye,  darkens it.  The tips don't hit the dye as much as the main beam and tines leaving them near their original color.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


Here is a nice example of courting behavior.  Once the cow comes into heat, bulls will approach them in hopes to mate.  With antlers held high and tongue flicking, he is doing everything he can to win her over.  This cow apparently isn't ready to mate.   She is moving away holding her head low and weaving her neck side to side as if to say "stop".

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


This is a typical posturing by the bull when he approaches cow elk he wants to mate.

PA Elk (Sep, 2020)PA Elk (Sep, 2020)


I'll end this story with a short video containing clips of some bull elk herding their harem and a few bulls, not ready for prime time, sparring as if they are casually testing their strength against peers.

2020 Elk Rut Benezette


I hope you enjoyed these photos from the 2020 elk rut in Pennsylvania.  At the time of this writing the rut is over and bulls have begun to gather in bachelor groups again.  Visitors to Benezette may find several large herds of cow elk, young bulls, and calves feeding in the fields.  Bull Elk, on the other hand, tend to stay close to food, water, and a place of security.  They most likely will not be found in open fields.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Elk Benezette https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/11/big-bulls-and-hot-cows-in-elk-country Sun, 22 Nov 2020 22:27:36 GMT
Unpredictable Pennsylvania Sparrows: Henslow's and Clay-colored https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/9/unpredictable-pennsylvania-sparrows-henslows-and-clay-colored Many wildlife photographers have a favorite subject.  Perhaps they have a specialty and stick with it all year.  I like to photograph anything that lives, even the little sparrows that we all see on a daily basis.  However, just as I've shown you with photos of warblers, those little birds may look the same when they are in the shadows and high up in a tree, but are very different when viewed in good light and close up.

Because of their subdued plumage, sparrows can be seem alike, even in good light.  This photo essay will focus on two species of sparrow; the Henslow's Sparrow and the Clay-colored Sparrow. 

The Henslow’s Sparrow has a preference for thick, weedy grasslands and wetlands. In Pennsylvania, it is hard to predict when you will see your next Henslow's Sparrow.  They may breed in an area one year and be non-existent the next year.  Reclaimed strip mines in western Pennsylvania have attracted regularly occurring populations in recent years.

Henslow's SparrowHenslow's Sparrow


The Henslow's Sparrow spends most of its time running through the dense brush and only making short flights when necessary.  That is primarily the reason I don't have a lot of photos of Henslow's Sparrows.  The Henslow's Sparrow in the next photo popped up when I was photographing a Clay-Colored Sparrow.

Henslow's SparrowHenslow's Sparrow


A rare breeder in Pennsylvania, even experienced birders and bird photographers can have difficulty finding Clay-colored Sparrows in suitable habitat.  His plumage may be subtle but he still possesses a modest beauty.

Clay-colored SparrowClay-colored Sparrow


We are very fortunate to have breeding pairs of Clay-colored Sparrows in western Pennsylvania.  Take a look at this range map that I found on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website.  Their map doesn't even show the Clay-colored Sparrow's breeding in our state.  Again, reclaimed strip mines have helped many species of birds.

Clay-colored Sparrow Range MapClay-colored Sparrow Range Map


When a male is singing at the top of his voice, he can be mistaken for an insect.

Clay-colored SparrowClay-colored Sparrow


This is a short video of a Henslow's Sparrow followed by a Clay-colored Sparrow singing in early June, 2020.


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Clay-colored Sparrow Henslow's Sparrow https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/9/unpredictable-pennsylvania-sparrows-henslows-and-clay-colored Mon, 14 Sep 2020 00:52:05 GMT
2020 Warbler Wrap-up https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/2020-warbler-wrap-up Warbler "season" is a fantastic time of year for me.  I love spending time afield hoping to photograph one of these little beauties in a nice pose that shows off their breeding plumage.  It doesn't last long though.  April through mid-June is about all the time I get to experience the height of warbler season.

There is approximately 32 species of warbler, plus a few hybrids, that I could come across each year.  I have never seen them all in one season.  In addition, I have never made a "wall worthy" photo of all the species I did see.  I always say, "There is next year."

I've recently published some photo essays of a more species specific nature and I hope you all enjoyed them.  This photo essay is my "warbler wrap up" for 2020.  You may see a couple repeat photos but I included one photo for each species of warbler I photographed in 2020.

When you hover your mouse over each photo, you will see the name of the warbler.  Don't hover if you want to test your warbler knowledge.

American RedstartAmerican RedstartMale


Bay-breasted WarblerBay-breasted WarblerMale


Black-and-white WarblerBlack-and-white Warbler


Black-throated Blue WarblerBlack-throated Blue Warbler


Black-throated Green WarblerBlack-throated Green Warbler


Blackburnian WarblerBlackburnian Warbler


Blackpoll WarblerBlackpoll Warbler


Blue-winged WarblerBlue-winged Warbler


Canada WarblerCanada Warbler


Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler


Chestnut-sided WarblerChestnut-sided Warbler


Common YellowthroatCommon Yellowthroat


Hooded WarblerHooded Warbler


Kentucky WarblerKentucky Warbler


Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush


Magnolia WarblerMagnolia Warbler


Mourning WarblerMourning Warbler


Northern ParulaNorthern Parula




Palm WarblerPalm Warbler


Pine WarblerPine Warbler


Prairie WarblerPrairie Warbler


Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


Tennessee WarblerTennessee WarblerMale


Worm-eating WarblerWorm-eating Warbler


Yellow WarblerYellow Warbler


Yellow-rumped WarblerYellow-rumped WarblerMyrtle Warbler


Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler


That's it.  I hope this made you wonder a little bit about the beauty in our woods and fields.  They are there.  You just need to get out and look.

Until next time,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Redstart Bay-breasted Warbler Black-and-white Warbler Blackburnian Blackpoll Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Blue-winged Warbler Canada Warbler Cerulean Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Common Yellowthroat Hooded Warbler Kentucky Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush Magnolia Warbler Mourning Warbler Northern Parula Ovenbird Palm Warbler Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Tennessee Warbler Worm-eating Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow-throated Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/2020-warbler-wrap-up Tue, 01 Sep 2020 00:32:41 GMT
No More Warbler Neck https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/no-more-warbler-neck Photographing warblers brings about many challenges.  Some warblers, like the Mourning Warbler and Kentucky Warbler,  can be found low to the ground in dense thickets or dark woodlands.

Mourning WarblerMourning Warbler Kentucky WarblerKentucky Warbler










While other warblers, like the Cerulean Warbler and Yellow-throated Warbler, prefer to stay in the upper canopy of our forests providing a challenge for even the keenest birdwatchers.  Whether you're a birdwatcher or a bird photographer, you've probably experienced "Warbler Neck".  That's when your neck begins to ache because you are walking around looking straight up all day.

The Cerulean Warbler and Yellow-throated Warbler are the topics of this photo essay.  First, the Cerulean Warbler. 

I like to photograph birds when they are hunting for food.  Sometimes, they come pretty close providing good photo opportunities. This warbler has a habit of working its way from the beginning of a branch to the end as they veer upward into the canopy.  That is the behavior I caught this male doing.  He was inching his way to the end of the twig inspecting each leaf for insects along the way. Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler


This little guy will fly a long way from Pennsylvania to where he'll spend the winter in the Andes in South America.

Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler


Cerulean Warblers are insectivorous, eating mainly flies, beetles, and caterpillars.

Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler


Male Cerulean Warblers sing a buzzy song that ascends to a buzzy trill. 

Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler


I mentioned earlier that the Cerulean Warbler spends most of its time high in the treetops.  The Yellow-throated Warbler does as well.  So why do my photos look like I was right up in the trees with them? 

I look for their preferred trees growing below a hillside or a bridge so I can position myself high enough, offering a better chance of being eye level.

One of the preferred trees of the Yellow-throated Warbler is the Sycamore.  There must be a lot of insects nestled inside those seed pods because they spend a lot of time checking each one.

Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler


Starting at the bottom, the Yellow-throated Warbler creeps up branches much like a Black-and-white Warbler or Brown Creeper pulling out insects with its long beak.

Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler


I didn't know how to describe the song of a Yellow-throated Warbler so this is the description from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website.  A male Yellow-throated Warbler's song is described as a series of clear notes that roll into each other, dropping slightly in pitch, but sometimes ending with one higher-pitched note.

Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler


These tiny birds reach to great lengths to find food then perform a little acrobatics to see where they will go next.

Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler


I saved these two birds for a special photo essay because they are two of my favorite early migrators.  Also, they are two of the more difficult to find and photograph at an eye level perspective.  Sometimes, I'll go an entire spring without seeing either of these birds in a position worth photographing.  Hopefully, next year I will see them again.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) cerulaen warbler kentucky warbler yellow-throated warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/no-more-warbler-neck Sun, 23 Aug 2020 23:23:38 GMT
Loiusiana Waterthrush - Stream Lurker https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/louisiana-waterthrush-stream-lurker One of the first signs of spring in eastern North America is the Louisiana Waterthrush.  When you come across a wooded stream with fast moving water, stop, have a seat, and listen for his metallic song.  Soon you may see one foraging on the rocks midstream or at water's edge.

Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush


Although the Louisiana Waterthrush is a warbler, its brown plumage and bold streaking lets you know why it has "thrush" in their name.  As they move about, they tend to rock their body which causes their tail to bob up and down.  This bird's scientific name motacilla is Latin for "wagtail".

Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush


On both its breeding ground of eastern North America and wintering ground in the West Indies and Central America, this species stays close to moving water —especially forested streams and creeks.

Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Louisiana Waterthrush https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/louisiana-waterthrush-stream-lurker Thu, 13 Aug 2020 23:24:27 GMT
Striking Gold in a Pennsylvania Wetland https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/striking-gold-in-a-pennsylvania-wetland During the spring and summer, I spend a lot of time exploring our western Pennsylvania swamps and woody wetlands.  Among the waterfowl, turtles, herons, blackbirds, snakes, and Muskrat, lives a tiny golden ray of light called the Prothonotary Warbler. 

Prothonotary Warblers build their nests in tree cavities or nesting boxes placed above the standing water.  They eat a wide variety of insects that are found in the swamps.  During the non-breeding season, they also eat fruit and seeds.

I wear my knee pads when I photograph this bird because I spend a lot of time kneeling on the ground along water edges.  I want to be as low as possible because when they hunt, they are usually only inches above the water.

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


After a couple minutes on the perch in the previous image, he jumped to the nearby log to catch an insect.  Do you see another insect in danger on the log just above the water?

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


In the southeast, Prothonotary Warblers are sometimes nicknamed "Swamp Warbler".  In reality, the Prothonotary Warbler got its name from the bright yellow robes worn by papal clerks, known as prothonotaries, in the Roman Catholic church.

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


As I said earlier, I spend a lot of time low to the ground when I photograph these birds.  Yes, they do fly into trees and shrubs also but I have a fascination with photographing them while they are hunting.  Upon studying their habits, I learn their favorite hunting spots.  Despite the urge to get up and follow them when they fly, I try to stay put and wait for them to return.  That's the best way to make natural, behavioral photos.  This male just caught another midge.

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


Only 5 inches long from the beak to tail, a Prothonotary Warbler weighs in at a whopping .44 ounces.

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


Gathering nesting material is an encouraging sight.

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


The next time you are driving country roads that meander through a dark, drab, woody wetland, be on the lookout for the golden flash of a Prothonotary Warbler.  Prothonotary Warbler populations are declining because of predators and loss of habitat.  There isn't much a single person can do to preserve these seemingly useless and intruding wet areas.  Just remember, every little bit helps and the less we destroy, we are preserving habitat for many species of wildlife.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Golden Swamp Warbler Prothonotary Warbler swamp Wetland https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/striking-gold-in-a-pennsylvania-wetland Wed, 05 Aug 2020 00:48:50 GMT
Midnight Blue https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/midnight-blue On a sunny, warm day in May, Elena and I found ourselves in a forest in northwestern Pennsylvania.  Off the beaten path, we were in prime habitat of Canada Warber, Black-throated Blue Warbler, and Blue-headed Vireo to name a few.
The trees were full of song as the songbirds are trying to attract a mate.  We walked slowly and silently among the bird songs and I tried to identify them but I didn't know them all.  However, through the soft boughs of a stand of Eastern Hemlock, I heard the buzzy call of a Black-throated Blue Warbler.  The song of the male, loosely translated, sounds like a buzzy "please, please, please squeeeeze."
We crossed a small stream on our way to a clearing where a few old, decaying, tree trunks have fallen and were sunken into the green growth in this unusual sunny spot of the forest floor.  That is where we found the source of our voice.   Black-throated Blue Warblers are known to search leaves, twigs, and the underside of vegetation for spiders, flies, and caterpillars.  I spotted our guy inspecting the tiny leaves of hemlocks.
Eventually, he jumped down into the lower, bushy growth and shared his time between the bushes and low hanging branches.  I envisioned the photograph I wanted.  If he would only jump on that log, I thought.
Elena stepped back into the shadows as I laid on the ground to have a low perspective, and waited.  Eventually, he jumped onto the log.  I missed focus!  Dang-it!  He was 15 feet above once again.
Patience paid off.  The next time I was pre-focused on the log so it was easier to find him through the viewfinder.  He jumped back and forth and finally settled on top of the perch I hoped for.
He didn't stay on top long as warblers aren't really known for staying in one place very long.  He began to work his way back down the log providing photo opportunities along the way.
I was happy for the photos I got.  As I stood to leave, he flew off the log and onto another broken branch.  I took a few more shots and bid farewell.


In case you are not aware, the Black-throated Blue Warbler doesn't live in the north year round.  During winter, they spend their time in the Caribbean.

It was so incredible to be allowed to share a moment of time in his life.  A time when he didn't seem to mind the company.

Thank you for reading. I hope I was able to take you into the forest for a few minutes.  It is an awesome place.

[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Black-throated Blue Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/8/midnight-blue Sat, 01 Aug 2020 23:30:02 GMT
Lil' Bandit https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/lil-bandit

As I walk through the woods or drive on back roads, I try to check tree cavities hoping to see an occasional Eastern Screech Owl, Raccoon, or any other tree dwelling animal.  Raccoons are probably my favorite mammal to find in tree cavities.  Although they can be a vicious animal, they are one of the cutest to see.  This is a small collection of my favorite Raccoon photos I made.

This Raccoon was sitting deep in a tree cavity where it was dark so I turned my radio up loud and it decided to take a closer look.  I guess it likes Garth Brooks.



While a normal Raccoon wouldn't attack a person, they will “bluff” if they feel threatened or cornered.  Last fall, I was looking for White-tailed Deer during the rut and this Raccoon came walking down the hill towards me.  It was pretty far away when it saw me and scurried up the tree.



Raccoons will eat both plants and other animals. This includes fruits, berries, nuts, fish, frogs, mussels, crayfish, insects, turtles, mice, rabbits, muskrats and bird eggs. 

It is a myth that raccoons wash their food.  What they’re doing when they wet and rub an object is “seeing” it; it’s thought that water contact increases a raccoon’s sense of touch.  In other words, touch is as important a sense as hearing, smell, and sight.

I found this young Raccoon digging in a small, fresh water spring.



Raccoons are common carriers of rabies, roundworms and leptospirosis.  Just because you see one in the daylight, doesn't mean it's sick.  A general rule is to not approach a Raccoon at any time. Just enjoy them from a distance.



In late June of this year, I saw three Raccoon kits climbing on a tree.  It was getting dark but with the high sensitivity capabilities of the Canon EOS 1DX MKII, I managed a couple photos.



The black markings that fall across the Raccoon's eyes often make them look mischievous.  That black fur actually works like the black patches athletes wear to absorb light that can obstruct their vision.  At night, when raccoons are most active, less peripheral light makes it easier for them to perceive contrast in objects, which is essential for seeing in the dark.



After a long night of hunting, it's good to find a comfortable tree to hang out and relax.



Thanks for hanging out with me and checking out some of my favorite Raccoon photos.

Take Care,

[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Raccoon https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/lil-bandit Fri, 24 Jul 2020 23:11:06 GMT
Exploring Our Wetlands - Part Two https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/exploring-our-wetlands---part-two


I hope you enjoyed part one of this two part series "Exploring Our Wetlands".  The following images were made in the later months of May and June.  In future photo essay's, I'm going to go backwards into late winter and early spring to share my waterfowl photos.

Fast forward into June and this young Mallard family has hatched and is growing quickly.  You can see on the one duck raising its wings that the flight feathers, or remiges, haven't fully developed yet.  At the time of this photo, they were still grounded and running around as one large group.

Mallard DuckMallard DuckFamily of fledglings


The Common Gallinule, is one of the many mispronounced bird names that I've heard. First, names such as Common Moorhen and Mudhen are obsolete.  The word Gallinule is actually pronounced "Ga-luh-nool".

Although they are good swimmers, they do not have webbed feet like a duck.  Peeking in and out of vegetation, the Common Gallinule has long toes that make it possible to walk on soft mud and floating vegetation.   

Common GallinuleCommon Gallinule


The Red-winged Blackbird is a harbinger of Spring.  Even though they are one of the first birds to come back in the spring, they are also the most familiar bird in the wetlands all summer.  This photo shows the display of the male's red shoulder patches when he is singing.

Red-winged BlackbirdRed-winged BlackbirdMale


One morning I was lurking around the edges of a swamp when I noticed a nest nestled in a small shrub in the water.  I watched it through my lens for awhile and discovered a Common Grackle incubating eggs.  The nest is in an area populated with water snakes and I feared the eggs wouldn't survive.  I returned about four days later and the nest was abandoned so I believe something ate the eggs. 

Common GrackleCommon Grackle


This is a probable culprit of raiding the Common Grackle nest shown above.  I'm not a fan of snakes.  No way!  No How!  However, I liked the way this Northern Water Snake looked slithering through the Spadderdock and last year's dried vegetation.  I especially liked that it was 15 yards away!

Northern WatersnakeNorthern Watersnake


The Tree Swallow can be found in many habitats, including wetlands.  They are difficult to photograph in flight as they quickly zig-zag all over the place snatching insects in mid-air.  They got their name because of their habit of nesting in cavities in trees.  However, they do take over nest boxes too.  I love the long swooping wings of the resting Tree Swallow.

Tree SwallowTree Swallow


The Least Bittern is the smallest heron.  Rather difficult to see in their preferred habitat, they will give a patient person a glimpse once in a while.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


They are sneaky little buggers as they walk around the swamp inches above the water looking for food.  If you would like to see more photos and read more information about our smallest heron, check out a blog I wrote in August, 2017 called "A Morning at the Marsh".

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


I see a lot of Painted Turtles sitting on rocks or logs in various bodies of water.  They tend to be leery of people and slide into the water if anyone comes too near.  Turtles bask in the sun and gain heat from the ground or log they are in contact with, through a process known as conduction.  Basking in the sun allows turtles to dry their shell, which prevents parasites from attaching.

Painted TurtlePainted Turtle


This drake Wood Duck was perched on the stump for a long time.  I ignored him at first because he was so far away.  Finally I gave in and made a few photos.

Wood DuckWood DuckDrake


One morning, I was watching Bald Eagle fledglings at the swamp in MK Goddard State Park when this Great Blue Heron flew across the swamp and landed on a dead tree.  After awhile, it pulled one leg up into its chest indicating it was getting comfortable so I grabbed a few shots.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron


This Belted Kingfisher perched low over the wetlands most likely watching for a minnow or frog to wander past.

Belted KingfisherBelted Kingfisher


I hope you enjoyed this two part series of wildlife found in the still waters of swamps and marshes.  Of course, this wasn't a complete list of wildlife you may see but it is a nice sampling.  Maybe next spring I'll add something different to my portfolio.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Belted Kingfisher Common Gallinule Common Grackle Great Blue Heron Least Bittern Mallard Duck Painted Turtle Red-winged Blackbird Tree Swallow Wood Duck https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/exploring-our-wetlands---part-two Thu, 16 Jul 2020 00:40:24 GMT
Exploring Our Wetlands - Part One https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/exploring-our-wetlands-part-1


Our wetlands provide habitat to many species of birds and mammals.  I love spending time along these still bodies of water because of the many photographic opportunities.  In March and early April I spend some time in a blind photographing waterfowl.  That will be in another story someday.  In this photo essay and the next, I will show you other photographs I made from April through June of this year.  I have several images to show so I'm not going to write much.  I hope you enjoy.

I usually find Double-crested Cormorants in large flocks but on this day, I saw a lone cormorant standing on a log in a swamp.

Double-crested CormorantDouble-crested Cormorant


Occasionally, during early spring, shorebirds show up while on their migration route.  I happened to see a small flock of Greater Yellowlegs in one of our northern counties.  The next day they were gone.

Greater YellowlegsGreater Yellowlegs


Sora is the most abundant and widespread rail in North America.  You wouldn't really know that because it is difficult to spot one.  The best chance is in the early morning or evening when they may step out of the thick vegetation to feed.



Not to be confused with a Beaver, the Muskrat is a popular resident of our wetlands.



Rusty Blackbirds are uncommon visitors to western Pennsylvania.  They are seen during migration from their winter grounds of the southern United States to their breeding grounds of Canada's boreal forest.  According to reports, this is a declining species so I am always happy to see them.  If you want to see more about the Rusty Blackbird, I wrote a photo essay about their different plumage variations.  You can view it by clicking here.

Rusty BlackbirdRusty Blackbird


The Eastern Phoebe is not an uncommon bird.  Besides being found around water, they can often be found in backyards, farms, and woodland edges too.  You know a phoebe is near as they call their name in a raspy “phoebe”.

Eastern PhoebeEastern Phoebe


A Swamp Sparrow is a little different than many of the other sparrows we see.  The Swamp Sparrow has longer legs than most sparrows allowing it to wade into shallow water to forage.  This species even sometimes sticks its head under water to try to capture aquatic invertebrates.

Swamp SparrowSwamp Sparrow


I usually don't pay a lot of attention to amphibians but I'd be remiss to exclude this American Bullfrog from species found in wetlands.

American BullfrogAmerican Bullfrog


That's it for part one.  Part two will be coming soon and I hope you check it out.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Bullfrog Double-crested Cormorant Eastern Phoebe Greater Yellowlegs Muskrat Rusty Blackbird Sora Swamp Sparrow https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/exploring-our-wetlands-part-1 Tue, 14 Jul 2020 01:05:47 GMT
Pennsylvania's Early Arriving Warblers https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/pennsylvanias-early-arriving-warblers


In the early spring, many species of birds travel from their winter home to the north where they will breed.  Many breed in various parts of the northeast including Pennsylvania.  Some continue into Canada.  I am writing this photo essay to show you photos of some of the earliest migrating songbirds that I photographed this spring (2020).

When I say early, I'm speaking about the month of April.  Most migrant songbirds begin to show up in my home state of Pennsylvania in May.  The Palm Warbler is one of the migrants that only pass through enroute to their breeding ground in Canada's boreal forests .  Though the Palm Warbler’s name might imply it is a tropical bird, it is actually one of the northernmost breeding of all warblers.  Only the Blackpoll Warbler breeds further north.

Last April, my wife Elena and I were walking our dogs in nearby Moraine State Park when I noticed a bird hopping along the ground bobbing it's tail.  I walked towards it to discover it was a Palm Warbler.  Once we returned home, I grabbed my gear and returned to the area to look for more Palm Warblers.  I found one.

Palm WarblerPalm Warbler


While searching for the Palm Warbler that evening, I saw other yellow birds jumping around the trees.  Knowing it's too early for Yellow Warblers, I watched and discovered there were also Pine Warblers.  Pine Warblers do breed in Pennsylvania but are usually found in pine forests.  Unlike most other warblers, you may find a Pine Warbler visiting bird feeders.  The Pine Warbler is the only warbler that eats large quantities of seeds, primarily those of pines.

Pine WarblerPine Warbler


The Black-and-white Warbler is one of the earliest arriving migrants.  They are easy to identify if you listen for their high pitch squeaky song.  Much like a nuthatch, the Black-and-white Warbler crawls up and down tree trunks searching for insects.  This is a handsome male photographed during a song.

Black-and-white WarblerBlack-and-white Warbler


I struggle every year to get a really good photo of an American Redstart.  They jump around the trees so fast that I seldom get a clear shot at one. I wanted to point out the bright orange patches on his wings.  They are also present on his tail.  It is said they flash those colors to startle insects, giving themselves a chance to catch them.

American RedstartAmerican RedstartMale


The buzzy song of the Black-throated Green Warbler can be heard throughout their migration route and breeding ground.  They do breed in Pennsylvania and I see a lot of them year after year.  This year was an exceptional year for Black-throated Green Warbler sightings.

Black-throated Green WarblerBlack-throated Green Warbler


The Yellow-rumped Warbler is probably the most seen warbler in the northeast.  They do migrate as far south as Mexico and Central America but they can also be found year round in some parts of Pennsylvania.  In the spring, they seem to flood North America with impressive numbers.  Many people don't photograph them because they are so plentiful.  In my opinion, how can you pass up a bird as good looking as this male.

Yellow-rumped WarblerYellow-rumped WarblerMyrtle Warbler


Even the female Yellow-rumped Warbler is beautiful.

Yellow-rumped WarblerYellow-rumped WarblerMyrtle Warbler


The most tropical looking of our warblers is the Northern Parula.  They breed in most of the eastern United States.  They feed high in the trees with a habit of walking out to the very end of tiny branches looking for insects.   Luckily, during migration, they forage lower in the trees providing photo opportunities.  Parulas sing a lot in the spring so I find them by listening for their buzzy trill.

Northern ParulaNorthern Parula


There are other species of warbler, Prothonotary, Yellow-throated, and Louisiana Waterthrush for instance, that arrive in April but I plan to include them in other photo essays to help single out their habitat preferences and behaviors.

As always, I hope you enjoyed the photos and information in this photo essay.

Take care,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Redstart Black-and-white Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Northern Parula Palm Warbler Pine Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/pennsylvanias-early-arriving-warblers Tue, 07 Jul 2020 23:46:56 GMT
Great Blue Heron: Mornings in a Rookery https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/great-blue-heron-mornings-in-a-rookery


We are fortunate to have a Great Blue Heron rookery that is used year after year providing wonderful photo opportunities.  In case this is new to you, Great Blue Herons, like many other species of heron, nest in colonies. In this one, for instance, this colony of nests are in several Sycamore trees located in a swamp.  There is a highway running past the swamp which provides a 75-100 foot elevation for a semi-level viewing trajectory.  The nesting trees are about 150 yards from the viewing area but with the right photographic equipment and a solid tripod, decent photographs are possible.

This photo is an uncropped image made with a 600mm lens.  I made all the following photos in the second and fourth week of May this year.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron


This is an adult flying into the nest at the uppermost limbs of the tree.  The penthouse, you might say!  See the tiny nestlings?

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron


As one adult flies into the nest, the other prepares to leave.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron


This adult on the right just landed on the nest and the two nestlings expect to be fed.  I've watched this rookery quite a few years and it still amazes me that those birds can live on that tiny nest without falling off.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron


Leaving the nest.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron


Feeding time!  It is interesting to watch the chicks feed.  Herons, like many birds, feed their chicks by regurgitating food into the nests or directly into their mouths.   Two of the chicks can be seen tugging on the parent’s bill. This behavior helps to stimulate the parent to regurgitate.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron


Here is a short video of a couple Great Blue Heron nests during feeding.  You will see them tugging on the parent's bill.  The chicks will fight with each other to try and make sure that they are the one who receives most of the food. 

This is a High-definition 4K video so adjust the setting accordingly if the player doesn't do it automatically.  Also, if the screen looks grey, click again and allow Adobe Flash to run.

Great Blue Heron Rookery


I hope you enjoyed this photo essay and thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Great Blue Heron Rookery https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/7/great-blue-heron-mornings-in-a-rookery Fri, 03 Jul 2020 01:00:02 GMT
Red Fox Family Frolicking https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/6/red-fox-family-frolicking


Each April, when my focus turns towards photographing the returning songbirds, there is always a piece of me hoping to get an opportunity to photograph the den of a wild canine like the Red Fox. 

Males are called "dog" foxes and females are called "vixens."  Besides the fact that they are intelligent predators with extremely sharp senses of sight, smell and hearing, the pups, also known as kits, are a lot of fun to watch once they are old enough to come out of the den to play.

Breeding usually begins in February and by April, the kits leave the den for short periods to explore.  Just like any other puppy, they play with anything they can pick up and run with.

Red FoxRed Fox


A litter of fox ranges from four to ten but the average is six.  Young are born in dens. The Red Fox usually enlarges a woodchuck burrow or might den in a hollow log.  Getting an opportunity to watch an active fox den is a toss-up each year because they may not use the same den the following year.  I was able to photograph two dens this year.  These first five photos are from the first den.  A photographer friend of mine invited me to a farm to watch.

The kits play just like domestic dogs.  In this photo, they are circling each other and waiting for one to pounce.

Red FoxRed Fox


Setting up my gear under a blind is the desired way to photograph these animals.  Although Red Fox don't seem to mind making a den in a populated area, they can still be spooked and will move the litter if they feel threatened.  Sometimes, the kits will hear the clicks of the camera and stop to look but most of the time, they are unconcerned about my presence.

Red FoxRed Fox


They were playing so hard one fox even bit it's own foot.

Red FoxRed Fox


Their play times usually don't last very long.  They tire quickly and retreat into their den to rest.  During the day, neither parent is around the den.  They may come to nurse or bring food but leave.  I suppose their time spent at the den is short so they don't attract predators.

In the evening, it is common for the adults to come nearby to check on them.  The kits will stop frolicking and stare into the nearby woods.  They are probably hoping mom or dad is coming with food.

Red FoxRed Fox


The next six photos were made at the second den of the year.  Elena and I were out and about one evening and I happened to see an orange flash at the edge of the woods.  I explored enough to see one of the little foxes.  I returned the favor to my friend and, a couple days later, we set up under the cover of wild, shrubby, growth in a field hoping the kits would leave the woods to play.  They did.  There were three kits in this litter. 

These two played together a lot while the third liked to explore on its own.  This is the largest and smallest kit in the litter.

Red FoxRed FoxMoraine State Park


One of the cutest habits of the Red Fox is their tendency to pounce.  When they get older they will pounce on their prey.  Right now, they just pounce on each other.

Red FoxRed FoxMoraine State Park


There is a lot of biting in the face area in their style of play.

Red FoxRed FoxMoraine State Park


They need to be quick on their feet too as they tend to go after the feet as well.

Red FoxRed FoxMoraine State Park


Even during play, it doesn't take much to sway their attention to something else, leaving itself vulnerable to a bite on the jaw from a sibling.

Red FoxRed FoxMoraine State Park


There was a large insect flying around, grabbing the attention of this little kit.  Their innocence and playful attitude will be short lived as they grow and become adults.

Red FoxRed FoxMoraine State Park


This is a vixen with one of her three kits from a third family I saw this year.  They will stick together through August or September when the family disbands.  Both males and females become sexually mature in ten months so the kits may breed the next winter.


I hope you enjoyed this photo essay.  Photos can't fully express the cuteness of a young fox family.  If you are interested, please check out more photos of Red Fox in my Red Fox Gallery

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Kit Red Fox https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/6/red-fox-family-frolicking Sun, 28 Jun 2020 21:00:00 GMT
Day Trip: Benezette, PA https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/6/day-trip-benezette-pa


One benefit of living in central, western PA is that I have plenty of places within an hour drive that offer great wildlife photo opportunities.  Then there are a few destinations that are about two hours.  One of those is Benezette, home of the Pennsylvania elk herd, Elk Forest, and beautiful scenery.

I awoke at 4 AM to get dressed and get on the road so I can arrive in the mountains of Elk County close to sunrise.  It's the time of year to photograph bull elk with their growing antlers or cow elk with calves by her side.  However, my main reason for this trip was to photograph Dickcissel in State Game Land (SGL) 311, known to locals and frequent visitors as "The Saddle".  The Dickcissel is a prairie bird that breeds in small numbers in Pennsylvania.  They are rare to find but I usually find them in The Saddle.

When I first arrived to the mountains surrounding Benezette shortly after sunrise, I began looking for bull elk.  The bulls tend to stay in the mountains in bachelor groups until fall when mating season begins.  My first sighting was a White-tailed Deer doe and two fawns.  They were a couple hundred yards from the road but I pulled over in case they came closer.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The second fawn came out of the woods to play but it seemed to encourage the family to enter the woods ending my photo opportunity.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


After a short time driving around the back roads, I found two bull elk.  One was quite happy staying in the woods with many trees separating us but this bull crossed the road and entered the woods on the other side.

PA Elk (June, 2020)PA Elk (June, 2020)


As I continued to look around for elk, I saw the head of a hen Wild Turkey in a field near the road.

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


She began clucking and was reluctant to fly away indicating that she might have little ones in the high grass.  Sure enough, several poults crossed an opening in the grass before disappearing once again. 

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


Here is a close up of the Wild Turkey poults before following mom into the thick grass.  Their mother was still clucking so I drove away and left them alone.

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


I was on my way up Winslow Hill Road to SGL 311 when I noticed this White-tailed Deer doe staring at me.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I arrived at the top of the hill and found my friend Willard Hill in the elk viewing area parking lot.  I pulled over and we got out of our vehicles and began to talk about our morning findings.  The sun was peeking through the clouds and it also began to rain.  The combination created this beautiful rainbow over the grasslands, in which, I will shortly be looking for Dickcissel.  The hilltop under the rainbow is The Saddle which comes up in a lot of conversations in September, during the rut.

Benezette RainbowBenezette RainbowSeen from viewing area parking lot looking towards "The Saddle"


The cabin on the hill is a popular sight for people coming to Benezette and it's usually used in reference to where they saw elk during the rut.

Benezette RainbowBenezette RainbowSeen from viewing area parking lot looking towards "The Saddle"


During the short drive from the parking lot to the entrance road into The Saddle, I found this male Eastern Bluebird near some nesting boxes.

Eastern BluebirdEastern BluebirdMale


My friend joined me on the hike into The Saddle.    We had a difficult time finding Dickcissel.  On our way we saw several Bobolink, another grassland bird, flying around.  The photo below is a female Bobolink.



There were a lot more male Bobolink than female.



After a couple hours, we decided it wasn't our day to see a Dickcissel and returned to our vehicles.  In case you were wondering what a Dickcissel looks and sounds like, I'll wrap up this trip with a video I made a couple years ago in this same location. 



Elk aren't the only attraction to Benezette and anyone who loves nature and wildlife will find your days there relaxing and leave you wanting to return.

Take care,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Elk Benezette Bobolink Elk Viewing Area White-tailed Deer Wild Turkey https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/6/day-trip-benezette-pa Mon, 22 Jun 2020 01:29:39 GMT
Autumn Brings Out The Big Boys https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/6/autumn-brings-out-the-big-boys Three months!  Three months and the Pennsylvania bull elk will have rubbed the velvet from their antlers that have been growing rapidly since they dropped their old ones in late winter or early spring.  Three months and the cow elk will be nearing estrus.  Three months and people will be asking "Are they bugling yet"?  All indicators that the rut (mating season) is near.

Right now, it's the middle of June and we're experiencing hot and humid weather.  The songbirds are still singing.  The local Bald Eagles are fledging the nest.  There is a lot of wildlife to photograph so I really shouldn't be thinking about fall.  The cool weather, colorful landscape, elk bugling, and a few weeks later, the White-tailed Deer bucks chasing the does, takes over one's mind several times a year.  My thoughts go back to last fall and some memories and photos I never shared in a photo essay.

This photo essay will highlight some of the "big boys" I photographed last year.  Of course, I need to include the girls too.  What would the rut be without the girls???

In August, the bull elk are still running in bachelor groups and have not yet become interested in the ladies.  Their antlers are nearly full grown and soon the velvet will begin to fall off.  This bull was in a good place with all the apple trees surrounding him.

PA Elk (Aug, 2019)PA Elk (Aug, 2019)


As you can see, elk have no upper front teeth.  They are like goats and cows.  Way in the back of their mouth they have large molars on both the top and bottom for chewing their cud.

PA Elk (Aug, 2019)PA Elk (Aug, 2019)


When the rut begins, the bulls have added weight and their necks have swollen to the largest they've ever been due to a burst of testosterone.

PA Elk (Sept, 2019)PA Elk (Sept, 2019)


The rut is exhausting because the bull is so worried about the herd of cows they've accumulated, they eat less and don't sleep as often.   Sometimes, I've seen them lay down in the middle of a field with their harem, and close their eyes.  Even when they appear to be sleeping, a distant bugle will cause him to raise his head and answer the call.

PA Elk (Sept, 2019)PA Elk (Sept, 2019)


Ah, the perfume.  Hey, when I was a young, single guy I may have pumped a spray or two of cologne before going out for the evening.  Bull elk do the same.  It isn't Drakkar Noir or Polo Sport we're talking about, it's urine.  During the rut, bull elk urinate on themselves or on the ground and roll in it.  The urine soaks into their hair and gives them a distinct smell which attracts cows.

PA Elk (Sept, 2019)PA Elk (Sept, 2019)


During the rut, some of the cows still have a first year calf by their side.  I can't say a bull won't try to service a cow with a calf but I've never seen it actually happen.  I guess if the cow goes into estrus, she's not off limits.

PA Elk (Sept, 2019)PA Elk (Sept, 2019)


One bull can service 20 - 40 cows during the rut.

PA Elk (Sept, 2019)PA Elk (Sept, 2019)


The thickness of a bull's muscular body is very impressive.

PA Elk (Sept, 2019)PA Elk (Sept, 2019)


One evening, I decided to get away from everyone, be alone, and look for elk in non-popular locations.  I ran into a small herd on a hilltop and photographed them as the sun was getting low in the horizon.

PA Elk (Oct, 2019)PA Elk (Oct, 2019)


The bull was rubbing and nibbling on the small limbs of White Pine.  From the looks of his antlers, he has been in a ruckus or two.

PA Elk (Oct, 2019)PA Elk (Oct, 2019)


Not long after the elk rut winds down in mid-October, the White-tailed Deer rut begins to ramp up.  White-tailed Deer rut activity is a little more difficult to photograph simply because the White-tailed Deer usually aren't acclimated to people like Pennsylvania Elk in the prime viewing areas around Benezette.  The doe can be somewhat forgiving and not flee at first sight.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This doe was being guarded by an older 10-point buck.  He is off camera to the right but I photographed him for the next photo.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


As long as the doe is content, the buck will stand there, eat, or even lay down.  That's patience!

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Licking branches serve as an important way of communication within the whitetails everyday life. Bucks deposit secretions from their pre-orbital glands on the branch or twig and is one of the most effective means of communication between deer.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I saw a lone doe one evening so I decided to sit and wait for something to happen.  Sure enough, an 8-point buck came along.  Keeping his eyes on the doe, he hardly even noticed me.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Another nice 8-point.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The White-tailed Deer rut was nearing the end but if a doe hasn't been mated yet, she is still the focus of the males.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is another look at the last buck as he circled trees while following the doe.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I see a lot of different shapes and sizes of antlers.  This photo reminds me of when modern TV's stretch an old 4:3 ratio television show to the High Definition 16:9 ratio in order to fill the screen.  Eveybody looks chubby.  His neck and antler width was so impressive I had to include him.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


All the elk in this photo essay were found in the Benezette, PA area.  The White-tailed Deer were found in various portions of western Pennsylvania.  All animals in the photo essay were wild animals and not part of a  farm or trapped in any enclosures.

I hope you enjoyed my memories of last year's ruts through my lens.

Take care,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Elk Benezette White-tailed Deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2020/6/autumn-brings-out-the-big-boys Sun, 14 Jun 2020 21:51:06 GMT
Late Summer, Autumn, and the White-tailed Deer Rut https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/12/late-summer-autumn-and-the-white-tailed-deer-rut White-tailed Deer are one of my favorite creatures to photograph. This photo essay highlights some photos I made from mid-summer through November 2018.  Beginning in late summer with the growing fawns and the quickly forming antlers on the males, this story will end with my observations during the annual mating season, known as the rut.

In August, this year's fawns still possess their spots but there are signs of their maturation into adulthood.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Late summer offers some photographic opportunities near soy bean fields.  Deer love to munch on soy bean plants and if you plant it, they will come.  I sat in a blind one September evening and observed this 6-point exit the woods on his way to the fields.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This fawn stepped out of the woods line with caution.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I saw quite a few bucks at this location but this one had the biggest rack.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Darkness was coming quickly when I packed up for the evening.  On my way back to my vehicle, I found this spike that was more daring than the other deer that already fled when they saw me.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


In October, I begin to look for bucks in pursuit of females in heat.  During the mating period, known as the rut, the males seem to be oblivious of me and my camera as they are only paying attention to the doe.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is one of the larger racks I found this year.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


If I find a buck that doesn't run, I begin to look around for the reason.  She is usually found nearby.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The next four photos were made along a ridge.  I was part way down one side and they walked up from the other.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


These next two bucks were in pursuit of a doe.  I'm glad they paused in a clearing long enough for a photo.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


After seeing this buck in a weedy field, it became apparent that he didn't want to leave.  After a few minutes, I noticed a doe laying down in the thick cluster in the left side of the photo.  The buck kept looking over his shoulder for competition.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is a nice 8-point with a broken tine.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


During the rut, male deer sniff the air for the scent of a doe in estrus.  When they sniff the air, they lift their head up and their upper lip curls upward.  This is known as a lip curl.  I've photographed a few lip curls over the years.  Some are better than others.  The buck in the next photo is doing a lip curl but it isn't one of the most noticeable I've photographed.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


If I'm driving around back roads and find a lone doe, I usually stop and watch for a while because there my be a buck nearby.  I found this doe feeding in a field so I pulled over and watched.  I sat about 15 minutes watching this doe walk and eat.  Finally, the buck I was hoping to see ascended from the thick woods.  As the doe walked, I think it got a little too far away from the woods for his comfort.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here is another photo of the 8-point with a broken tine.  You can see where it broke on the left side of his rack.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I got a call from a friend one evening alerting me of a nice 10-point with a doe.  I quickly met up with him to see this guy.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


His doe was still bedded down from her afternoon rest period.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This buck provided some nice photo opportunities.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I found this buck as darkness set in.  I'm glad he stood still long enough for a sharp image because my shutter speed was slow.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The next two photos are a doe with a buck in pursuit of her affection.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The size of a male's rack might have an influence on a does decision making when it comes to selecting a mate.  This buck's determination made up for the size of his rack as he wasn't giving up on this doe.  It grew darker and I left while he was still hanging around.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The following photos are other deer I found.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This group of doe was feeding along the top of a ridge while the sun was setting.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I'll wrap up this photo essay with one more buck.  I never saw the doe but he didn't mind me being there so she had to be in the thick brambles somewhere.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


He gave me one last look before heading down the hill and out of sight.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I hope you enjoyed the White-tailed Deer photos I shared.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) doe estrus rut White-tailed Deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/12/late-summer-autumn-and-the-white-tailed-deer-rut Sun, 30 Dec 2018 16:30:42 GMT
How Birds Keep Their Cool on Hot Summer Days https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/8/how-birds-keep-their-cool-on-hot-summer-days We’ve had quite a few days this summer when the temperature reached the high 80’s and sometimes low 90’s.  When the humidity is high it doesn’t even need to be that warm to be uncomfortable.  Luckily for us humans, we can go into an air conditioned building or vehicle and cool down.

What about wildlife?  What can they do?  We’ve all seen mammals, like our pet dogs and cats, breathe heavy.  They pant!  But what about the birds you see standing in direct sun for long periods of time.  Every species of animal needs to maintain its body temperature.

The Great Blue Heron comes to mind.  How does a Great Blue Heron remove heat from its body? 

The Great Blue Heron, among other birds, vibrate their gular (throat tissues). With an open mouth, the moist gular area is rapidly vibrated, thereby causing a very efficient form of evaporative cooling.

Click on the video below to see a Great Blue Heron cooling itself by gular fluttering.

Great Blue Heron


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) great blue heron gular fluttering thermoregulation https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/8/how-birds-keep-their-cool-on-hot-summer-days Mon, 27 Aug 2018 03:37:04 GMT
Kirtland's Warbler: One of America's Rarest Birds https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/6/kirtlands-warbler-one-of-americas-rarest-birds People from several countries travel to northern Michigan in the spring to see the Kirtland’s Warbler.  The bird is currently on the endangered list and on the life list of many birders and wildlife photographers.  Read on to hear more about this birds amazing fight for survival, its resurgence, and my experience of photographing the species for the first time.

At 5 o’clock in the morning my cell phone began playing its soft alarm music indicating it was time for Elena and I to see one of America’s rarest birds, the Kirtland’s Warbler.

I opened the drapes in the Grayling Michigan Days Inn to find a cloudless northern Michigan sky.  Normally, I would be thrilled for cloudless skies but today I was hoping for a cloud base to filter the sunshine on my quest to photograph the endangered Kirtland’s Warbler.

Hartwick PinesHartwick PinesGrayling, MI After a quick continental breakfast at the hotel, we found our way to Hartwick Pines State Park where, in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Michigan Audubon conducts Kirtland's Warbler guided tours each June to view the warbler in its breeding habitat.

From the Hartwick Pines Visitors Center, tour participants caravanned about a half hour to a Jack Pine plantation that the warblers selected to breed this year.  The path through the plantation is a two way path that looks like an unnamed country road. Jack Pine PlantationJack Pine PlantationNear Grayling, MI


At the time of this writing the Kirtland’s Warbler is listed on the State and Federal Endangered Species lists.  Because the Kirtland’s Warbler nests on the ground, we were warned to stay on the path.  Stepping on a nest results in a $10,000 fine.  Now that would be an expensive photograph!

Other instructions included no use of bird calls or pishing.  Pishing is a small, repetitive noise used in the field to attract small birds. 

Within minutes of entering the path, we heard a Kirtland’s Warbler singing.  I was carrying my Canon 1DX MK II full frame camera body, Canon 600mm MK II, and Canon 1.4 X Extender III on a RRS monopod.  Within 30 minutes, as a bird flit between trees and the ground alongside of the path,  I realized distance shots would be unnecessary and I didn't need the 1.4 X Extender.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


We spent the morning with tour guide, Craig Kasmer, the Park Interpreter at Hartwick Pines State Park.  Craig is the man on the left way in the back in the next photo.  He began the program at 7 AM with a brief lecture and video explaining pretty much everything I’m talking about in this blog.  About 7:30 we departed Hartwick Pines State Park and arrived at the Jack Pine plantation about 8:00.  People were free to leave whenever they wanted so after about an hour, some of the 17 tour members left. 

Jack Pine PlantationJack Pine PlantationNear Grayling, MI


Kirtland’s Warbler sing for a couple reasons.  One is to find a mate and another is to protect their territory.  Interestingly, as we left a singing male, we had to walk about 100 yards before encountering another.  I don't know this to be fact but it seemed like their own comfortable breeding territory may have spanned about 100 yards.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


I was happy to hear nestlings have hatched so both parents would be out searching for food and males would be protecting their family.  We found this female going to her nest with food for the nestlings.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerFemale - Grayling, MI


Everyone kept their distance and watched the birds search for food and once in a while they would stop to preen.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


Each spring, the .5 ounce Kirtland's Warbler migrates from the Bahamas to their northern breeding ground.  You can only find nesting pairs in a few counties in the Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula and, in recent years, they have also been recorded in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Wisconsin, and Ontario.  In June the nestlings hatch and the rest of the summer is spent raising the fledglings and eating to prepare for their winter migration.  Around the beginning of September, the Kirtland’s Warbler flies back to the Bahamas until instincts tell them to come back north to do it all over again.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


In 1987, the Kirtland’s Warbler's world population was as low as 350 birds.  Through the work of scientists and land managers, that population has increased to over 4000 birds.

There are two main reasons for their initial decline.  First, the Kirtland’s Warbler is very picky about their breeding habitat and only breed in young, thick, Jack Pine forests averaging a height of 5 – 15 feet.  Second, they require forests covering 30-40 acres to raise their young.  A mature Jack Pine can reach 55-65 feet in height, so the Kirtland’s Warbler looks for young forests.

Here is a look at the Jack Pine plantation we were in. It's difficult to tell but there were acres upon acres of Jack Pine that I estimate were no taller than 10 feet.

Jack Pine PlantationJack Pine PlantationNear Grayling, MI


So, how does Mother Nature maintain Jack Pine forests suitable for a Kirtland’s Warbler?  The cones on mature trees are serotinous.  That means they only open based on a trigger of some sort.  For Jack Pine, the trigger is when they are exposed to intense heat, greater than or equal to 122 degrees F.  Before modern firefighting technology, fires would destroy Jack Pine forests every 30 – 50 years.  As a fire sweeps through leaving charred ground and tree skeletons, the waxy Jack Pine cones open and distribute the seeds in a tight circle around the charred tree.  New trees then grow providing a new densely populated Jack Pine forest.  The warbler first appears in an area about six years after a fire.  After about 15 years, when the trees become too tall, the warbler leaves the area. 

Nowadays, fires that occur are usually under control before doing a lot of destruction.  Plus, people are cutting into these forests to build homes and businesses.  The irregular shape of the Jack Pine does not make a pretty landscape tree so with little regard to the essential Kirtland’s Warbler's habitat, the trees are removed.

Through the work of the US Forest Service and Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Kirtland’s Warbler habitat is being created by harvesting old and tall Jack Pine forests and planting new ones to replicate how it would naturally occur.

Jack Pine PlantationJack Pine PlantationNear Grayling, MI


Here is a male perched near the top of a Jack Pine.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


I mentioned in the beginning of this blog that I was wishing for a soft cloud cover to filter the sun but didn't get that.  Harsh sun, even in the early hours, present many issues with exposure on light feathers such as yellow and white.  Hopefully, I'll see slightly overcast skies on my return trip next June.  In the meantime, I'll accept bright sun and be happy that I got to photograph this rare bird.

Here is a male Kirtland's Warbler defending his territory and young family while carrying a worm in his mouth.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


Minutes later, after moving closer to the nest, he is still carrying the same worm he had in the previous photo.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


They are a bird that like dense branches.  In the midst of flitting around, they sometimes stop briefly on a good perch for a photograph.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


We watched this warbler crawl all over several trees looking for insects before finally climbing up this branch out of the center of the tree.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


Finally, he stopped for a second.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


Food is what's important so he continued to search.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


In my observation, they have a habit of swiveling their body 90 degrees like an oscillating sprinkler while singing their song.  It's as if they are broadcasting their song over their territory.

Kirtland's WarblerKirtland's WarblerMale - Grayling, MI


About 11:00 the sun was getting high, it was getting hot, and the birds were singing a little less.  Craig, Elena and I were the last people remaining from the group and we called it a day.

With the Kirtland’s Warbler numbers reaching 4,000 today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requested to delist the warbler from the federal list of threatened and endangered species.  A final decision is expected by the end of 2018.

The information in this photo blog was created using my personal observations, lecture, video, and questions during the tour, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website, and a Kirtland's Warbler Festival publication available at the Hartwick Pines Visitor's Center.

I highly recommend the Kirtland’s Warbler tours.  For somebody coming into the area from far away it was nice to have someone take you directly to a nesting site.   Having access to Craig Kasmer for three plus hours, was invaluable.  Keep in mind there will be good days and bad days in regards to bird sightings.  It seems like you will always hear them but they need to be near the path to see them.  I hope it’s a good day when you go.

Thanks for reading,





[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) grayling hartwick acres state park kirtland's warbler mi https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/6/kirtlands-warbler-one-of-americas-rarest-birds Fri, 22 Jun 2018 13:32:40 GMT
Different Looks of the Rusty Blackbird https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/3/different-looks-of-the-rusty-blackbird

The Rusty Blackbird is a medium-sized blackbird and is also a migrant through western Pennsylvania. I didn't know much about this species but after watching a small flock of them catching bugs in a swamp one morning, I decided to research the different markings that I saw. On the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website I found the reason for the distinct differences.

First, the breeding male is dark glossy black with a greenish sheen and yellow eyes.

Rusty BlackbirdRusty BlackbirdBreeding Male


Second, the non-breeding male is dark brown overall with rusty edges of feathers, and a pale eye and eyebrow.

Rusty BlackbirdRusty BlackbirdNon-breeding Male


Last but not least, the female is brownish to rusty colored with pale yellow eyes and dark feathers around the eyes.

Rusty BlackbirdRusty BlackbirdFemale


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) rusty blackbird https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/3/different-looks-of-the-rusty-blackbird Fri, 16 Mar 2018 20:27:39 GMT
A Display of Tenacity at Lake Wilhelm https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/2/a-display-of-tenacity-at-lake-wilhelm

Elena and I decided to visit Pymatuning and M.K. Goddard State Parks with hopes to photograph Snow Buntings, Rough-legged Hawks, and Bald Eagles. Our first destination of the morning was Pymatuning.  Just so I don't bore you by getting long-winded, I'll jump to 3:00 in the afternoon when we drove up to the shore of Lake Wilhelm with only a few Canada Goose photos and only sightings of the other birds I was after.

We found one of the nesting eagle pair sitting on the ice near a very small patch of open water.  Elena asked if it was the male or female.  I said I couldn't tell until the mate came. There are a few subtle differences between the male and female but the easiest way to tell is when they are together.  Females are larger. 

We watched the lone eagle quite a while as it took several drinks of water and pecked at the ice.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


All of a sudden it began to vocalize.  I asked Elena to watch the sky because either its mate is nearby or an intruder is in its territory. 

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


As you can see, it was a juvenile Bald Eagle intruding.  In case you don't know, the nesting adults have been nesting less than 1/4 mile away for years so they are literally defending their territory. The juvenile ignored the warnings of the adult and landed on the ice. Bald EagleBald Eagle


Apparently not liking that, within seconds the adult left the ice to chase the juvenile away.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


There were a couple scuffles between the two eagles but they were too far for photos. Eventually, the adult eagle returned to the same spot on the ice.  I am thankful it didn't land further out on the ice.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


After the adult landed, the juvenile, showing its tenacity, followed and landed right behind the adult. Bald EagleBald Eagle


The adult began to vocalize again. This time, I believe it was calling for its mate. 

Bald EagleBald Eagle


The juvenile began jousting with the adult.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


The irritated adult began another pursuit.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


So far, we still don't know the gender of this eagle.  But we are about to find out.  I'm going to give it away right now so ladies, get ready to roar.  Hearing the calls of her mate, the FEMALE came soaring out of nowhere.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


She attacked the renegade juvenile.  I guess I got a little excited because most of the fight scene photos were blurry so those photos went into the trash bin.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Now that the juvenile is up against two fighting eagles, he disappeared across the lake.  After circling the area a couple times the female landed about 10 yards from the male and they began vocalizing with each other.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


After about five minutes, everybody was calmed down so she began to walk towards her mate.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


The way she was fluffing up as she walked toward the male I kinda knew what was going to happen.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


They have been working on their nest daily so I guess it's time to fill it with eggs.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


The entire act lasted about 10 seconds then he used her right wing as a "running board" to step down. That was nice of her.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


After all that excitement, they sat quietly on the ice. 

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


It was after 5 o'clock and the pair was still sitting quietly on the ice. Finally, they began to wander around. It was time for one to go to the nest site. 

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


The other flew to a clear portion of the ice and gingerly walked around. Apparently, there are dead shad under the thin ice and it could see the fish.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Bald EagleBald Eagle


Below is a sort video of the Bald Eagle picking up bits of food from the ice.  Click the icon in the center to begin the video. Bald Eagle


With no way to get the fish under the ice, the eagle flew off too.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) bald eagle lake wilhelm mk goddard state park https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2018/2/a-display-of-tenacity-at-lake-wilhelm Thu, 08 Feb 2018 00:08:09 GMT
2017 PA Elk Rut Photography Affected by Summer Heat https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/10/2017-pa-elk-rut-photography-affected-by-summer-heat A late August or early September visit to elk country in north central Pennsylvania can offer many stages of changes for an American Elk.  The calves have grown but are far from the size of their moms, the bulls have begun to shed the velvet that covered their antlers all summer, and bull elk are still roaming in bachelor groups.  Bulls begin to feel the effects of the increasing testosterone in their bodies as the upcoming mating season approaches.

Scenes like the one below are common in August and early September.  One second they are eating together and the next they may have their heads down in playful jousting with their new set of hardened bone on their head.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


Fast forward a mere three weeks and the scenes are completely different.  As the cow elk begin their estrus cycle indicating they are ready to mate, the bulls are preparing themselves for a stressful, yet weary month.  The sap of young trees have polished their racks, giving them that dark chocolate color and their chest and neck area has transformed into a thick mass prepared to aggressively defend their herd, and they become very vocal.  The sound of their bugle has a couple purposes.  It helps the elk cows decide which bull they want to be with and it staves off other bulls that may have a notion to steal members of the others' herd.

This bull came out of the thicket ready for a challenge.


This years' rut was very different from many previous years.  The eastern United States was enjoying a very hot late September making people wish they had not closed their pools for the season.  Photographers in elk country were cursing the heat because it affected the photo opportunities during what would be the most active time of the elk rut.  Elk, like the White-tailed Deer, are crepuscular animals. Crepuscular animals are active primarily during the periods of dawn and dusk.  Heat does not necessarily affect when the elk cow enters her estrus cycle, but it does affect the time they spend out of the deep woods where they spend the day resting.

I visited the Benezette area on a Tuesday, only days before the warm front entered the area.  It turned out to be the only day for me that elk photography was not disappointing.  This next photo was made only seconds after the bull from the previous photo ended a chase.  Although they were still far up the hill, he made me a little nervous.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


I met up with my friend Tom Dorsey before sunrise on that Tuesday morning.  We found ourselves with a decision to make.  We could hear bugling in a few different directions and after a few minutes of zigzagging around our options, we made a decision.  Based on his experiences, Tom had a hunch about a certain herd.  We based it on the number of bulls we could hear and Tom's experience of which way they would leave the food plots and enter the woods for the day.  That is where we headed.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


After a long hike through the woods, we made it to a clearing with a small pond.  Elk cows, feeding as they waited on instruction from their bull, already filled the field.  Moments later, bulls began to crest the hilltop and assess the situation.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


Tom and I were hoping the pond could be used in our photography that morning, but only one elk walked through it.  Several cows and calves came down for a drink offering a nice reflection in the water but our distance, and our 600 mm lenses, put us too close to get animal and reflection in the frame. PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


Keeping your herd together can be a daunting task when there are several other decent sized bulls trying to steal some.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


This bull gave chase but she was not ready!  Hey, you never know unless you try, right?

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


It was a fantastic morning as I was able to make photos in wild terrain.  This bull stops to sniff the air in his quest to find a cow in heat.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


Now a bugle!

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


It did not take long for all of the elk to enter the woods, leaving us with an empty field and an end to our elk photography for the morning. 

Tom and I spent a great afternoon touring Elk Forest and other areas that he frequents.  After dinner, we went to State Game Lands 311 containing an area known as "The Saddle".  The cool, wet evergreens was the home of a bull and his cows for the day.  We hoped they would exit the woods while it was still light enough to photograph them.

We were on the northeastern side of the mountain so the setting sun affected us early.  As I was beginning to worry that we would not see anything, they emerged.  Here is one of this years' calves.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


This is the big guy that people were trying to get a glimpse of all day long through the heavy cover of brush and evergreens.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


He was the only bull in the immediate area but bulls on far away hills answered his bugles.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


He spent some time feeding in the meadow and, feeling at ease, decided to lay down.  Even though he was relaxing, he still answered other bulls' bugles with authority.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


I love the capability of modern cameras to shoot in low light.  When it becomes too dark to make photos, you usually have some time to shoot video.  Bulls are known to destroy young trees with their antlers.  As I mentioned earlier, this is how they turn them from bone white to chocolate brown.  I suppose they also do this to mark territory too.  Announcing to smaller bulls that they are not alone!

This video shows this bull destroying this small white pine while answering bugling from adjacent fields.


Here are a couple photos I made between video clips.  I saved them until you've watched the video so I wouldn't give away how much he tore up the tree.
PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


During all of that commotion, one of the calves paused for a portrait.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


That ended a fantastic day spent with good photographer friends and plenty of elk.  I told Tom "if I don't see any more elk this rut, I will still be happy."  Little did I know that statement would nearly come true.

A few days later, the heat rolled in.  Temperatures reached nearly 90 degrees on days that previous years required a layering of clothing to keep you warm in the morning and evening.  It was time for the Facebook club, Benezette Elk Camera Club, to hold their fall picnic.  It is always held to coincide with the rut.

Elena and I plan a three-day mini-vacation in Benezette during this time.  We knew the heat would affect the photography but the overall experience would still be great.  Our first day there produced no photo opportunities until the end of the day.  We met at Tom Dorsey's camp for an evening around the fire talking about the lack of elk during good light.  We probably solved some world problems that evening too.  The sun was below the mountains when a few elk entered the field below the camp.  The one bull was pretty big so I decided to try some night photography.  I pushed the sensitivity on my camera (ISO) to 12,800 and my shutter speed was below 1/100th second.  Only a couple photos were sharp because the bull stood absolutely still during a bugle.

PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)


The photo opportunities did not get any better the next day.  I found this spike, still in velvet, feeding in a turnip plot. PA Elk (Sept, 2017)PA Elk (Sept, 2017)



As I mentioned earlier, this trip is not just about elk.  We have a group of friends sharing the same interests and this provides a reason to meet up and talk about elk, photography equipment, experiment with astrophotography in the darkness of the Benezette skies, and I cannot leave out the inevitable joking around.

This year, Fernando Trujillo, a friend Tom and I made during last years' Conowingo Dam Bald Eagle photo trip, made a five plus hour journey to join us for the weekend.  We felt bad for him because the heat took away what would have been an awesome elk experience. Elena snapped this cell phone photo of us after breakfast at the Old Bull Cafe.

Even with the lack of elk, I think the overall experience got him hooked.  We'll get 'em next year Fern!

Heat remained in the forecast so Elena and I decided to leave elk country a day early.

About a week later, the rut was only beginning to slow down so I accompanied my friend Jake Dingel back to Benezette.  The morning produced some action before the elk retreated into the woods.  Below is a short video of this foggy morning.  After the dominant bull took his cows into the woods, another bull tried to catch one of the remaining cows.  During the video, you can hear the dominant bull bugling in the woods.  The video ends with a bull we found on the sunny hilltop of Winslow Hill.


As you saw in the video, the difference between the foggy valley and Winslow Hill was extreme.

Winslow Hill CabinWinslow Hill Cabin


When the bugling stopped, Jake and I made a few stops in Elk Forest to photograph songbirds.  We were expecting migrating warblers as well as some wintering birds. Below is a Ruby-crowned Kinglet just as it was jumping into flight.

Ruby-crowned KingletRuby-crowned Kinglet


The sun lit up this female Eastern Towhee in front of the dark shadows of the forest.

Eastern TowheeEastern TowheeFemale


The Blackpoll Warbler is one I missed during the spring migration.  We found one on this day.

Blackpoll WarblerBlackpoll Warbler


The Ovenbird is usually heard before it is seen.  We caught a glimpse of this one on a tree limb for a few seconds.



Last spring, I photographed my first Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  They were adult males and females.  On this day, Jake and I found a juvenile.

Yellow-bellied SapsuckerYellow-bellied SapsuckerJuvenile


Black-capped Chickadee's are very popular in Pennsylvania, especially during winter.  Along with Tufted Titmouse, they are frequent visitors to backyard bird feeders.  Here is a portrait of one that came very close.

Black-capped ChickadeeBlack-capped Chickadee


As our quest for birds was coming to an end, we noticed this unusual rock formation.  I posted this photo on a Facebook group called "Rocks, Fossils & Minerals Identification" for some expert help.  There were a lot of comments and opinions that I'm not going to get into here.  I'll just leave it as "nature is awesome!"

Rock FormationRock FormationNear trail head of Fred's Trail


We met up with Tom for an early dinner at the Benezette Hotel before beginning an evening of hunting elk.  This time, we decided to stay in the woods since that seems to be where the elk wanted to be.  As we found our positions, we managed to see a few elk.

PA Elk (Oct, 2017)PA Elk (Oct, 2017)


As the sun set, the elk began to pass us on their way to the fields where they will eat.

PA Elk (Oct, 2017)PA Elk (Oct, 2017)


Some were a little slower than others or maybe they weren't as hungry.

PA Elk (Oct, 2017)PA Elk (Oct, 2017)


It was nearly too dark to shoot when we saw this bull who Tom immediately dubbed "Bullwinkle".

PA Elk (Oct, 2017)PA Elk (Oct, 2017)


I'll end this photo blog with one more video.  These clips are from the evening I just described to you.  It gives you an idea of an elk's evening from rest to rut.

American Elk


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) american elk benezette black-capped chickadee blackpoll warbler eastern towhee elk county kinglet" ovenbird ruby-crowned winslow hill yellow-bellied sapsucker https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/10/2017-pa-elk-rut-photography-affected-by-summer-heat Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:30:16 GMT
End of Summer Transitions of the White-tailed Deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/10/end-of-summer-transitions-of-the-white-tailed-deer The end of summer brings on many changes in the White-tailed Deer, especially the male, also called a buck.  As their antlers grow during the summer, bucks live alone or join bachelor groups.  Female deer (doe) and their babies (fawns) remain a family unit for up to a year or until the doe gives birth the next spring.  In late summer, the does and fawns are plentiful in the fields at dusk. 

This doe was crossing a field of Queen Anne's Lace to get to her fawns waiting at the edge.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


As the deer begin to shed their summer coat and their brown-gray winter coat grows, the velvet on the buck begins to die and get rubbed off.  That is when things start to happen.

The winter coat of this albino deer will remain white but the velvet begins to be shed as expected.  If you look closely, you can see blood on his left ear where the velvet has begun to come off.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerAlbino


Many people would argue that this is a leucistic deer and not an albino deer.  Let's explore the differences.

Albinism is caused when they have little or no melanin in their bodies.  The hair is white because it lacks pigment and the skin appears to be pink because the flowing blood shows through the deer's pale skin. They generally have pink eyes but they sometimes have pale blue eyes.  Albinism negatively affects their eyesight as well.

Leucism is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation resulting in white, pale, or patchy fur.  Patchy fur is referred to as Pie-bald.  Leucism does not affect the eyes or nose so the eyes remain brown and the nose remains black.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerAlbino


Below is a short video of the albino buck and others enjoying soy bean leaves. White-tailed Deer


Because of the pink skin that is very noticeable on the ears and nose and the pale blue eyes, it's hard to deny he is an albino.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerAlbino


During this time of year, the food source begins to change and testosterone begins to build.  As the bucks shed their velvet, the bachelor groups begin to disband.  All the deer you enjoyed watching the past few months are no longer easy to find.  As fall approaches, the fields of soy bean plants and other plants the deer love begin to yellow and acorns begin to drop.  Their feeding patterns change from the fields to oak trees growing throughout the forest.  The dense forest will give them more cover as they feed on their favorite fall harvest.

The life span of an albino deer is shorter than a normal colored deer.  One reason is that they cannot hide as well and predators can find them easier.  In the photo below, the albino has completed his shed but the small buck next to him is still in the process of rubbing it off.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerAlbino


As velvet sheds, they do not tolerate humans as much and they move more cautiously.  A short three weeks ago you could pull off to the side of the road in your car to watch big deer munching on Soy Bean leaves.  Now, they are simply not the same deer.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


All of the photographs in this blog were made in very low light.  Camera shutter speeds were slowed and ISO (sensitivity level of the camera's sensor) was set much higher than I normally set it.  Results were not always the best as I recorded many blurry ears and tails swishing at the flies and blurry lower jaws as they chewed the soy bean leaves.  I am happy to get what I got and I am equally thrilled to be able to share these beautiful animals with you.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerAlbino


The photo below is an example of everything I said above.  I found this lone buck one evening exiting the woods were I was set up in a blind.  He was heading toward a huge oak tree where the acorns were already hitting the ground.  His coat is in transition between his summer and winter coat and his remaining velvet is barely hanging on.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Seeing an albino deer is a rarity so I made four or five visits to the area he was known to feed.  There were several other deer in the area and a few really big bucks.  The really big bucks didn't get that way by being friendly.  I don't have any photos because they didn't take too kindly to me lifting a Canon (600mm lens) through the window of my vehicle.

I think the white-tailed Deer is one of the most beautiful animals roaming the earth.  Although the antlered deer are what we're watching for as the mating season gets closer, I still spend time photographing the females and their little ones too.  This next photo is a doe and her two fawns.  Although the spots have faded as their winter coat comes in, they are still noticeably smaller than mom.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


This little guy still has some spots remaining.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I love photographing animal behavior.  Unfortunately, I don't have time to do enough of it.  Animal Behavior photography, in my opinion, is photography of wildlife in their natural setting without interrupting their activities and hopefully, discrete enough that they don't know you are there.  Let's face it, you may be able to be hidden for a short time but animals have keen senses and discover anything that is different.  At that point, our best hope is that you are hidden well enough that you don't pose a threat.

Photographing from a vehicle is a perfect example.  Deer see a lot of vehicles drive by and never look up from their feeding.  That makes vehicles a good blind as long as you remain in it.

I feel so fortunate when I am lucky enough to witness interaction between wildlife and their babies or even the show of affection like these two fawns grooming each other.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Here are a few more shots of the bucks feeding in the soy bean field.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerAlbino


White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


I couldn't take my eyes, or my lens, off the two fawns in the back of the field.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


The grooming continued.  Doesn't it look like they are giving each other a hug?

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


Did you know that a deer's vision is better at night than it is during the day?  Also, the colors green, orange, and red appear as shades of gray to the deer.  I don't know that I would like that!

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


September is a time of pre-rut where testosterone builds in the males and hormones escalate in the females.  Many bucks begin to "feel each other out" by sparring.  Sparring is not an all-out dominance fight but more of an action of pushing each other around.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


It was getting very dark when I made this photograph.  Most of my photos were blurry but I managed to save a couple like the one below.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed Deer


When it gets too dark for photos I switch to video until it gets too dark.  This video contains clips of bucks sparring along the woodland edge.  There were several cars or trucks that drove by during these clips and a few stopped to watch.  Unfortunately, most people leave their car running so my microphone picks that up.  Hopefully, you can ignore the annoying background noise.


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) albino white-tailed deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/10/end-of-summer-transitions-of-the-white-tailed-deer Sun, 15 Oct 2017 20:39:02 GMT
End of Summer Wildlife Never Fails https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/10/end-of-summer-wildlife-never-fails According to the calendar, autumn has arrived.  If you’ve walked outside of your northeast home lately, you’ve noticed it still feels like August.  With temperatures in the 80’s, we humans make the appropriate adjustments to enjoy the prolonged “summer”.  Wildlife and nature, on the other hand, keeps doing what it does in October.

Goldenrod is in bloom, Pokeweed berries are ripening, many wildflowers turned to seed, the sweet and bitter fruits and nuts are ripening into nutrition to be eaten and cached by wildlife, and finally, the deep greens of our summer foliage has begun to turn into yellow and red hues across our landscape.

I have been consumed with Elk, White-tailed Deer, and fall songbird migration photography lately but in the process, there are always special moments and sights to capture in my camera.  This photo blog is a compilation of photos and a short video displaying wildlife and nature seen during my time “in the field” the last couple months.

I hope you enjoy these late summer photographs such as this Gray Catbird perched in the, yet-to-ripen, Pokeweed plant.

Gray CatbirdGray Catbird


The setting sun is like a spotlight on the thin ears of the Cottontail Rabbit.

Cottontail RabbitCottontail Rabbit


When we bought this property 20 years ago, I was happy to find it is in the middle of several Eastern Black Walnut trees.  Yes, they are messy but I don't have to pick up the fallen fruit.  My yard is a popular place in the fall when all the neighborhood Gray Squirrels come to gather nuts. I put down lime on certain parts of my lawn to reduce the acidity from the husks the squirrels leave behind.  Keeping the trees is the least I can do to help them through the winter.

Eastern Gray SquirrelEastern Gray Squirrel


This bird nesting box has been empty for several months now but this Tufted Titmouse had to check if anyone was home.

Tufted TitmouseTufted Titmouse


Elena and I were in Benezette for a long weekend to photograph the Elk rut.  It happened to be during a hot and dry stretch of weather.  It affected photography of the rut because the heat would force the elk into the woods earlier in the morning and keep them in there longer in the evening.  It wasn't a great weekend for elk photography but I did grab a few interesting shots of other topics.

Here is a Cedar Waxwing perched on a Pokeweed plant.

Cedar WaxwingCedar Waxwing


If you've ever been to Benezette, or any mountainous area for that matter, you will realize that the morning usually greets you with heavy fog.  Of course, fog leaves behind dew.

When the sun finally emerged this one morning in Benezette, we were greeted by several hundred dew drenched spider webs glistening in the fields.

Below is a photograph of a Banded Garden Spider and an interesting tidbit I found about web construction from the Department of Entomology at Penn State University.

"A behavioral study of web construction determined that the majority of Argiope trifasciata orient their webs along an east-to-west axis. The spiders hang head-down in the center of the web with their abdomens facing south. Since the underside (venter) of the spider is mostly black, the orientation of both web and spider is believed to maximize solar radiation for heat gain—an important consideration for spiders that are active late in the year."

Morning dew on the web of a female Banded Garden SpiderMorning dew on the web of a female Banded Garden SpiderBanded Garden Spider (Female)


Waiting for elk to emerge in the evening can be a snoozefest if you let it happen.  Instead, I watched several Monarch butterflies visiting the flowering Goldenrod that dappled the landscape.  The journey in front of this butterfly is amazing when you think about it.  The monarch is this large-winged insect that weighs 1/2 gram or less and seems to be at the mercy of whichever way the wind is blowing.  The journey it is on will take him to the final destination of Mexico or southern California where it is warm year round. 

Monarch Butterfly on GoldenrodMonarch Butterfly on Goldenrod


On one of my more productive elk visits to Benezette I got to spend the day with my good friend Tom Dorsey, who lives in that region of the state.  After spending a very good morning with the elk, Tom took me on a tour of many of the back roads through the mountains and Elk State Forest.  Once Tom drove us out of the area I am familiar with, I had no idea where I was.  By the way, I keep mentioning elk with no photos.  The elk photos will be in an upcoming blog about my experiences during the 2017 elk rut.

Close to the end of my tour, Tom took me to a place called Shaggers Inn Pond.  It is tucked away in the forest of Clearfield County.  We spent about an hour there watching the birds including a Bald Eagle all the way down in size to fall songbirds chirping in the bushes. Shaggers Inn PondShaggers Inn PondClearfield County, PA


Back in western Pennsylvania, wildlife photography opportunities continue.  One day, I spotted a few Wild Turkey and several of their poults (babies).  The field grasses were too high to photograph the poults so here is one of the adults.

Wild TurkeyWild Turkey


One day, while photographing birds in my back yard, I saw this Gray Squirrel sitting in the fork of a tree gnawing the husk from the fruit of one of my Eastern Black Walnut trees.

Eastern Gray SquirrelEastern Gray Squirrel


I have a trail cam that I move around my backyard to see how my bird feeders get emptied over night and see what might be coming in to get a drink or bath at the fish pond.  All summer, I've had two Raccoons visit now and then.  So far, my fish have been safe.  One morning, I noticed one of the Raccoons in a large, hollow maple tree that was here long before we were.  It was very early in the morning and I think he was ready for a day of napping.



He found a spot to relax.



I'd like to share a short video of clips made in my backyard.  I love to watch the American Goldfinsh pulling seeds from the dried Echinacea flower. Also in the video is the Gray Squirrel peeling the husk from a walnut you saw earlier in this blog.  And, of course, I have to share video of the Raccoon in the tree.


One evening my friend, Jake Dingel, and I went out looking for White-tailed Deer.  We were hoping to find them in the process of shedding their velvet.  On our way past a marsh, we spotted a Green Heron perched on a stump in the water.  We stopped and photographed the bird.

Green HeronGreen Heron


The heron caught me off guard when he lunged to make a catch and I didn't get any photos worth sharing.  This photo was after he returned to the stump with a small frog.

Green HeronGreen Heron


I wish I had my macro lens instead of only the 600mm when I saw this Praying Mantis.  It could be a little sharper but it is still worth sharing.


One Saturday morning, after reports of a rare Sabine's Gull being seen at a lake about an hour away in Clarion County, Elena and I decided to go see the bird.  Unfortunately, the day before was the last time it was seen as it continued on its migration.  

During our wait at the lake, we spotted several fall warblers that I will share in an upcoming photo blog.  We also got to watch this Osprey dive into the water and retrieve a fish.  Unfortunately, the wind was blowing into our face and since birds land, take off, and fish into the wind, its back was toward us the whole time.  The only photos I have to share are after the catch, like the one below.



That's all for now.  I hope you enjoyed this series of photos.  Soon I will be sharing photos of White-tailed Deer and the American Elk herd in Pennsylvania. I hope you check back soon. 

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) american goldfinch banded garden spider cedar waxwing cottontail rabbit eastern gray squirrel gray catbird green heron monarch butterfly osprey praying mantis raccoon shaggers pond tufted titmouse wild turkey https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/10/end-of-summer-wildlife-never-fails Sun, 08 Oct 2017 21:24:00 GMT
A Morning at the Marsh https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/8/a-morning-at-the-marsh August brings about another kind of migration to the northeast region of the United States.  Shorebirds begin to make their yearly trek toward their winter homes.  The Lake Erie shore attracts many of these shorebirds and one particular beach in northern Ohio is one of them.  Not only does the beach at Conneaut, Ohio have the Lake Erie shoreline, there is also a large sand bar containing a mud flat (when it’s not flooded) and a photography friendly marshland.

The sand bar is a two hour drive for me so I don’t go very often, especially since most of the birds have lost their colorful breeding plumage.  However, it is a good place to see a nice variety of birds.

In this photo blog, I’m going to show you a very difficult bird to find, our smallest heron, the Least Bittern.  Then, I’ll share a few photos of a bird that has managed to avoid my camera lens until this year, the American Avocet. Then I’ll share a video containing clips of the Least Bittern, American Avocet, and more.

The Least Bittern is very well camouflaged, making it one of the most difficult North American marsh birds to spot. 

Least BitternLeast BitternFemale


The least bitten measures between 11 and 14 inches in length with its neck outstretched.  When in a relaxed position, I’m guessing they are half of that.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


The Least Bittern uses its long neck to search for and catch prey without leaving the perch.  If you look closely, you can see the target on the Spatterdock leaf, a dragonfly.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


Least BitternLeast BitternMale


The Least Bittern eats mostly small fish (such as minnows, sunfishes, and perch) and large insects (dragonflies and others); also crayfish, leeches, frogs, tadpoles, small snakes, and other items.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


In this photo, this female bittern just caught a dragonfly nymph.  (A dragonfly’s life span is about one year with very little of that time being spent as an adult dragonfly. A dragonfly nymph is the middle, and longest, stage between the egg and adulthood.  During the nymph stage, they spend their time underwater so, unless you witness a Least Bittern catch one for a snack, you seldom see them.)

Least BitternLeast BitternFemale


Bittern can feed in water that is too deep for them to walk in because of their habit of straddling reeds.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


Least BitternLeast BitternMale


As I mentioned earlier, the Least Bittern is our smallest heron measuring between 11 and 14.2 inches in length.  Even with a wingspan of 16 - 18 inches, it only weighs between 1.8 – 3.6 ounces.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


The Least Bittern has adapted for life in dense marshes.  As I previously mentioned, rather than wading in the water like larger herons, they move about the marsh clinging onto cattails and reeds with their long toes.  It slips its thin body through even the most thickest marshes.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


Least BitternLeast BitternMale


Because of its preferred habitat, it often goes unseen except when it flies.  Perhaps the only way you will know one is nearby is because you hear its cooing and clucking call notes.  However, sometimes you can find them in the open such as these bitterns I found hunting on the Spatterdock.

Least BitternLeast BitternMale


Least BitternLeast BitternMale


Until this day I’ve never seen an American Avocet. I was really happy to see at least one come to my shore today.  At 16.9 to 18.5 inches in length, they are a lot larger than I thought they were.

American AvocetAmerican AvocetLate Summer Plumage


Probably the most distinguishing mark of an American Avocet is their long, upturned bill.  I would love to see one of these beautiful birds in the spring when they are in breeding plumage.  In the photo below you can still see the fading rust color of its neck.

American AvocetAmerican AvocetLate Summer Plumage


This avocet stayed at the edge of the shoreline, however, they do prefer shallow water and large mudflats.

American AvocetAmerican AvocetLate Summer Plumage


Their diet consists mostly of small crustaceans and insects, also some seeds. They feed by walking through the water with the tips of their bills in the water and slightly open.  They filter food items from below the water surface.

American AvocetAmerican AvocetLate Summer Plumage


During migration, the birds need to eat and sleep during their stopovers.  This avocet was preening for a little while and its eyes were beginning to close in the warm sun.

American AvocetAmerican AvocetLate Summer Plumage


American AvocetAmerican AvocetLate Summer Plumage


We had an interesting visitor one morning.  As I and a small group of photographers and birders waited for the Least Bittern to venture into the open, this immature Great Blue Heron walked up on us and wasn't afraid at all.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronJuvenile


As I promised, here is a short video of some of the birds that can be found in a marsh.

Shore & Marsh Birds


I hope you enjoyed this little compilation of photos from Conneaut, OH.  There's always an adventure waiting around the next turn. 

See you there,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) american avocet american bittern great blue heron https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/8/a-morning-at-the-marsh Wed, 30 Aug 2017 00:12:18 GMT
My Warblers of Spring, 2017 https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/my-warblers-of-spring-2017 I hope you have enjoyed the recent short blog posts highlighting some of the rare or seldom seem warblers in the western Pennsylvania region.  It was a great, but tiring, spring season.  Juggling work and home life, I managed to get out to photograph warblers on weekend mornings and evenings and a few vacation days here and there during the month of May.

I realize many readers have never seen some of these birds and that is a benefit of what I do.  If you are able, I hope these photos encourage you to get out in nature and enjoy yourself.  There is no happier moment than when you are out in nature, worries and concerns set aside, watching these little beauties decorate your world from the ground to the tree tops.

Sadly, many of these birds you are about to see are falling victim to human "progress".  Urban development, among other things, are causing habitat loss in their breeding grounds.  Breeding habitat is very specific for our songbirds.  They can't simply go to the next standing tree or shrub!  Steps of conservation are being taken but will it be enough?  We, as shepherds of this land, need to be more concerned with the results of our actions in regards to wildlife.

I hope you enjoy the photos of the 28 species of warbler I photographed this spring.  I thought I had 29 species until I found out about the reclassification of the Yellow-breasted Chat.  I included him in the end of this blog for ol times sake.

Maybe these photos will encourage you to make plans to learn more about these little beauties and become more active in their future.

American Redstart  
American RedstartAmerican RedstartMale American RedstartAmerican RedstartMale


Black-and-white Warbler

Black-and-white WarblerBlack-and-white WarblerMale Black-and-white WarblerBlack-and-white Warbler


Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue WarblerBlack-throated Blue WarblerMale


Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green WarblerBlack-throated Green WarblerMale Black-throated Green WarblerBlack-throated Green WarblerMale


Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian WarblerBlackburnian WarblerMale Blackburnian WarblerBlackburnian WarblerMale


Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged WarblerBlue-winged WarblerMale Blue-winged WarblerBlue-winged WarblerMale


Canada Warbler

Canada WarblerCanada WarblerMale Canada WarblerCanada WarblerMale


Cape May Warbler

Cape May WarblerCape May WarblerMale


Cerulean Warbler

Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler Cerulean WarblerCerulean Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided WarblerChestnut-sided WarblerMale Chestnut-sided WarblerChestnut-sided WarblerMale


Common Yellowthroat

Common YellowthroatCommon YellowthroatMale Common YellowthroatCommon Yellowthroat


Golden-winged Warbler

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Hooded Warbler

Hooded WarblerHooded Warbler Hooded WarblerHooded Warbler


Kentucky Warbler

Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerMale


Louisiana Waterthrush

Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush Louisiana WaterthrushLouisiana Waterthrush


Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale


Mourning Warbler

Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale


Nashville Warbler

Nashville WarblerNashville Warbler


Northern Parula

Northern ParulaNorthern Parula Northern ParulaNorthern Parula



OvenbirdOvenbird OvenbirdOvenbird


Palm Warbler

Palm WarblerPalm Warbler  


Pine Warbler

Pine WarblerPine WarblerMale Pine WarblerPine WarblerMale


Prairie Warbler

Prairie WarblerPrairie WarblerMale Prairie WarblerPrairie WarblerMale


Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary WarblerMale Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary Warbler


Worm-eating Warbler

Worm-eating WarblerWorm-eating Warbler Worm-eating WarblerWorm-eating Warbler


Yellow Warbler

Yellow WarblerYellow WarblerMale Yellow WarblerYellow WarblerFemale


Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped WarblerYellow-rumped WarblerMale Yellow-rumped WarblerYellow-rumped Warbler


Yellow-throated  Warbler

Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler Yellow-throated WarblerYellow-throated Warbler


Yellow-breasted Chat

Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores) Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores)


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) american redstart black-and-white warbler blackburnian warbler black-throated blue warbler black-throated green warbler blue-winged warbler canada warbler cape may warbler cerulean warbler chestnut-sided warbler common yellowthroat golden-winged warbler hooded warbler kentucky warbler louisiana waterthrush magnolia warbler mourning warbler nashville warbler northern parula ovenbird palm warbler pine warbler prairie warbler prothonotary warbler worm-eating warbler yellow warbler yellow-breasted chat yellow-rumped warbler yellow-throated warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/my-warblers-of-spring-2017 Wed, 19 Jul 2017 23:11:11 GMT
Yellow-breasted Chat: A Warbler Reclassified https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/yellow-breasted-chat-our-largest-warbler The Yellow-breasted Chat is the largest of our warblers.  At least it was our largest warbler.  After writing the original version of this blog I found out the warbler classification of the Yellow-breasted Chat is in jeopardy because of several changes being proposed by the the American Ornithological Society's North and Middle American Classification Committee.  Here is a partial quote from the proposal.  "The Yellow-breasted Chat is no longer part of the wood-warbler family, Parulidae, and gets its own family Icteriidae, not be confused with the blackbird family Icteridae."  Well, the change is official and if you care to read about it, you can here.

Regardless of its classification, the Yellow-breasted Chat is a pretty cool bird.  If you hope to see one, you better look in the spring while the male is singing for a mate or protecting his territory because they are fairly quiet the rest of the summer.

Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores)


As you can see in the range map below, the chat is a widespread breeder across North America and they migrate all the way into Central America for the winter.  On their breeding grounds during the summer months, they prefer shrubby thickets and other dense habitats. 

YellowBreastedChatRangeMapYellowBreastedChatRangeMap Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores)


I would like to describe their calls but I cannot say it better than the description on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website.  Here is their description: "Males have a large repertoire of songs made up of whistles, cackles, mews, catcalls, caw notes, chuckles, rattles, squawks, gurgles, and pops, which they repeat and string together with great variety".

Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores)


One of the fun moments of bird photography is when the bird sits on a branch for an extended period of time and preens.  The preening session usually ends with a total body fluff-up like this male is doing in the next photograph.  Notice the black coloration in the region between the eye and the nostrils?  That area is called the lores.  A male chat has black lores and the female has gray lores. Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores)


I mentioned earlier in this blog that the chat is the largest of all warblers.  They are large and bulky compared to other warblers and they have a long tail, large head and a thick, heavy bill.

Yellow-breasted ChatYellow-breasted ChatMale (Black Lores)


Although the Yellow-breasted Chat's population has declined in parts of the southwest, their population is mostly stable.  As more eastern forests are being cleared to create brushy habitat, their population has been increasing.  Keep in mind when I refer to "forests being cleared" I don't mean for urban development.  That doesn't help their population at all.  Clearing forests is a good thing when old growth is logged out creating habitat for many birds that prefer new-growth areas.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) yellow-breasted chat https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/yellow-breasted-chat-our-largest-warbler Mon, 17 Jul 2017 00:52:01 GMT
Indigo Bunting: A Scrap of Sky With Wings https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/indigo-bunting-a-scrap-of-sky-with-wings Sometimes called “Blue Canaries”, the Indigo Bunting sings on the highest perch all spring and summer.  When I want to photograph Indigo Buntings, I visit any weedy fields or shrubby areas near woods and listen.  Eventually, one will come along.


A male Indigo Bunting will sing as many as 200 songs per hour at dawn and about one per minute for the rest of the day.  Many times birders refer to a bird’s song in the English language.  If you were to do that for an Indigo Bunting, it would be "what! what! where? where? see it! see it!" repeated in pairs.


While watching the male and waiting for him to return, I saw a flash of brown in the weeds.  It was holding its wings out slightly while vibrating its wings and making a buzzing sound. To me, it looked like a young male waiting to be fed.  As I photographed him, the adult flew into the shot.


I would have expected the adult to have a morsel of food but I guess he just came in to the calls of the youngster.


The plain brown females are seen much less often.  They need to be inconspicuous because they do most of the work caring for the eggs and young which are hidden in dense thickets.  This one came in and out of the thicket a few times.


In the shadows, the male Indigo Bunting looks much darker.  Why?  This bird’s feathers does not contain any blue pigment.  The structure of the feathers diffracts light so that we see only the color blue.  So, the amount of light changes our perception of the color of an Indigo Bunting.


Indigo Buntings eat small seeds, berries, buds, and insects.  The female reappeared and this time had an insect in her beak.  Interestingly, she didn’t eat it or offer it to the male.  Instead, she flit from perch to perch with the insect in her mouth.


The male looked very interested in something.  Usually, they fly around in a large circle but today he was staying in a tight loop.


Finally, I saw the reason for the peculiar actions.  They had a nestling that climbed the branch to get up where it could see more.


Once I saw the little bunting, I decided to leave and not disturb them anymore.  They obviously wanted to feed their baby but not while I was there.  I was happy to give it space.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) indigo bunting https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/indigo-bunting-a-scrap-of-sky-with-wings Tue, 11 Jul 2017 22:31:13 GMT
Ma and Pa Gomola Go To Benezette https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/ma-and-pa-gomola-go-to-benezette

You probably have to be Baby Boomer or older to understand the reference in the title of this photo blog.  We didn't have quite the antics that Ma and Pa Kettle had when they visited town but it was an eventful evening.

On Sunday, July 2nd, Elena and I went to Benezette for the evening. After kicking around the shops a little bit, we had dinner at the Benezette Hotel and headed for State Game Lands 311 known as "The Saddle" to photograph grassland birds. The Saddle was full of Eastern Meadowlark and most were juvenile. They all stayed pretty far away. I managed some nice photos of a rare Pennsylvania visitor/breeding resident, the Dickcissel.

It was a lot of fun photographing these birds because every time I was going to quit, the light would change and I'd have to get photos in the new light.  After the customary singing photos, I tried catching some as they landed on a perch.



The Dickcissel is a breeding bird of the prairie grasslands of the mid-west but sometimes they venture a little further east than normal and we find them in western Pennsylvania.



A huge cloud covered the sun for about 10 minutes and I loved the soft light it offered.



The sun was getting low and the Dickcissel perched in a budding Pokeweed plant.



Here is a 47 second video of a male Dickcissel singing.  If you listen carefully you can hear Meadowlark in the background.



Another bird of the grassland is the Savannah Sparrow.

Savannah SparrowSavannah SparrowMale


On our way out of town I spotted a bull elk deep in the shadows. ISO went up and shutter speed went down but I managed a couple sharp pics.

PA Elk (Jul, 2017)PA Elk (Jul, 2017)


He stopped to rub his antlers in the tree branches.  There was some really cool pics to be made but my shutter speed was too slow.  When I went to see world famous wildlife photographer, Charles Glatzer, speak last year, he made one suggestion that everyone should adhere to regarding shooting in near darkness.  It went something like this: "Raise the iso to raise the shutter speed and deal with the noise in post processing because a blurry photo isn't worth anything".  I should have done that.

PA Elk (Jul, 2017)PA Elk (Jul, 2017)


Further down the road in the mountains surrounding Benezette we spotted a Black Bear raiding someone's bird feeder.

Black BearBlack BearElk County, PA


After she cleaned up the bird seed she headed back into the woods.  She gave me one last look on the way.

Black BearBlack BearElk County, PA


All in all, it was a great day. I forgot to mention that I almost stepped on a 5 foot long Rat Snake because I was paying more attention to the fields than I was of the trail but it moved and I jumped and all ended well.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Elk Black Bear Dickcissel Savannah Sparrow https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/ma-and-pa-gomola-go-to-benezette Sat, 08 Jul 2017 00:33:13 GMT
Magnolia Warbler: Former Black-and-yellow Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/magnolia-warbler-former-black-and-yellow-warbler The Magnolia Warbler, hands down, is one of the most beautiful warblers.  While other birds have their distinct markings, the Magnolia Warbler has them all.  He is loaded with features like bold white eyebrows, an elegant necklace, bright yellow rump, belly and chin and a dark mask.

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale


Even though this bird is very small and active, they are not as difficult to spot as other warblers because they often stay low to the ground providing opportunities for photography.

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale


In 1810, a pioneer ornithologist named Alexander Wilson found this species in a Magnolia tree in Mississippi and is credited with its name.  He actually used the name "Black-and-yellow Warbler" as its English name and "Magnolia" for the Latin species name.  Over time, Magnolia has become the common name.

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale


I had a lot of success finding Magnolia Warblers this year.  If you look in low growth, coniferous stands or mixed forest, you just may see a Magnolia Warbler for yourself.

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale


The Magnolia Warbler migrates at night.  In the spring and fall, most fly across the Gulf of Mexico where they winter in Mexico, Central America, West Indies, and most commonly in Yucatan Peninsula.  Strays have been known to reach the west coast during the spring and especially fall migration.

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia WarblerMale MagnoliaWarblerRangeMapMagnoliaWarblerRangeMap


During the summer, in the north woods, they favor second-growth habitats.  Their numbers are actually reported as stable or increases in certain areas.  One reason contributing to their increase is their ability to adapt to second-growth woods and cut-over areas.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Magnolia Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/7/magnolia-warbler-former-black-and-yellow-warbler Wed, 05 Jul 2017 22:21:32 GMT
Mournig Warbler Leaves Me Wanting More https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/mournig-warbler-leaves-me-wanting-more The Mourning Warbler seldom leaves the protection of their dense habitat and they tend to sing only on their breeding grounds.  Even though they can be common in some locations, they are much less frequently seen.  This May, me, Elena, and friends Tom Dorsey, Tony Bruno, and Jake Dingel made a few trips, not always together, into the Allegheny National Forest in search of Mourning Warbler habitat.  We were lucky to find some occupied by a Mourning Warbler or two. Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale


On one trip, Elena and I found a Mourning Warbler at one location and he showed himself for about five seconds in the thicket in front of me.  We waited several minutes and he didn't return so we moved on.  The next location was a little better.  A male appeared and spent about 10 minutes flitting between fallen limbs that were laying on the ground after loggers took the forest they needed.

Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale


You can see in the map below that the lower end of their breeding territory extends into northern Pennsylvania.

Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale MourningWarblerRangeMapMourningWarblerRangeMap


Pioneering ornithologist Alexander Wilson claimed the dark "hood" and black breast patch reminded him of someone in mourning. Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale


This little male continued to fly back and forth.  Apparently, I didn't come close to a nest because both male and female Mourning Warblers pretend to have broken wings to distract predators that come too close to their nest. Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerMale


The Mourning Warbler is not as vulnerable to loss of habitat as other warblers.  Logging of old growth forests provide exactly the habitat they need to breed.  According to reports from the National Audubon Society, current numbers are stable.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Mourning Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/mournig-warbler-leaves-me-wanting-more Mon, 26 Jun 2017 23:06:06 GMT
Prothonotary Warbler: A Golden Ray of Light https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/prothonotary-warbler-a-golden-ray-of-light The Prothonotary Warbler, often called a "swamp warbler" in the southeast, are usually found in the dim understory of woodland swamps.  They have been described as "a golden ray of light" as they jump around the branches searching for insects.  As you will see in the following images, that is exactly where I photographed this little male. Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary WarblerMale


Although the range map below doesn't show it, there are breeding Prothonotary Warblers in the state of Pennsylvania.  They are only one of two warblers that nest in holes in standing dead trees.  The Lucy's Warbler is the other but since they live in far southwestern United States, I'm not going to find any of those in Pennsylvania.

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary WarblerMale ProthonotaryWarblerRangeMapProthonotaryWarblerRangeMap


Do you know how the Prothonotary Warbler got its name?  They got their name from the bright yellow robes worn by papal clerks, known as prothonotaries, in the Roman Catholic church. Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary WarblerMale


All of the adult Prothonotary Warblers that I photographed have dark, wet looking feathers on their crown where they should have bright yellow feathers like the rest of their head.  The reason is not certain but some people have said it is because of their method of hunting for insects.  They look under leaves and reach in for the insect so water touches their heads, making them wet.  Another idea is that certain plants have a sap textured secretion from their leaves and the sap gets on their head while hunting and stains the feathers. 

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary WarblerMale


I watched this Prothonotary Warbler hunting for quite a while and smiled at the positions he got into while looking for insects.

Prothonotary WarblerProthonotary WarblerMale


The conservation status of the Prothonotary Warbler is better than other warblers but they are still on the decline.  The clearing of swamp forests in the south have affected their breeding range.  Elsewhere, birdhouses have helped them remain fairly common.

Well, that's it for the Prothonotary Warbler photo blog.  If you would like to see more photos that I didn't include in the post, you can check them out in the Prothonotary Warbler gallery of my website.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Prothonotary Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/prothonotary-warbler-a-golden-ray-of-light Thu, 22 Jun 2017 19:55:26 GMT
Kentucky Warbler: Usually Heard but Not Seen https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/kentucky-warbler-usually-heard-but-not-seen On my quest of photographing warblers this spring I did have the opportunity to photograph a few seldom seen, or rare birds.  I decided to single out a few species because of their rarity and/or their beauty.  The first photo blog, published on June 4th, was about the Golden-winged Warbler.  Today's photo blog is about the Kentucky Warbler.

The Kentucky Warbler is a small, brightly colored warbler whose loud song can be heard in the undergrowth of eastern deciduous forests.  They spend most of their time on the ground in moist, leafy woodlands searching for insects.  Despite its bright colors, the dark shadows of the forest keeps them well hidden. Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerMale


I was so fortunate to find a male Kentucky Warbler on a few occasions and photograph them in the middle of their song.  You can see in the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's range map below, northern Pennsylvania nears the end of the Kentucky Warbler's breeding range.  Prior to 1940, the Kentucky Warbler's breeding range ended in southern Pennsylvania but the creation of breeding habitats expanded their range.

Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerMale KentuckyWarblerRangeMapKentuckyWarblerRangeMap

The main diet of the Kentucky Warbler consists of various insects including moths, bugs, ants, grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, aphids, grubs, and spiders, plus a few berries. Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerMale


I was able to get some images of this beauty on the edge of some pretty thick shrubs along a large tract of deciduous forest. Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerMale


We in Pennsylvania get to enjoy the presence of the Kentucky Warbler for another two months.  They begin to leave their breeding ground in August.

Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerMale


The Kentucky Warbler sings a loud springtime song but he usually sings from a secluded perch.  When you hear him sing, it's hard to believe they are such a shy and elusive bird.

Kentucky WarblerKentucky Warbler


Their survival story isn't much different from other beautiful warblers on this planet.  This species is declining and one reason is the clearing of forests.  Loss of habitat is also happening on their wintering grounds.  As forests are broken up into smaller patches, they become vulnerable to cowbird parasitism.  Brown-headed Cowbirds do not raise their own young.  Instead, they lay their eggs in other species' nests allowing them to be raised by the other species.  There are several reasons parasitism hurts the survival of the other species of birds like the Kentucky Warbler.

If you would like to see more photo of Kentucky Warblers, check out my Kentucky Warbler gallery here.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Kentucky Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/kentucky-warbler-usually-heard-but-not-seen Mon, 19 Jun 2017 23:23:38 GMT
The Enjoyment of May and June Wildlife https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/the-enjoyment-of-may-and-june-wildlife I was so busy in May and the first half of June photographing birds in the Warbler family.  I'm sad that it's past but I'm also a little relieved because it required a lot of travel to get some new species.  I will share the "fruits of my labor" in upcoming photo blogs but right now, I want to share many of the other encounters with wildlife that I enjoyed along the way.

Not going to be much reading in this one folks.  I hope you enjoy these bonus photos as much as I enjoyed making them.

Black-billed Cuckoo (Centre County, PA) - Typically a treetop dweller, I was happy when this Black-billed Cuckoo came low enough for a decent photo. Black-billed CuckooBlack-billed Cuckoo


Black-crowned Night-Heron (Ottawa County, OH)  - I photographed this Black-crowned Night-Heron in mid-day with a high, bright sun.  Definitely not a choice I would make if I had any kind of clout with the wildlife. Ha ha!  Apparently, they don't care what I want!  Anyway, I watched him sit on a log for an hour or so before he decided to take a flight over the water to relieve himself and return.  I don't know about other birds but these ones don't "poop" where they hunt for food.  I was glad he had to go because it gave me an opportunity for some action photos. Black-crowned Night-HeronBlack-crowned Night-Heron


Black-crowned Night-Heron (Ottawa County, OH) - In breeding season adults have two long white plumes on their heads. They are evident in the photo below.  Black-crowned night herons don't have adult plumage until they are about three years old. Black-crowned Night-HeronBlack-crowned Night-Heron


Black-crowned Night-Heron (Ottawa County, OH) - I have several more photos from this series.  If you are interested, you can view them in my Avian/Heron/Black-crowned Night-Heron gallery. Black-crowned Night-HeronBlack-crowned Night-Heron


Bobolink (Lawrence County, PA) - I found several Bobolink mixed with Meadowlark and some sparrows.  The photo below is the female Bobolink.



Bobolink (Lawrence County, PA) - Here is the male Bobolink in breeding plumage. BobolinkBobolinkMale


Common Grackle (Ottawa County, OH) - Known to be a poor but spirited singer, the Common Grackle has to be proud of their iridescent plumage. Common GrackleCommon Grackle


Dunlin (Ottawa County, OH) -  First time I ever photographed this little shorebird DunlinDunlin


Dunlin (Ottawa County, OH) - Mirror, Mirror! DunlinDunlin


Eastern Towhee (Butler County, PA) - A vocal resident of our summer forest.  It's a special photo opportunity when you can find the male and female together in one frame. Eastern TowheeEastern TowheeMale & Female


Greater Yellowlegs (Ottawa County, OH) - Taking a break on a mound in the marsh. Greater YellowlegsGreater Yellowlegs


Green Heron (Centre County, PA) Green HeronGreen Heron


Green Heron chicks (Crawford County, PA) - A friend called me about a Green Heron nest in a nearby yard.  Height and leaves made photography difficult but it was neat to see. Green HeronGreen HeronNestling


Henslow's Sparrow (Clarion County, PA) Henslow's SparrowHenslow's Sparrow


Hermit Thrush (Forest County, PA) - The Hermit Thrush has an interesting courtship behavior.  For the first two days after arriving to his springtime breeding grounds, he attacks and chases the female.  If she remains beyond the two days, a union is formed. Hermit ThrushHermit Thrush


Philadelphia Vireo (Ottawa County, OH) - This guy looks very much like the Warbling Vireo pictured later in this photo blog.  The most noticeable difference is the yellow wash on the chin and chest of the Philadelphia Vireo.

Philadelphia VireoPhiladelphia Vireo


Raccoon (Ottawa County, OH) - Magee Marsh has more than birds. RaccoonRaccoon


Red Squirrel (Butler County, PA) Red SquirrelRed Squirrel


Red-headed Woodpecker (Mahoning County, OH) - Parks and golf courses are a good place to find this species of woodpecker.  I found them on a golf course in an Ohio Metro Park.  This one was looking for worms on the ground. Red-headed WoodpeckerRed-headed Woodpecker


Red-headed Woodpecker (Mahoning County, OH) - I think this is one of the most beautiful reds in nature. Red-headed WoodpeckerRed-headed Woodpecker


Red-winged Blackbird (Lawrence County, PA) - Even though they are plentiful, it's fun to capture a portrait showing his colors. Red-winged BlackbirdRed-winged BlackbirdMale


Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Forest County, PA) - He just appeared.  I had my back turned and I heard a chink sound that sounded like a sneaker on a gym floor.  I finally looked to see who was doing all the talking and there he was.  He must have heard a photographer was in town! Rose-breasted GrosbeakRose-breasted GrosbeakMale


Ruddy Turnstone (Ottawa County, OH) - There are about 350 species of shorebirds in the world, but there are only 2 turnstones, the Ruddy Turnstone and the Black Turnstone, both of which occur in North America.  This one had his face buried in the pebbles of the Lake Erie shore when a wave came in. Ruddy TurnstoneRuddy TurnstoneMale


Ruddy Turnstone (Ottawa County, OH) - The turnstone gets its name from its habit of turning over stones when it looks for food. It is also sometimes called the seaweed bird because it often feeds among the kelp at low tide.

Ruddy TurnstoneRuddy TurnstoneMale


Scarlet Tanager Male (Indiana County, PA) - A beautiful tanager with a difficult plumage color to photograph.  The light needs to be just right to correctly expose the male Scarlet Tanager. Some of my photographs depict a bright red to an orange at times.  It really doesn't matter.  It's just a pleasure to see a Scarlet Tanager in branches low enough for a portrait. Scarlet TanagerScarlet TanagerMale


Scarlet Tanager Female (Indiana County, PA) - Sometimes a guy can get lucky and have the mating pair show themselves.  Too bad they weren't in the same frame like the Eastern Towhee earlier in this photo blog. Scarlet TanagerScarlet TanagerFemale


Tree Swallow (Ottawa County, OH) - There were several Tree Swallow nesting trees located at Magee Marsh. Tree SwallowTree Swallow


Warbling Vireo (Ottawa County, OH) - Looks like a warbler except for the beak. Warbling VireoWarbling Vireo


White-tailed Deer (Jefferson County, PA) - This doe was crossing a gas line cut over the hills.  The fawn was so small I had to wait for it to get into shorter grass to see it. White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerDoe with fawn


White-tailed Deer (Jefferson County, PA) - Another view as they turned up the hill. White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerDoe with fawn


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Female (Forest County, PA) - This spring is the first time I ever photographed a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  The sapsucker is in the woodpecker family. Yellow-bellied SapsuckerYellow-bellied SapsuckerFemale (White Chin)


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Male (Forest County, PA) - The irregular rhythm of sapsucker drumming reminds a person of the beat of Morse Code. Yellow-bellied SapsuckerYellow-bellied SapsuckerMale (Red Chin)


Well, that's it for now.  I saw all that wildlife while in search of warblers.  During all those travels, I wonder what was hiding in the bushes that I didn't see.  Hmmm, I think I'll have to go back!

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Black-billed Cuckoo Black-crowned Night-Heron Bobolink Common Grackle Dunlin Eastern Towhee Greater Yellowlegs Green Heron Henslow's Sparrow Hermit Thrush Philadelphia Vireo Raccoon Red Squirrel Red-headed Woodpecker Red-winged Blackbird Rose-breasted Grosbeak Ruddy Turnstone Scarlet Tanager Tree Swallow Warbling Vireo White-tailed Deer Yellow-bellied Sapsucker https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/the-enjoyment-of-may-and-june-wildlife Thu, 15 Jun 2017 23:14:16 GMT
Golden-winged Warbler: A Golden Opportunity https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/golden-winged-warbler-a-golden-opportunity The Golden-winged Warbler is a gorgeous species of wood warbler.  Its rarity and threatened existence makes it a great find for birders and wildlife photographers.  I had a wonderful and extremely fortunate opportunity to photograph Golden-winged Warblers on two occasions this spring.  I hope you enjoy these photographs because it is a bird you may never see unless you are in the correct habitat and are specifically looking for it.

The Golden-winged Warbler is a slivery-gray bird with a golden crown and wing accents.  Males have a bold black-and-white face pattern.  Females are similar but lack the black face and bib.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale

Blue-winged WarblerBlue-winged WarblerMale


Once common in the northeast, the Golden-winged has been declining recently in southern parts of its breeding range. As it disappears, its close relative the Blue-winged Warbler has been advancing north. It is not completely understood why the Blue-winged is driving the Golden-winged out of the best habitats.

Hybridization is another element in the sharp decline of Golden-winged Warblers.  The Blue-winged Warbler is a much more aggressive and dominant bird.  These two species are known to hybridize where they share breeding grounds.  Their hybrid offspring are known as a “Brewster’s” Warbler and “Lawrence’s” Warbler.  Sorry, I don’t have photos of a hybrid to share.  However, here is a brief description of the two hybrids as explained on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website. “These can be variable, but “Brewster’s” Warbler is mostly gray and white with a yellow forehead, like a Golden-winged Warbler, but has a black line through the eye instead of the stronger face pattern of the Golden-winged. “Lawrence’s” Warbler has yellow overall, like a Blue-winged, but shows the Golden-winged Warbler’s black mask and throat patch.”

Back to the Golden-winged Warbler. 

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


This beautiful species breed in dense, tangled, shrubby habitats such as regenerating clearcuts, wet thickets, and tamarack bogs.  Tamarack is a very cold tolerant evergreen also known as Hackmatack, Eastern Larch, Black Larch, Red Larch, American Larch, or Juniper. Wildfires, flooding from beaver dams, and tornado destruction are a few ways shrubby openings amid a forested landscape are created.  Once their young have fledged, they move into nearby woodlands. Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


In the early 20th century, habitat for the Golden-winged Warbler was common when settlers cleared land for homes and farming.  Many of those areas have grown back into forests.  Wildfires and beaver dams are more controlled these days preventing natural habitat to be formed.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


With about half of the global Golden-winged Warbler population being in Minnesota, I realize how fortunate I am to have spent some time photographing them.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale




At only 5.1 inches long and weighing a mere 0.3 - 0.4 ounces, they make it all the way to open woodlands and shade-coffee plantations of mountainous Central and South America for the winter.


You can see in the range map to the left the Golden-winged Warbler is a long-distance migrant. With migration movement peaking in September, they travel south mainly through a corridor of states east of the Mississippi River and west of the Appalachians. Spring migration and their return north begins in April but they don't arrive in Pennsylvania until early May.


Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Golden-winged Warblers often hop along branches of brushy and shrubby areas, carefully checking each leaf for prey, even sometimes dangling off the edges of branches like a chickadee.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


So what are they searching for?  Food items they prefer are caterpillars, spiders, moths and other insects.  Leafroller caterpillars appear to be an important food source.   Golden-winged Warblers probe with their sharp bills into rolled-up leaves to find the hidden caterpillars.  They rarely catch insects while in flight.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Males sing a loud, very distinguishable, buzzy song from the tops of shrubs in spring and early summer.  Interestingly, hybrids do not sing their own songs.  Instead they sing either normal Blue-winged Warbler songs, Golden-winged Warbler songs, or both.  One thing I needed to be aware of when I was searching the correct habitat of Golden-winged Warblers was I couldn’t rely on song for a positive identification.  Sometimes, pure-looking parental types sing the "wrong" song.  The Golden-winged in the photo below was singing the correct song for his species.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Males are extremely vocal for 3 to 4 weeks at the start of their breeding season.  They will confront other males in their territory, sometimes actually fighting. Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Only after territories and mates are selected do they become secretive and quiet.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Are you interested in their nesting activity?  The female Golden-winged builds the nest, usually on the ground.  The nest is built at the base of a plant with a tall thick stem such as Golden Rod or Blackberry for support.  The base is made up of leaves and long strips of bark from a grapevine or arrowwood.  Nests are 3.5 to 6 inches across and 1 to 2.5 inches deep.  The female is very sensitive.  If disturbed, they are known to abandon their nest even after the first eggs have been laid. They will also try to trick predators.  As a decoy, they will carry food to places other than their nest.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


The Audubon Society has a climate model that projects a shift of their breeding range completely out of their current breeding range by 2080.  The summer range is expected to more than double thankfully to efforts of creating second-growth habitats.  Since it doesn’t take long for the habitat to become established, there is hope that the Golden-winged Warbler will move with the climate space.  There is more good news amongst all the sad news of their declining population. 

Cornell Lab and their partners in the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group have a conservation plan to stop their decline and continue to grow the population by 50% by the year 2050. Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


These warblers will be around throughout my lifetime but I sure hope, with preservation efforts in place, children of today and all future generations will be able to enjoy these birds too.

Here is another example displaying their habits of hanging upside down from the end of tree limbs.  This time he is singing his song.

Golden-winged WarblerGolden-winged WarblerMale


Research for this photo blog included Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society, Birds of Pennsylvania, and Stokes Field Guide to Warblers.  Photography equipment used was a Canon EOS-1DX MK II and a Canon EF 600mm f/4L II USM Lens.  In some photos I may have also used a Canon Extender EF 1.4X III rendering a f/5.6, 840mm focal length.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Golden-winged Warbler https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/6/golden-winged-warbler-a-golden-opportunity Sun, 04 Jun 2017 23:39:37 GMT
A Brief Lake Erie Shore Morning https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/a-brief-erie-shore-morning In the second half of April, the Lake Erie shoreline in Conneaut, Ohio had a special visitor called an American White Pelican.  I wanted to make the 2.5 hour trip several times but timing never worked out for me.  Finally I had a free morning and with a sighting within the previous 24 hours, I was pretty hopeful that I was going to come home with American White Pelican photographs.

It wasn’t meant to be.  While waiting for a pelican sighting, I had several other species of birds to photograph so the day was not lost.

Upon arriving to the shore, I noticed this juvenile Bald Eagle walking along the beach in an area where dead fish wash up on the sand. Bald EagleBald EagleJuvenile


I’ve photographed Caspian Tern many times at Conneaut but this day was going to be special.  There was a flock of probably 200 Caspian Tern.  Well, let’s face it, 150 tern and 350 tern look pretty much the same when they are flying around.  Let’s just say there were a lot.  I held the shutter button down when several of them took off at one time. Caspian TernCaspian Tern


If I was looking for a quiet, soothing day at the shore, I was badly mistaken.  The Caspian Tern wanted to vocalize.  Usually, many at once. Caspian TernCaspian Tern


There was a lot more than raspy squawking going on.  These two were preparing to mate right in front of all the other terns. Caspian TernCaspian Tern


You would think the previous photo would make the other tern jealous.  Seems like flying by with a fish in your mouth causes more excitement. Caspian TernCaspian Tern


Because I don’t get to see many species of tern, I still need to look some up to confirm identification.  I almost dismissed this smaller tern that was there in very few numbers.  There were about three Forster’s Tern mixed in with the Caspian Tern.  While the northeastern United States is in the migration path of the Caspian Tern, range maps show the Forster’s Tern is not. Forster's TernForster's Tern


I mentioned earlier that a fish causes quite a ruckus when it’s being paraded around the flock in the mouth of a Caspian Tern. Caspian TernCaspian Tern


It was fun to watch how the other tern reacted when the “owner of the fish” came close by.  Some vocalized while others tried to steal the food. Caspian TernCaspian Tern

Caspian TernCaspian Tern

Caspian TernCaspian Tern


Once I saw the Forster’s Tern in flight, I knew I had something special.  I’ll be honest, I still didn’t know what it was.  I wish I would have spent more time photographing this rare find but the next few images are the last ones I got before it flew to another part of the beach and I ran out of time.

Now I know the forked tail is the major identifying mark of a Forster's Tern. Forster's TernForster's Tern

Forster's TernForster's Tern

Forster's TernForster's Tern


One of my last sights before leaving the beach that morning was an immature Ring-billed Gull catching a fish.  Well, that’s not really a big deal.  It was interesting because the fish was too big for the gull to lift off.  Using its wings, it swam about 30 yards to the shoreline in front of me stopping and covering its prey every time another bird flew past. Ring-billed GullRing-billed GullImmature


Double-crested Cormorants are a skittish bird.  I spotted this lone cormorant on a large pond near the harbor so I stopped for a few photos. Double-crested CormorantDouble-crested Cormorant

Double-crested CormorantDouble-crested Cormorant


That ended my morning watching for the American White Pelican.  Maybe next time I’ll react a little quicker when another one migrates off-track and visits a near-by shore.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Bald Eagle Caspian Tern Double-crested Cormorant Forster's Tern Ring-billed Gull https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/a-brief-erie-shore-morning Tue, 30 May 2017 22:11:06 GMT
Bald Eagle Eaglet: Two Weeks Later https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/bald-eagle-eaglet-two-weeks-later The Bald Eagle nesting season is almost over in western Pennsylvania.  I thought this is a good time to reflect on two separate visits I made to an Ohio nest about 65 miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

This nest is very unique because the nest tree is situated on a hillside below the road giving birders and photographers a short 70 yard view into the bole of the nest.

On my first visit the single eaglet was a mere two weeks old. Bald EagleBald EagleFemale and Eaglet


While one adult was away from the nest most of the time, the mate was usually on the nest or perched nearby.  Here is a rare occurrence when the eaglet was alone and gave its wings a stretch. Bald EagleBald EagleEaglet


Below is the male sitting on the nest with the eaglet. Normally, you can identify the female because she is larger than the male.  that is true but this female also has a darkening behind and around her eyes. You will see that in later photos. Bald EagleBald EagleMale and Eaglet


The quality of care a Bald Eagle provides for its young is impressive.  Here is “Dear Ol’ Dad” giving warmth to the inquisitive eaglet. Bald EagleBald EagleMale and Eaglet


I think the eaglet feels safe with its father. Bald EagleBald EagleMale and Eaglet

Bald EagleBald EagleMale and Eaglet


At this age, eaglets are fed quite often.  I imaging it’s because their little bellies can’t hold much food.  Dad was already on the nest when his mate arrived with a half eaten fish. Bald EagleBald EagleMale, Female (behind) and Eaglet down in nest


Shortly after mom arrives, the male leaves the nest.

Bald EagleBald EagleMale, Female and eaglet down in nest


It’s time for a feeding.

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale feeding Eaglet


That was the end of my first visit.  I planned a return soon to see how much the eaglet grew.

I did return to the nest site two weeks later when the eaglet was four weeks old.  Look at the difference in size in a short two weeks.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Even though it was much larger, it is still dependent on an adult to tear apart the food.  The next photo is mom feeding the eaglet.

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale and Eaglet


After feeding, the adult fluffs up the grasses in the bole and lays down on top of the eaglet usually causing the eaglet to rest and maybe go to sleep.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


Sometimes the eaglet may take a nap and sometimes it stays alert.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


It is comical watching the eaglet maneuver around the nest because it hasn’t grown into its feet yet.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


It will be quite some time until these wings are large enough and strong enough to take it soaring into the sky.

Bald EagleBald Eagle


At this age, it seemed like a change of guardian occurred every 2 hours. Bald EagleBald EagleFemale and Male in nest.


Here is mom and eaglet sitting on the nest.

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale and Eaglet


I imagine it can get boring waiting for the eaglet to grow up and fledge the nest. 

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale and Eaglet


After a nap, it’s feeding time.

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale and Eaglet


When the eaglet was two weeks old, I decided to shoot video of the eaglet being fed.  As I was adding a 2X extender to my 600mm prime lens, they finished feeding.  As I began the video, I captured the “after feeding” activity of the parent showing how they prepare the bole for nap time. The second part of this video was recorded two weeks later when the eaglet was four weeks old.  This time I did capture the eaglet being fed.

Click the link below to start the video.  It may take 10 seconds or so to buffer so please be patient after you press start. Bald Eagle


Now that the eaglet is getting larger, it gets a little more alone time on the nest.  Below is a photo of the female leaving the nest in route to a nearby branch.

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale


She spent nearly 45 minutes alone on the branch. 

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale


As her mate approached the nest, she left her perch to explore the surrounding countryside.

Bald EagleBald EagleFemale


It was dad’s turn to babysit.

Bald EagleBald EagleMale and Eaglet


I’ll wrap up this photo blog with a portrait of the eaglet with its father.

Bald EagleBald EagleMale and Eaglet


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Bald Eagle https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/bald-eagle-eaglet-two-weeks-later Thu, 18 May 2017 23:00:05 GMT
Great Horned Owl: One of Pennsylvania's Earliest Nesters https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/great-horned-owl-earliest-nesters

The Great Horned Owl is one of the most common owls in North America and just about any other semi-open habitat between the Arctic and the tropics.  In Pennsylvania, they are one of the first birds to begin laying eggs in the new year.

This year, I had the opportunity to watch two nests of Great Horned Owls.  One was in Butler County, Pennsylvania and the other at Presque Isle State Park in Erie, Pennsylvania.  I was able to visit the Butler County nest frequently but I only made two trips to Erie.  During the two times I was there, I logged about 14 hours in front of the nest.

Below is a photo of the hen owl incubating eggs on February 11th at Presque Isle. Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


Great Horned Owls typically nest in tall trees such as cottonwood, juniper, beech, pine, and others.  Unlike other birds, who painstakingly carry branches and twigs to build a nest, the Great Horned Owl usually adopts a nest that was built by another species.  They also use cavities in live trees, dead snags, deserted buildings, cliff ledges, and human-made platforms.

At the Butler County nest on February 20th, the hen appears to be incubating.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


Because they reuse old nests, they often consist of sticks and vary widely in size.  The size depends on what species originally built the nest.  Some nests they have been known to occupy were from hawks, crows, ravens, herons, and squirrels.  Great Horned Owls do "make the nest their own" by lining it with materials such as shreds of bark, leaves, downy feathers plucked from their own breast, fur or feathers from prey, and trampled pellets.

Hen on the Butler County nest on February 24th. 

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


Speaking of adopting the nests of other birds, I witnessed a very obvious example of that in April, 2013.  While visiting a local Heron Rookery I noticed a strange formation in one of the nests.  After a closer look, I realized it was two Great Horned Owl nestlings.  Since the owl picks their nest much earlier than the heron, they were mixed into the colony.  Talk about keeping your enemies close. Great Horned Owl Nestlings & Great Blue HeronGreat Horned Owl Nestlings & Great Blue HeronThe Great Horned Owl nests mostly in stick nests from other birds. These Owletes are in the middle of a Great Blue Heron rookery.


The Great Horned Owl is a powerful predator that can take down birds and mammals larger than itself but they also attack smaller targets such as mice and frogs. 


On this March 12th visit, I got my first glimpse of the owlet as it was getting attention from the hen.  The remaining images are from Butler County until I note a change.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


The warm sunlight of March 12th was comforting for the sleepy hen.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


As the evening of March 13th was upon us, the sun disappeared and the hen became more active.  She was beginning to make short flights away from the nest.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


I stayed at the nest all evening on March 16th with hopes of seeing the growing baby.  It showed itself but I had to reposition myself to get a good view.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


The location of this nest was positioned in good photography sunlight only about one hour in the evening.  Otherwise, it came from undesirable directions causing shadows.  I returned on March 22nd in hopes to find the owlet covered in sunlight.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


This photo was on March 25th minutes after the hen fed the baby.  You can see a little piece of meat still stuck on her beak.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


After changing position once again, I got a great family portrait on March 25th.  I use the word "family" loosely because the father isn't in the photo.  I assure you he was a provider but I never saw him.  In the early evening he would call to the hen from deep in the woods.  She always responded but I never saw him.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


As the owlet grew the hen was seldom in the nest.  However, she didn't perch nearby either.  The previous photo was the last time I saw the hen.  The next photo was made on March 27th.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


Since these "used" nests deteriorate over the course of the breeding season and are usually not reused in later years, I look forward to next February to see if anything occupies this nest.

The lone owlet fledged within days after this April 5th photo.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlButler County, PA


Here is a short video compilation of the Butler County owl nest from February to late in the nesting season.

Great Horned Owl Nesting


Back to the nest in Erie, PA.  This nest is in the top of a dead tree stump.  The stump is about 20 feet tall and has been reused year after year.  I don't know its history but I know it's been at least three years that I've known about the nest.

The remaining photos were made on my last trip to Presque Ilse on April 14th.

This nest is in a location that provides an opportunity for anyone to witness the growth of Great Horned Owl nestlings.  Situated a short distance from a paved bike path it is easily wheelchair accessible.  The owls don't seem to mind and people respect the wildlife by keeping their distance.  Actually, you are not allowed to exit the path and "Big Brother" is watching.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


Speaking for myself, during the longs stays at the nest I am hoping for one thing.  I want to photograph interaction between the owlets or between a parent and the owlets.  That's it!  If I only wanted a portrait like the one above, I would be in and out in 30 minutes. 

It looks like the photographers and other onlookers might be a little boring for the owlets.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


The hen is usually found perching in a dense grove of Hemlock trees near the nest.  On this evening she came out and flew to a few different perches.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


From what I've heard, the hen is around the nest more than the male owl.  However, we were greeted by both on this day.  Below is the male perched at the opposite edge of the woods line.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


The growing owlets are comical and fun to watch.  I didn't shoot any video at this nest because there are too many people talking and I prefer to have a little seclusion for video.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


The sun had already set when the hen finally came to the nest.  The family didn't strike an award winning pose on the nest but I finally had the opportunity to see the hen with the owlets.  

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


As the skies darkened, I managed one more photo while the hen was feeding in the corner of the nest.

Great-horned OwlGreat-horned OwlPresque Isle in Erie, PA


Both of these owlets fledged the nest within the first 5 days of May ending a successful breeding season once again.

Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Great Horned Owl https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/great-horned-owl-earliest-nesters Mon, 15 May 2017 01:21:38 GMT
Spring Wildlife of Pennsylvania https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/spring-wildlife-of-pennsylvania Each year during April and May I don't get enough sleep, I don't do as much around the yard, and I do a lot of traveling.  Why? It's because spring is here and wildlife photo opportunities are abundant. 

Most of my blogs have a theme or a story to tell but occasionally I just want to share some photos that shouldn't be missed.  I want to use this blog entry to share a variety of April and May wildlife photos.

This Eastern Gray Squirrel was peering at me from the safety of a tall walnut tree.

Eastern Gray SquirrelEastern Gray Squirrel


This was the first Eastern Towhee I saw this spring.  He was singing a lot.

Eastern TowheeEastern TowheeMale


We do have Common Loon in our surrounding lakes during the spring migration.

Common LoonCommon Loon


Common Loon are difficult to photograph without a blind.  If you get too close they dive underwater.  With the ability to stay under water over a minute in normal conditions, who knows how far away it will be when it surfaces. Common LoonCommon Loon


The Red-winged Blackbird is the harbinger of spring in western Pennsylvania.  Sounding off while displaying their "coat of arms" is a common springtime occurrence.

Red-winged BlackbirdRed-winged Blackbird


The Tree Swallow is commonly seen flying swiftly a couple feet above the water's surface searching for insects.  It's nice when they can be found sitting on a nice perch.

Tree SwallowTree Swallow


I love the colors of a Blue-winged Teal in flight.

Blue-winged TealBlue-winged TealDrake


I had several male Blue-winged Teal swimming around me on this day.

Blue-winged TealBlue-winged TealDrake


I had fun trying to capture them in flight.

Blue-winged TealBlue-winged TealDrake


The Northern Shoveler has a long, spoon-shaped bill which has comblike projections along its edges to filter out food from the water.

Northern ShovelerNorthern Shoveler


I have to admit that identifying sandpipers and sparrows is not my best skill.  This next photo is of a Pectoral Sandpiper.  It was the first time I ever photographed one so, in birder's terms, I got another "lifer".

Pectoral SandpiperPectoral Sandpiper


One identification mark of the Greater Yellowlegs is its long, upturned bill.

Greater YellowlegsGreater Yellowlegs


It hasn't been long since this guy dropped his antlers.  Before long, they will begin to grow again.

White-tailed DeerWhite-tailed DeerYoung Buck


I photographed this female House Sparrow in my backyard Redbud tree.  It adopted one of my bluebird nesting boxes.

House SparrowHouse SparrowFemale


Blue Jay in a Redbud tree.  I love the contrast of colors. Blue JayBlue Jay


I know of a Red Fox den but during the infrequent times I could get there, I was only treated with a visit by the vixen.

Red FoxRed FoxVixen


She laid in her spot for about 20 minutes before getting up and probably wondering why I'm still here.

Red FoxRed FoxVixen


After moving further back into the dense brush, she sat, gazing into the distance.

Red FoxRed FoxVixen


The Blue-gray Gnatcatcher is a beautiful springtime songbird returning to nest in Pennsylvania.

Blue-gray GnatcatcherBlue-gray Gnatcatcher


Carolina Wren, one of the first birds I hear chirping before the sun comes up.

Carolina WrenCarolina Wren


I love the sweet song of an Eastern Meadowlark.  This was a special treat finding several in a field of Dandelion.

Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark


Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark


They are tough to capture in flight.

Eastern MeadowlarkEastern Meadowlark


The Northern Mockingbird is one of the best mimics in Pennsylvania.

Northern MockingbirdNorthern Mockingbird


This female Northern Flicker came by for a visit.  A male looks similar but he has a black Mustache under the eyes.

Northern FlickerNorthern FlickerFemale


American Goldfinch takes a break to sing. American GoldfinchAmerican Goldfinch


The secretive Virginia Rail usually stays hidden in dense vegetation of freshwater marshes. Virginia RailVirginia Rail


In order to flee predators, the Virginia Rail can swim under water, propelling itself with its wings. Virginia RailVirginia Rail


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Goldfinch Blue Jay Blue-winged Teal Carolina Wren Common Loon Eastern Meadowlark Eastern Towhee Glue-gray Gnatcatcher Gray Squirrel Greater Yellowlegs House Sparrow Northern Flicker Northern Mockingbird Northern Shoveler Pectoral Sandpiper Red Fox Red-winged Blackbird Tree Sparrow Virginia Rail White-tailed Deer https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/5/spring-wildlife-of-pennsylvania Tue, 09 May 2017 23:57:12 GMT
A Morning in the Marsh https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/4/a-morning-in-the-marsh It’s tough to get up at 6 AM Monday through Friday to go to work after getting to bed close to the midnight hour the night before.  By the weekend, your butt is dragging and the thought of sleeping in Saturday morning until 7 or 8 o’clock is really nice.  It doesn’t work that way if you like to photograph wildlife.

On Saturday, April 8th, my alarm sounded at 5 AM to signal the start of my day.  With sleepy eyes, I stumbled into the shower to help regain consciousness.  Once the numbness went away, I remembered why I was torturing myself like that.

Torture is a strong word to describe waking up early to set up in a photo blind along a marsh soon to be visited by various species of waterfowl.  It is amazing to have the likes of Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Bufflehead, Ring-necked Duck and other species swim within 20 feet of your lens while being unaware that you are there.

This photo blog documents one morning in April in a photo blind, at a marsh in Butler County, Pennsylvania.

I met up with my friend Jake Dingel before sunrise that Saturday morning and we entered the woods on our way to a marsh that is adjacent to a large pond.  Once we were set up in our separate photo blinds, we waited.  There were Canada Geese present on the pond already but it was too dark to get a quality photograph.  Besides, once they calmed down after our rude interruption, they floated around as though we were no longer there. 

Then the sun began to rise.

Canada GooseCanada Goose


Not long after we set up, waterfowl sightings began to increase.  In a darker section of the pond was a diving and resurfacing Pied-billed Grebe.

Pied-billed GrebePied-billed Grebe


After a short sit, the sun rose and lit up the pond in front of us.  Jake set up his blind on one side of the pond and keeping the sun behind me, I set up mine about 40 yards away.  Last years’ cattails separated our views of the water.

There were a few Ring-necked Ducks in the distance but they suddenly disappeared.  Then the Canada Geese became very vocal.  I received a text from Jake telling me to look in the big tree to the right of the pond.  This was the reason for the commotion. Bald EagleBald Eagle


There was about 15 minutes of quiet time until the Bald Eagle finally flew off.  With its nest being within ¼ mile from the pond, I could see it in the distance throughout the morning. 

With the eagle gone, activity began to pick up.  This Ring-necked Duck pair were diving for food and eventually came near me.  Notice the water on the head and bill of the female as she resurfaced.  The waxy layer of a duck’s feathers causes a connection between her and the water surface as the rest rolled off like “water marbles”.

Ring-necked DuckRing-necked DuckDrake & Hen


I had a brief few seconds as both drake and hen were on the surface together.

Ring-necked DuckRing-necked DuckDrake & Hen


The first Wood Ducks of the morning came into view across the pond.  After staying in a far section of the water, they swam close to a nesting box.  The female flew up to investigate.

Wood DuckWood DuckDrake & Hen


Over the course of the morning we saw several Wood Ducks.  They would fly in, swim around the pond, and fly out.  At one point a lone female Wood Duck landed on a stump in the water.

Wood DuckWood DuckHen


Thanks to long, strong claws, the Wood Duck is one of the few species that can perch on branches. They are the only duck native to the United States and Canada to have that ability.

Wood DuckWood DuckDrake & Hen


Most Wood Ducks were swimming in pairs or small rafts and occasionally, a male would go off by himself.

Wood DuckWood DuckDrake


Drake and hen Wood Ducks surrounded by emerging Spatterdock leaves.

Wood DuckWood DuckDrake & Hen


This small Canada Goose was getting chased around the pond all morning by mating pairs of geese.

Canada GooseCanada Goose


Finally, one of two pairs of Hooded Mergansers began to come our way.  They spent most of the morning completely across the pond.

Hooded MerganserHooded MerganserHen & Drake


By this time, there were several Wood Ducks spread across the pond.

Wood DuckWood DuckDrake


This is one happy fellow!

Wood DuckWood DuckDrake & two Hens


We had two female Buffleheads diving under the water all morning but there wasn't a male in sight.



As the elusive Hooded Mergansers came closer, I had plenty of opportunity for portraits.

Hooded MerganserHooded MerganserHen


Hooded MerganserHooded MerganserHen


Sometimes, the Hooded Mergansers would swim to my right heading toward Jake’s blind.  Since cattails blocked his view, I’d text him to let him know they are coming and as soon as I pressed “send”, they would turn around and continue to entertain me.  At one point Jake texted me to say, “You must have minnows in your pocket?”

Hooded MerganserHooded MerganserDrake


Hooded MerganserHooded MerganserDrake


Hooded MerganserHooded MerganserDrake


This little female Wood Duck landed very close to my blind.  She spun around quickly and watched my blind for about 10 seconds before taking off.  This photo was made as she began to open her wings to take flight.

Wood DuckWood DuckHen


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) Bald Eagle Bufflehead Canada Goose Hooded Merganser Pied-billed Grebe Wood Duck https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/4/a-morning-in-the-marsh Sat, 29 Apr 2017 20:04:55 GMT
Sky Dancing Ritual of the American Woodcock https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/4/sky-dancing-ritual-of-the-american-woodcock The American Woodcock, also known as the timberdoodle, Labrador twister, night partridge, and bog sucker, are a superbly camouflaged bird against the leaf litter of the forest floor.  While its subdued plumage and low-profile behavior make it hard to find, springtime is an exception.

WoodcockWoodcockPhotographed at night during mating ritual


A male woodcock’s evening display flights are one of the magical natural sights of springtime in the east.  Males sound off a buzzy peent call from a display area on the ground.  Then he flies upward in a wide spiral and his wings begin to twitter as he gets higher.  At a height of 200–350 feet the twittering becomes intermittent, and the bird starts to descend. He zigzags down in a steep dive back to the ground, chirping as he goes, landing silently near a female, if one is present.  Once on the ground, he resumes peenting and the display starts over again.

WoodcockWoodcockPhotographed at night during mating ritual


One evening in late March, my friend Jake Dingel and I set out to find the American Woodcock performing their mating display.  We were successful and made plans to return with our photography equipment within a couple days.  We returned two days later, joined by my wife Elena.  Since it is dark outside when the performance begins, a flashlight is needed to illuminate the bird so the camera is able to focus.  Elena did a great job locating and tracking the bird so we could photograph him.

After finding a lone male, we witnessed several performances over the next hour.  We were able to get a few photographs and video but unable to include flying shots.  Even in the daylight their fast flights would be difficult to capture so nighttime made it nearly impossible.  WoodcockWoodcockPhotographed at night during mating ritual


This video contains footage of the American Woodcock’s peent calls performed on the ground during their mating ritual activity.  Listen carefully to the sounds of a springtime American Woodcock.

American Woodcock


Thanks for looking,


[email protected] (Dan Gomola Wildlife Photography) American Woodcock https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/4/sky-dancing-ritual-of-the-american-woodcock Mon, 24 Apr 2017 00:49:21 GMT
2017 Spring Waterfowl Migration In Full Swing https://www.dangomola.com/blog/2017/4/2017-spring-waterfowl-migration-begins I have written several blogs in the past sharing my spring waterfowl migration photos.  For them, I’ve researched various facts to share with the accompanied photos.  This photo blog entry is going to be a little different.  Since these are all subjects I have writte